

Eve saw the shocked expression on her aunt's face and laughed inside.

"Get out!"

Everyone who heard this voice flinched including Eve who was close to Charlie.

After everyone realized who said that they became scared but they were not willing to leave the room because if they are able to get news it would be a hit.

Charlie turns his head and looks around and pulls Eve on his laps.

Everyone gasps after seeing Charlie's action and wondered the relationship between the unknown lady and the CEO of JK corporation.

Sofia broke the silence by smirking loudly, "so you did sleep with Mr Charles to become his personal assistant"

As Sofia said this the whole room was in frenzy, everyone begins to ask questions eagerly to get hot content. Eve opens her mouth to say something but was cut off...

"How is that your concern?" Charlie asked still having that grave expression on his face.

"Mr Charles, don't believe whatever this lady told you, she is lying. She is only following you for your money, once she is done with you she will dump you and you are not the only person who she did that to!" Sofia said.

"Really" Charlie said laughing at the obvious lie the woman said.

"Of course! You can ask my husband and daughter if you like" Sofia said with a determined face confirming what she said is true.

"So you are saying that my wife is a prostitute?" This time Charlie raises his head to look at Sofia lifting on side of his eyebrows.

Sofia "..."

Reporters "..."

"What?" Sofia shouted when she heard what Charlie said.

"Yes, let me introduce myself since you all asked... My name Mrs Eve Powell formerly Eve Anderson, the daughter of the original owner of Devan corporation, Devan Anderson and I am the wife of Charles Powell and also his personal assistant" Eve said feeling very proud of herself.

Everyone  looked at Charlie wanting him to confirm what the lady said. Sofia did not believe  what Eve said and also waiting for Charlie to say it is not true but to her horror Charlie accepted.

"Yes, she is my wife" Charlie said smirking while looking at Eve's aunt, Sofia.

Sofia drops to the floor when she heard what Charlie said and folds her nails into her palms and she stands up and storms out of the room.

"Leave my room or your media companies will go bankrupt by tomorrow" Charlie said.

All the reporters rushed out of the room, no one is ready to see their company go bankrupt and they are very sure that Charles Powell is able to do what he said.


As the reporters has left the room is back to been quiet. Eve turns to Charlie and said,

"Thank you for helping me" Eve said.

"Why thank me, as a dutiful husband I can't allow people to disrespect and bully my beautiful wife" Charlie said going closer to Eve.

"What are you doing?" Eve asked.