



While there is problem in the outside, Eve and Charlie are sitting in front of their television as they watched what happened at the press conference.

"Are you satisfied dear?" Charlie asked Eve.

"Yes, very very satisfied and I think you need a reward... Baby boy" Eve said teasing Charlie.

"What is my reward, little wifey?" Charlie said. What Eve was doing was already beginning to make him hard down there.

"It's a surprise, follow me and you will find out" Eve said and started going to their room while Charlie followed behind her like an obedient husband.

(I would leave you to imagine what was Eve's reward 😉🤭)


The next morning.......

Devan corporation.......

Eve and Charlie stepped into Devan corporation and the duo attracted the attention of the workers. Everyone looks at them murmuring.

"I heard she is the original owner of the company" first employee said.

"Really?" Second and third employee said.

"Yes, don't you read the news" first employee said.

"I do but I haven't lately" second employee said.

"Me too" third employee said nodding his head.

"Well you are missing a lot" first employee said.

"Really? Tell me! Tell me!" Third employee said.

"Well it is said that the Mr George is her uncle making Miss Adriana her cousin" first employee said.

"Wow! 😯" Second and third employee Exclamated.

"Yes and that is not even the most shocking news" first employee said.

"Then what is it! Stop talking in bits and keeping me in suspense!" Second employee said excited to hear the gossip.

"Okay! Okay! It is said that Mr George killed her parents, took the company away from her and even tried to kill her also probably to conceal the truth but it obvious the truth will always prevail" first employee said.

"What the hell! That is so dispicable! How can they be so heartless!" Second employee said.

"I don't know, greed maybe... Hmm" first employee said.

"What will to Miss Adriana now?" Third employee said curious.

"I don't know let us watch and see" first employee said.


Still in Devan corporation........

Adriana's office........

Adriana was trying to calm down when the door of her office is pushed open. She becomes furious of the interruption.

"Who is that that dared to disturb me!?...." Adriana shouted but on realizing the people that just walked into the office her words hung mid air.

"What are you doing here? Having you done enough damage to me and my family!" Adriana screamed on the top of her voice.

"Why are you shouting?" Eve said calmly without any atom of fear in her eyes.

"Get out of here!" Adriana said.

"Why would I? I am not done with what we came here to do" Eve said heading to sit down and is followed by Charlie and their lawyer.

Adriana begins to tremble with obvious fear written all over her but still summoned the courage and asked, "what did you come to do?" Her voice shaking.

Eve smirked and smiled, "I came to take what rightfully belongs to me" she said.

"Wh... what is yours?" Adriana asked scared.

"Everything of course; the mansion, the company and all my dad's assets your evil father stole from me!" Eve said coldly.

"My dad didn't steal anything from your dad! Everything is ours and my dad worked hard for it!" Adriana said.

"Really?" Eve raised an eyebrow, she knew this would happen so she brought along her father's lawyer. She faces her father's lawyer and told him "tell her".

"Yes this company originally belongs to Miss Eve but your uncle paid me off to conceal the will but after the recent happenings your father tried to kill me when I decided to not conceal the truth anymore but luckily I was saved by Miss Eve's husband, Mr Charles Powell" the lawyer said.

"That can't be true! That can't...." Adriana is loss of words as she collapses on her chair.

"And since I am the real CEO and owner of Devan corporation, I have decided you won't be needed in my company anymore so get out" Eve said non chalantly without pity.

"You can't just do that! You would need the permission of other shareholders in other to fire me from the position of vice president!" Adriana said smiling thinking she has won.

"Oh don't you worry dear, I have that and besides I don't exactly need to ask for their permission to throw you out of my company because I am the biggest shareholder with 50% shares" Eve said while she stressed the word 'my' in what she said.

"So do you want to leave on your own or you need help?" Eve said folding her hands.

"I won't leave no matter what!" Adriana shouted and sat on her ex-sit clutching onto the table tight.

"Guess you have made your decision.... Security!" Eve said. Security men came right in and pulled Adriana right of the sit she was sitting and dragged her out of the office.

"No...no you can't do this to me! I am your cousin!" Adriana tried to convince Eve to change her mind.

"Cousin? What a joke! A cousin that tried to kill her own cousin, as if not enough you tried to seduce your cousin's husband, tell me are you worthy to be called my cousin?" Eve asked. Adriana wasn't able to answer and Eve scoffed.

"I guess you can't answer that. I thought as much. Get her out of here and make sure she doesn't step foot into my company again or consider yourselves jobless!" Eve said to the security men.

"Yes ma'am" both security men chorused, "they will make sure this lady leaves and don't come back because they are not ready to lose their only means they use to take care of their family.

Charlie signaled the lawyer to leave him and his wife.

"Mr and Mrs Powell I will be leaving now" the lawyer said.

"Hm" Eve just nodded because she was still angry while Charlie waved his hand to him as a permission that he can go. The lawyer left and they were the only ones left in the office.

"Dear you were amazing" Charlie said.

"Thanks and thank you very much for your help, without you I don't know what would have happened" Eve said crying.

"You are welcome but I need a favour from you" Charlie said.

"What is it?" Eve asked confused.

"Stop crying, they are not worth your tears, okay?" Charlie said wiping off the tears on Eve's face.

"Okay" Eve said nodding her head and moves in to embrace Charlie who in turn hugs her back.

"Okay, we need to go announce you as the new CEO of Devan corporation, if we continue to stay here the news won't announce itself" Charlie said chuckling.

"Oh that's true" Eve said standing up.

They called for a general meeting of all the shareholders and announced the new development and change in management and also announced it to the whole company through the public relations department.

They did other necessary things needed and left the company for the day. 


Everyone employee in the company saw as Adriana was dragged out of the company and were shocked that a day like this would come (a day where Adriana would be chased and even dragged out of the company) it was a pleasing scene to watch.

"Look at her now, she is reduced to nothing" first employee said.

"Yes and I like it because she was so arrogant and always shouting and getting angry at the slightest thing" second employee said.

"Don't forget she always takes credit for other people's work" third employee said.

"She really deserves what is happening to her now!" Second employee said.

"Even her family, all of them deserve it even more!" Third employee said. They watched as their former boss is been dragged out of the company and some were even filming it all.

"Do you think the new boss will be any better?" The second employee asked suddenly.

"Let's wait and see" the first employee said.

After the whole drama displayed by Adriana is over, everyone went back to work.


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Sorry it's coming late but;