
The Chaser: Tale of Ninetailed

If usually a gumiho-a Nine-Tailed Fox-likes the heart of a human, but not with this one gumiho named Lee Myeong. The Gumiho in the form of a beautiful woman preferred the heart of a young girl. Behind her fondness that loves the heart of the girls, tucked a story that makes it become like that. A painful story for her to finally bring himself into a terrible destiny. Hwang Ian Is the biological son of the gumiho woman, but Lee Myeong introduced the child as his younger brother. Ian is currently studying in the 6th semester at one of the private universities in Seoul. The 23-year-old had a dark past because of his own mother, and he had a pact with her that he made in the past. In addition, Ian apparently has a task related to the fate of the mother, a task that should have been carried out hundreds of years ago. What is the story of Lee Myeong and Ian? What are Ian's duties related to the fate of the mother? Will Ian be able to do the job?

nhiefeliana · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
43 Chs

24 Barely

June 14, 2021

Younggu Apartement

Su Bin continued to cast a sharp glance at Ian, who stood beside him; his gaze then shifted to Soo Young, who stood in front of him. There was a sense of suspicion that Su Bin felt when he saw Ian and Soo Young together earlier. She reasoned that maybe Ian likes Soo Young too. Su Bin recalls the incident some time ago when Ian suddenly just left when Soo Young came.

"We were just passing by," Ian said in a whisper. He could feel the look his best friend gave him.

"But you don't live here, so why are you here?" Su Bin asks in hushed tones.

Soo Young can actually hear the conversation of the two young men behind her. She could only shake her head slowly. Su Bin already sounded like a policeman interrogating a suspect.

The elevator door opened on the third floor. Without saying a word, Soo Young chooses to come out first and is followed by Su Bin and Ian. She walked a little faster to get away from the two friends. But her pace was still not fast because Su Bin managed to match it.

"Soo Young, you can come with us. Ian brought the car," Su Bin said.

She could tell from the young man Wang's tone that Ian had a good reason for the above incident. "No thanks, I can take the bus from here," Soo Young declines, a smile adorning her face.

"It's okay, just come along."Su Bin finally grabbed Soo Young's arm and took her to where Ian's car was parked.


Baekyeon University

Shin Yoo Eun shook her head at how eagerly Yoon Hee ate the mozzarella corndog with the sausage she ordered. Before this, Yoon Hee had already finished her lunch in the form of rice with some side dishes. Her best friend is very fond of eating, but strangely, she never gained any weight. Eating a little weight increases in comparison to herself.

"Yoon Hee, are you going to hibernate after this?" Yoo Eun inquired abruptly.

Hearing Yoo Eun's question, which sounded like a mockery to her, Yoon Hee looked at her best friend resentfully. "You mean I'm a bear?"

"No. It's just that you've been eating a lot. Before you ate rice, and then you ate three packs of bread. What will you eat after this?"

Yoon Hee muttered for a long time, thinking about what she should eat after this. A smile then fell on his face. A meaningful smile.

"Ice cream looks good," Yoon Hee says with a smile on her face. "Do you want ice cream?"

"No thanks," Yoo Eun replied.

"All right." Yoon Hee opened the bag she kept on the table. With one hand, she opened the bag and took out the sky blue wallet. "I'll buy ice cream first," she said as she stood up.

Yoo Eun is flabbergasted because it turns out that her best friend is actually going to buy ice cream. Despite the fact that the corndog in the woman's hands still left a lot,

"Take care of my bag for a while," said Yoon Hee, who then stepped into the mini market owned by the campus.

Yoon Hee walks while enjoying the corndog in her hand and while watching the students relax in the park. Not paying much attention to the road in front of her, she accidentally collided with someone. Because of the accident, the corndog in her hand came loose and fell. Before falling, the food that was only half left had dirty clothes from the person who collided with it. Incidentally, there is still tomato sauce and mayonnaise left on the food.

Yoon Hee notices that she can't eat his corndog anymore. She forgot to apologize to the person in front of her.


The sound of the woman's voice made Yoon Hee wake up from her daydream. She looked ahead, right at the face of the person who collided with her.

"Shouldn't you apologize?" the woman asked in a tone that sounded unfriendly. "Because of you, the clothes got stained!"

Yoon Hee's eyes, which had only been watching the face of the person in front of her, began to focus on the person's clothes. She was surprised when she saw that there were stains of sauce and mayonnaise on the man's shirt.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry." Yoon Hee was about to clean the stain with her bare hands, but her hands were brushed aside by that person a little harshly.

"No need. I can clean it up myself," said the man, who then just walked past Yoon Hee.

Yoon Hee is irritated after receiving such treatment. She turned around and looked at two people who were still not far from her. "Sucks!" she grumbled while raising one hand, as if about to throw something at them.


Yoo Ri shakes her head when she sees Ian's clothes are now a little wet and there are orange stains due to exposure to sauce some time ago. The short-shouldered woman then looked at Ian, who didn't seem to care too much about his own clothes.

"You're not wearing a jacket?" asked Yoo Ri, who answered with a shake of his friend's head. "Would you like to borrow my jacket?"

Ian immediately looks at Yoo Ri coldly as she offers to lend him her jacket. "Are you crazy? You told me to wear a girl's jacket? Where will I put my face later, Kim Yoo Ri?"

Yoo Ri chuckles at Ian's answer, which sounds funny to her ears. "Why is my best friend so adorable?" She pinched Ian on both cheeks because he thought her best friend was adorable today.

"Let go," Ian pleaded.

"I don't want to. You're adorable, Hwang Ian."

Ian finally resigned to having his cheek pinched—no, this cheek is more like being pulled by Yoo Ri. Today there are two women who say they are adorable.

"Hwang Ian."

The call from a man's voice made Ian turn his eyes away, as well as make Yoo Ri stop tugging at the young man's cheek. Ian's face instantly became unfriendly when he saw who was calling him: Lee Min Woo, his elder brother.

"What is it?" Ian inquired coldly if Min Woo was nearby.

"You've been looking for a book for Professor Kim's assignment?"

"Not yet," Ian replied, "but I'll see it later."

"Not later, but now. Hurry up and find the book." After that, Min Woo's order just left.

"He really sucks," Yoo Ri grumbled, annoyed by Min Woo's attitude.

"I'll go to the library first."