
The Chaotic Girls

"The Chaotic Girls" is an engaging tale about four diverse teenagers studying at a magical school. As they learn to control their unique powers, they form an inseparable bond. However, their magical journey takes a twist when they face imminent dangers. This narrative blends friendship, courage, and self-discovery with elements of magic and mystery, resulting in a riveting adventure that tests the girls' mettle and unity. Updates every Saturday

Queen_DBM · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Move In Day


"Are you sure you don't want us to accompany you?" Death inquired, his voice laced with concern.

"I can manage, really," Marvella assured them, her voice steady and comforting.

"But we could help you set up your dorm!" Lora interjected, concern mirrored in her voice.

"Mom, I'll be okay," Marvella replied, an undercurrent of reassurance in her tone.

"If you say so," Death conceded reluctantly. He was about to continue, "Remember, darling, the book of spells is of utmost importance, should it fall into the wrong hands..."

"I know, Dad," Marvella interrupted. "If someone who isn't a Chaos gets it, the world could be doomed. It's been passed down for generations."

Death let out a sigh. "You've grown up too fast!"

"Mar, we still want you to make friends and enjoy your school life, like we did when we were students there!" Lora encouraged.

"Mom, you know what happened the last time I made a friend. Once she didn't want to be friends anymore, things got complicated," Marvella reminded her.

"You were young then, Marvella. You couldn't control your powers. But they forgave you," Lora reasoned, trying to alleviate her anxiety.

"Even so, it happened! I struggle to make friends because of these powers," Marvella confessed, her frustration evident.

"We're here, Mr. Crimson," the driver announced, cutting their conversation short.

"Well, it seems it's time for me to leave," Marvella said, her voice laced with a hint of sadness.

"We're going to miss you," Death admitted, his voice thick with emotion.

"I'll miss you both too," Marvella replied, mirroring his sentiment.

"Promise to call us when you get there!" Lora implored.

"I promise, Mom," Marvella assured her. "I love both of you."

"We love you too," Death replied, as they watched their daughter leave, a sense of trepidation weighing heavily on their hearts, "I hope she finds her way there."

Marvella is an enigmatic figure whose beauty is as captivating as her mystique. Her Asian heritage is evident in her striking features, complemented by her unusually tanned skin. Marvella's jet-black hair and deep black eyes contribute to her dark and feminine aura, enhancing the sense of mystery that surrounds her.

Marvella is a woman of few words, preferring to communicate through her actions and expressions. Her quiet demeanor often gives people the impression of her being aloof, but those who know her understand that this is her way of keeping her troubled past at bay. Despite the challenges she has faced, Marvella has managed to maintain her grace and beauty, making her a figure of intrigue and admiration.

Her beauty, combined with her aura of mystery, draws people towards her, even as her quietness and dark energy put up a barrier that only a few can cross. Marvella is not just a beautiful woman; she is a complex character with layers that one needs to peel back slowly to fully understand.


"Today's the day! How are you feeling?" Mabel asked, her voice filled with anticipation.

"Well, technically it's moving in day, not the first day. But I'm excited, especially to see my boyfriend again," Darling replied, her voice bubbling with excitement.

"How come Darling gets to have a boyfriend and I don't? I want a boyfriend too!" Sunshine complained, a hint of envy in her voice.

"Sunshine, quiet down," Darling chided, rolling her eyes at her sister's theatrics.

"What about you, Terrance?" Mabel asked, shifting her attention to her nephew.

"Honestly, I'm ready," Terrance declared confidently. "I heard there are new students coming, so I'm looking forward to it."

"The castle will surely feel empty without you two," Mabel mused, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

"We're here," the driver announced, pulling up to the school entrance. "Time to say your goodbyes."

Sunshine reluctantly said her farewells, "Bye. I'm going to miss you both."

"Likewise, Sunny," Terrance replied, a small smile on his face.

"See you, Mom and Sunny. Love you," Darling added, her voice warm and loving.

"Bye Aunt Mabel!" Terrance added, waving as they stepped out of the car.

"Have a great time!" Mabel called out, her voice filled with hope and excitement for their journey ahead.

Darling: Darling is an African American woman with a caramel complexion that beautifully complements her brown hair, which is often enhanced with blonde highlights through extensions. She is always seen with makeup, her skills in applying it enhancing her natural beauty, though she remains stunningly beautiful even without it.

Darling embraces her femininity wholeheartedly. It is reflected in her fashion choices, which lean towards high femininity, and her constant preference for heels, which further accentuate her grace and poise. Her beauty is undeniable, a fact she is well aware of and not afraid to flaunt.

However, despite her physical allure, Darling's personality is a sharp contrast. She is known for her mean streak, a trait that tends to put people off. Her abrasive personality, often overshadowing her beauty, has resulted in an unfortunate reputation among her peers. But, in a strange way, this dichotomy makes her even more fascinating, a beautiful enigma wrapped in a package of high heels and sharp words.

Terrance is an African-American young man, his skin a warm shade of brown that mirrors the richness of the earth. His hair is black, cut short and neatly styled, giving him a polished and respectful appearance. His eyes, a deep and dreamy brown, often hold a far-off look, as though he's lost in his own thoughts. Terrance's demeanor is shy and slightly nervous, making him seem more reserved than he actually is. Despite his timid nature, he possesses a certain charm that draws others towards him, making him well-liked among his female friends. His kind-heartedness and gentle approach further endear him to those around him, making Terrance a cherished friend to all.

The Twins

"I can't believe we got accepted into The School of Libra!" Paris exclaimed, her voice filled with uncontainable excitement. "We've been dreaming about this since we were ten!"

"I know!" Pearl echoed her sister's enthusiasm. "I can't wait for us to move in!"

"Are we there yet?" Paris asked impatiently, bouncing with anticipation.

"We're almost there, Paris," Jack replied, his voice filled with pride. "I'm so proud of both of you."

"Thank you, Dad," the twins chorused in unison, their voices overlapping in harmony.

Paris is a lively and energetic young woman, her vivacity as captivating as her unique beauty. Her complexion is pale, providing a lovely contrast to her vibrant blue eyes that are full of life and sparkles with untamed energy. Paris' hair is a stunning mix of fiery red and warm brunette, a striking combination that perfectly complements her dynamic personality. She is a whirlwind of energy, always on the go, and her hyperactive nature is infectious. Whether it's a new adventure or a mundane task, Paris tackles everything with an enthusiastic spirit that inspires those around her. Her energy, coupled with her distinctive looks, makes Paris an unforgettable character who lights up any room she enters.

Pearl, Paris's twin sister, carries her own unique charm and energy. Though they share the same striking blue eyes, Pearl sets herself apart with her sun-kissed tan skin, slightly darker than Paris's pale complexion. Her hair, a golden blonde, is not natural but a choice that highlights her daring and adventurous personality. Pearl matches her sister's high energy but directs it into her passion for sports. She's an active participant in various athletic activities, her toned physique a testament to her dedication. Pearl embodies a more masculine energy, comfortable in her own skin, and her confidence is remarkably attractive. Despite having a twin sister, Pearl's distinct individuality makes her stand out. Pearl is popular among her peers, especially with the girls, who find her magnetic energy and unique style irresistible. Adding to her distinct look is a nose ring, a small accessory that makes a big statement. It reflects her daring, non-conformist personality, further setting her apart from the crowd. Pearl, with her unique style, athletic prowess, and lively spirit, is truly one-of-a-kind.

At the School

"Welcome to the esteemed Academy of Supernaturals and Combat!" Queen Mary, the principal, announced with a regal air. "Here, we excel in the education of Vampires, Witches, Spell Bookcasters, and Non-magical combat. As your principal and Queen, it is my pleasure to guide you on this journey."

At her words, Paris, a student, could barely contain her excitement. "I can't believe we're actually attending Queen Mary's school. It's such an honor!" she exclaimed.

Queen Mary continued, "Please take a moment to bid farewell to your loved ones. Afterwards, you'll find your guides in the hallways. They'll assist you with the Partner Assignment Test, which will determine your group for the next four years. Enjoy moving in, and make yourselves at home!"

"Well, it's not goodbye, but see you later," Pearl, Paris's twin sister, remarked with a twinge of melancholy. Their father, Jack, swelled with pride. "I'm so proud of both of you. Remember to call once you're settled in. I love you two dearly."

"We love you too, Dad," Paris responded, her voice choked with emotion. With that, Pearl and Paris stepped into the school, embarking on this new chapter of their lives. "They grow up so fast," Jack mused, a wistful smile playing on his lips.

Upon entering the school, a lady addressed the students, "Your guide can be found on the TV screen, listed next to your surname. Good luck, everyone!"

"Our guide appears to be Mr. Barton. Where could he be?" Pearl wondered aloud, scanning the throngs of people.

"He's right over there. How do you know? Well, his name tag literally says 'Mr. Barton'," Paris pointed out, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Oh, okay," Pearl said, feeling slightly embarrassed.

Approaching their guide, Paris introduced, "Mr. Barton? We are the Spellman Twins."

"Nice to meet you two! I'm here to show you around and guide you to your dorm," Mr. Barton greeted them warmly. He then led them on a tour around the school.

"And finally, your dorm!" Mr. Barton announced, opening the door to a surprisingly spacious room. "It's got to be large enough to accommodate all four of you."

"Four?" Pearl questioned, taken aback. "But it's just us two."

"You'll have other roommates who will join you after the partner test. But I've been instructed to place you two in the same group," Mr. Barton explained before bidding them farewell.

"At least we're in the same group!" Paris exclaimed, a note of relief in her voice.

"That's indeed a relief," Pearl conceded. "But, Paris, you should try to make other friends too. I can't be your only friend here."

"Why not? I'm happy with just you and Phil," Paris argued, referring to her first conjured plant.

"Paris, Phil is a plant you created when you were nine, and I'm your twin sister. You should branch out a little," Pearl advised. "Anyway, I'm heading to the food hall before we take the partner test. You should use this time to mingle and identify potential partners." She then left the dorm, leaving Paris alone.

Taking a deep breath, Paris stepped outside into a bustling scene. Students were everywhere, chatting and eating. They all seemed friendly enough, making the school feel less intimidating. However, as she turned around, she bumped into a girl, spilling the girl's coffee all over her dress.

"OMG!" the girl shrieked. "You've ruined my new dress! Do you know how much this cost?"

"I'm so sorry," Paris apologized, mortified. But before she could finish, the girl cut her off.

"It cost $1,000! You're definitely going to pay for this!" the girl threatened, drawing the attention of everyone around.

Just as Paris was growing more and more terrified, a girl with black hair and black eyes stepped in. "Darling, leave her alone. She didn't mean to do it. Even if she did, it serves you right for your attitude," the girl said, her voice calm yet authoritative.

Paris couldn't help but stare at the new girl; she was stunning. Her name was Marvella Crimson and she seemed to have a history with Darling. After a brief exchange, Darling stormed off, promising Paris that it wasn't over.

Feeling a mix of fear and relief, Paris tried to thank Marvella, but she had already gone. Shaking off the encounter, Paris made her way to the food hall to find Pearl.

"This food is delicious!" Pearl exclaimed, enjoying her meal.

"I know, right?" a girl seated next to her agreed, also relishing the food.

"I'm Pearl, by the way," Pearl introduced herself.

"Alexandra," the girl responded, extending her hand.

Alexandra: Alexandra is an African-American woman who radiates confidence and intelligence. Her hair is a striking shade of blonde, shaved close to her head in a bold and stylish statement that accentuates her strong, well-defined features. Her eyes are a deep black, sparkling with determination and a hint of defiance, revealing a formidable spirit. Alexandra is well-known for her fighting prowess, her swift and precise movements a testament to her skills. Her strength is not just physical; she also possesses a sharp mind and a quick wit, making her a formidable opponent in any situation. Alexandra's self-assured demeanor and fearlessness command respect, making her a force to be reckoned with.

"Do you have magic, or are you a human?" Pearl asked, curious about her new acquaintance.

"I'm magic. Let me guess, you're a human ?" Alexandra responded, an amused grin on her face.

"How did you know?" Pearl asked, surprised.

"Just a hunch," Alexandra shrugged, a playful glint in her eyes. "Am I right?"

"You're spot on. My sister, Paris, has magic, but I don't," Pearl explained. "Our father didn't have powers, whereas our mother did. Paris took after our mother, and I took after our father."

"Hey, Pearl!" Paris joined them, a relieved smile on her face.

"Paris, meet Alexandra," Pearl introduced, gesturing towards the girl. "Alexandra, this is my twin sister, Paris."

"It's nice to meet you, Paris," Alexandra greeted warmly.

"Wait, you guys are twins? You look nothing alike. Anyway, nice to meet you too, Paris," Alexandra said, looking between the two sisters.

The three of them chatted comfortably, with Paris recounting her earlier encounter with Darling. In the midst of their conversation, a boy approached their table.

"Terrance!" Alexandra exclaimed, her eyes lighting up.

"Oh, hey, Alexandra!" Terrance greeted, a slight blush tinting his cheeks.

"Guys, meet Terrance Vamplore, the best boy best friend one could have," Alexandra introduced, gesturing towards Terrance.

"Nice to meet you," Pearl said, extending her hand.

"Wait, Vamplore! Is your cousin that mean girl named Darling?" Paris asked, recognizing the surname.

"Unfortunately, yes. She's my cousin," Terrance confirmed, his expression apologetic.

"Don't worry, he's nothing like her. Terrance is the best!" Alexandra assured, giving Terrance an encouraging smile.

As they continued their conversation, Paris and Terrance found themselves drawn into a deep discussion, signalling the blossoming of a new friendship.

After a while, Alexandra and Terrance excused themselves, leaving the sisters alone. Paris found her gaze drifting back to Marvella, who was engrossed in a book in the corner.

"Who are you staring at?" Pearl asked, following Paris' gaze to Marvella. "Oh, that girl? She was there during your run-in with Darling."

"Yeah, that's her," Paris confirmed, her eyes still fixed on Marvella.

"Do you want to go over and talk to her? She's pretty," Pearl suggested, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"No! She looks engrossed in her book. Let's not disturb her," Paris protested, but it was too late. Pearl was already making her way towards Marvella.

"Hello! I'm Pearl and this is my twin sister, Paris. I believe you two met earlier!" Pearl announced, drawing Marvella's attention away from her book.

"Hi," Paris mumbled, a blush creeping up her cheeks.

Marvella looked at them in surprise. "You two are twins? You don't look alike at all."

"We get that a lot," Pearl replied, unfazed. "But you remember Paris, right? The girl who spilt coffee on Darling's outfit?"

"Yeah... That was my most embarrassing moment," Paris admitted, extending her hand towards Marvella. "Nice to meet you, Marvella."

Marvella returned to her book, leaving Paris' hand hanging. "Nice to meet you too," she responded, clearly expecting them to leave.

"You're quite the quiet type," Pearl observed, unfazed by Marvella's dismissive behavior.

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Darling. "And look who's here, the girl who ruined my dress!" Darling accused, glaring at Paris.

"Oh no, not again, please don't yell at me," Paris pleaded, panic creeping into her voice.

"I wouldn't be yelling if you hadn't ruined my outfit!" Darling retorted.

"Hey, leave my sister alone! What's your problem with her?" Pearl demanded, coming to Paris' defense.

"What's my problem with her? She ruined my outfit and her very existence is a nuisance!" Darling spat.

Their argument drew attention from the surrounding students. Wanting to diffuse the situation, Paris offered a solution. "Darling, I'm sorry about your dress. Can we just forget the past and become friends? We could even be best friends!"

"Let me guess, you want to paint each other's nails, have sleepovers, and talk about boys all night?" Darling responded sarcastically.

"Yes! We should do that!" Paris agreed enthusiastically, oblivious to Darling's sarcasm.

"No, I would never do that," Darling dismissed, rolling her eyes.

The argument was cut short by Queen Mary's announcement. "Everyone, proceed to the hill. We're going to conduct the test now!"

With a final glare, Darling stormed off, while Marvella slipped away quietly. "Good luck, sis," Pearl said, leaving Paris alone.

"I already have a bad feeling about this whole thing," Paris confessed, watching everyone leave.

Hope you enjoy!

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