
The CEOs Wanted Assistants

As she makes a move to get up from the big man's lap, she hears a groan and the weight on her hips increases as he presses her further on his huge bulge. "You are such a fu**ing tease Jasmine." he groans lowly in her ear. Being employed by the richest man in the World was not Jasmines definitely, but now she has to work all day under his strong gaze, and the more he looks at her the more she gets a crush on him To him she was just a baby till one night when he stumbled in on her in a towel, and after that she became the one thing he wanted but he wasn't sure he could get Contract marriage

Crystally_Amber · Urbain
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45 Chs

Filling Ruby in

The twins had left after seeing that there was nothing they could do to convince their eldr brother. Before they left however they had invited Jasmine to dinner in a tone she knew she couldn't refuse.

She got off worked earlier than normal, her excuse was ; she had to pick up her little sister, but deep down she knew she did it with the sole aim of avoiding Tristan, she didn't want to find out what his thoughts on her resignation letter was. She was too heartbroken to pretend to be strong and she doubted she could pretend to be happy in front of her sister when she had tear stains on her face.