
The change in Power in Westeros

Tyson was killed in a corner store robbery and was reborn into the Game of Thrones world with help to live. What will he do? Disclaimer- This is just a fanfic; I don't own game of thrones the show or books.

writingoutofbordem · TV
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12 Chs

Chapter 4

As Tyson observed the King sitting on his throne, with clean clothes and a groomed beard. 'Maybe saving him earlier than the original timeline could affect his mind a bit,' As he stands before the throne, with many lords among the crowd whispering to each other. "First, I would like to express my gratitude towards you; please tell us your name," the King said. "My name is Tyson, and no thanks are needed; I was just passing through," he said casually.

"Very well, may I ask where you are from, Tyson?" the king said, looking at me with intense interest. "I am from the North, well beyond the wall," I announced, and with that declaration, the Lord's whispers grew louder. The king raised his hand and silenced the room, "I see and have met with any Lords of the North; how did you acquire such abilities?"

"No, I have not; you are the first, along with Prince Rhaegar and Lord Tywin, I have spoken with, and I was born with these abilities," he said, hiding the fact that he had spoken with the queen. "I see, and what is the extent of your abilities" the king asked with a childlike look in his eyes. 

'Might as well lay it all out there' he thought, "Well, I am able to lift Castles, among other things, and punch through pretty much anything, I can fly and run from here to the wall in, a few minutes and some of you saw what I could do with my eyes already, and I am able to see through walls, clothes, pretty much anything really." He finished; he left out certain parts, but it's enough to paint the picture. 

"Some would say you are sent by the gods; would you demonstrate these gifts to appease the Lords?" Aery said with a chuckle, Tyson appeared in front of the massive Iron throne. Shocked faces appeared on everyone as the Kingsgaurd sprang into action, unsheathing their swords, as Tyson bent down and effortlessly picked up the throne with the king still sitting.

The king let out a shocked gasp as he was hoisted into the air. He looked down to see Rhaegar and Queen Rhaella's mouths drop in shock, and then he saw his hand, Lord Tywin, show disbelief at the display of strength. "Stand down, that is an order from your king," he yelled out. His king's guard looked to one another for a second, and Lord Commander Hightower yelled out, "The king has spoken; stand down." 

As Tyson gently put the throne back down, he observed his surroundings. The prince was looking at him in wonder, along with his mother. He looked right to see Lord Twin eyeing him like a shiny new Valyrian steel sword. The lords were more of the same; as he looked at the King's Guard, he saw nervousness and shock on their faces. He turned towards the King. "I would like to settle in the Seven Kingdoms; I already have a castle; I just need land to place it in; would you provide that for me?" he said.

He wanted land to call his own; he didn't really have any other plans for the future other than the deal he made with Rhaella. 

The King smiled with uncontained glee at the chance to have this unstoppable force in his kingdoms, and getting his loyalty to House Targaryen would ensure his reign remained uncontested and absolute power, and giving him land was a first step. "Of course, there are many lands for you to settle in perhaps we may discuss further through a feast to honor you," the king said. 

Tyson thought it was the perfect opportunity to converse with others and figure out future plans. "I'd be glad to attend, thank you." As the king ordered everyone to leave and prepare, Tyson left to roam the halls. 

Sorry for the lack of updating; I have been busy with exams. But let me know what you want to see in future chapters.

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