


At a certain meeting...

Charlie was sitting down on his chair emitting a cold aura which made the temperature inside the conference room down below zero drastically. Everyone were scared and waited for Charlie to say something when someone's phone rang.

Charlie looks up and asked "whose phone is that?" 

His secretary Dan comes closer to him and said it's his. Hearing this he looks away and brings out his phone from his jacket and see it was a message. He opens the message and smiles happy to see that Eve used the card he gave her.

"Meeting adjourned" Charlie said and leaves the room.


Everyone in the room looked at Dan with a curious gaze that wants to know what message that made their boss smile and adjourned the meeting.

He never does that!

Dan looked at them while shrugging his shoulders at the same time"i don't know either! Don't ask me" he said having a surprised fave also and hurries to follow Charlie to his office.

Charlie sits down on his chair and faces the french window in his office and calls Eve.

Eve is in another boutique in the mall with her friend Sue. They were happily selecting clothes especially Sue, she seems to be more happy because Eve has a black and gold platinum card that they can use to pay for whatever they buy because those type of cards is said to not have limit so they can buy as much as they want.

Eve was looking at a dress when her phone rings, she opens her bag and sees the caller ID to be Charlie and she answers it.

"Hello" Eve said.

"Hello, I see you used the card I gave to you" Charlie said.

"Ah.. hope you are not angry" Eve said scared that he might be angry.

"No..no..no am not infact am happy that you used the card" Charlie said smiling.

"Ok in that case I will need to use it to purchase more things later, hope you are okay with that?" Eve asked.

"No problem darling, you can purchase as much as you want the card has no limit " Charlie said.

"Okay bye" Eve said. she was blushing because Charlie called darling. She goes on to shop with Sue and paid with the card Charlie gave her.

As they were about to leave the mall, they passed by a shop that sells men's clothing and decides to buy some casual wear for Charlie, so she walks in with Sue following behind her.

After some time, she buys Charlie some casual tops, jean trousers and plain shorts she felt would fit Charlie after only that did she and Sue leave the mall finally.

Sue waves goodbye to Eve and goes home while Eve goes to the supermarket to buy foodstuffs to make dinner for Charlie.


Charlie smiles at the message on his phone. His secretary Dan is surprised because a debit message is not something to smile about.