



In Le Soleil club in New York city~~~~~

In room 20, VIP section~~~~~~

Michael and Ginger organized a small bachelor party for themselves as the next day is their wedding day. The party consisted of only Charlie, Eve, Victor, Racheal and themselves.

It is held at their favorite club in New York city. They ordered drinks and we're enjoying themselves before Victor suggested for them to play a game.

"Let us play a game to make this party lively" Victor suggested.

"What are you planning now, Victor?" Charlie asked.

"Nothing, I just want the party to be lively and be a memorable to all of us.

"I still do not believe you Victor" Charlie said. 

"Seriously?" Victor said looking at everyone. Everyone has this look that says "Charlie is right".

"Forget it" Victor said dejectedly.

"Let us play Charlie. There is no harm, it is just a game" Michael said and Victor's face lit up immediately.

" Okay"  Charlie said surrendering.

"So what is the game about?" Michael asked Victor and everyone turned to him to hear what the game is about.

"It is a truth or dare game" Victor said.

"Seriously? Truth or dare!" Charlie said looking at Victor with a questioning gaze.

"Yes but you stay in groups" Victor said.

"Can you elaborate more because we don't understand what you mean" Ginger was the one who spoke up.

"See... Charlie team up with Eve, Michael with Ginger and me with Racheal. Each group asks the other truth or dare and the task is depending on the option picked by the group asked" Victor said.

Everyone "..." Victor sees everyone and sighs.

"For example, we roll a bottle and the bottle stops pointing at Charlie and Eve, either me and Racheal or Michael and Ginger will ask the question truth or dare" Victor said explaining.

"If me and Eve and me picks dare for example, who would tell us what to do?" Charlie asked.

"Either the four of us" Victor said pointing at Michael, Ginger, Racheal and himself.

"Is there any punishment for not doing a dare or if someone doesn't want to tell the truth?" Eve asked.

"Yes" Victor said.

"Which is?" Racheal asked.

"The couple each drink" Victor simply said.

"Okay" Charlie said and everyone nodded their head understanding the game.

"Shall we begin?" Victor asked.

"Yeah, let us get this over with" Michael said. 

Victor placed an empty bottle on the table and rolled it and it happens to stop with the tip facing Michael and Ginger.

"Seems like we would start with the bride and groom to be" Victor said slyly.

"Truth or dare?" Racheal asked Michael and Ginger. Michael and Ginger discussed silently before they decided.

"We choose dare" Ginger said.

"Okay" Victor turns to Eve and Charlie and asked, "do you want to dare them?" Both Charlie and Eve shaked their heads in refusal.

"Okay if you don't then I will. I dare you both french kiss for 20 seconds" Victor said leaving everyone surprised and they were looking at him.

"What? It is not like I told them to kiss another person" Victor said.

"It is okay, we would do it" Michael said sighing in submission knowing that their friend is always mischievous and cunning. Michael and Ginger started doing their dare while Victor was counting for them.

When the time was up Victor said "time is up. Let us roll the bottle again" Ginger rolled the bottle and this time it stopped facing Charlie and Eve.

"Truth or dare?" Ginger asked Charlie and Eve.

"Truth" Charlie said.

"I would like to ask Eve the question" Racheal said.

"Okay" Eve said skeptical about the question Racheal wants to ask her.

"How long did Charlie last his first time, Eve?" Racheal asked. Eve spilt the drink in her mouth. Charlie eyes widened and everyone started laughing and is also eager to hear Eve's answer. Eve began to blush as everyone's attention is now focused on her.

Eve kept silent and even looked at Charlie to know if she should talk but Charlie was equally in a daze and she couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"I... I... did not count" Eve said.

"You do not need to count just how long?" Ginger asked eagerly.

"Well...it lasted for quite some time and I passed out at the end so I was not able to check the time when we were done" Eve said shyly with her head bent downwards looking at her fingers while playing with them. Everyone started laughing at what Eve said.

"You passed out? Charlie you are really full of energy" Victor said and Charlie looked at him.

"Stop it. Let us end the game here and besides it is already late" Charlie said.

"No! We can still play some more" Victor protested.

"That is enough. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow and we need to sleep early in other to wake up early" Charlie said.

"Charlie is right. Let us end here, we would continue tomorrow" Michael said.

"Really?" Victor asked.

"Yes" Michael said.

"Okay, we would go first then" Victor helped Racheal up and they both left the club.

Charlie and Eve, Michael and Ginger followed suit afterwards.



M city hotel~~~~~~

Hall room 5~~~~~~

Michael and Ginger wedding day~~~~~

Michael, Charlie, Victor and the parents of the celebrants were welcoming the guests into the hall where the wedding is going to happen.

"Hey dude, it's finally here! Congrats dude" Victor said.

"Congrats Michael" Charlie said.

"Thanks very much guys" Michael said.



Bride's chambers~~~~~

Eve and Racheal came to greet the bride and wish her happy married life.

"Congrats to you Ginger" Eve and Racheal told Ginger together smiling.

"Thanks" Ginger said.

"You look beautiful and I am sure you are the most beautiful today" Eve said and Racheal nodded in agreement to what Eve said.

"Stop exaggerating" Ginger said laughing.

"I am serious!" Eve said.

"Well I will take that as a compliment, thanks" Ginger said.

After that they talked, laughed together before they were notified that it is time for the wedding and they should start making their way to the hall.

Eve and Racheal helped Ginger with her gown and they headed to the venue of the wedding.

The wedding mass was celebrated with the priest starting to Michael and Ginger saying their vows and exchanging rings. Two hour later the wedding came to an end with the reception starting. The bride went back to her chambers to change into a comfortable attire with the help of her bridesmaid: Eve and Racheal.

The reception was a lively one. Different games was played namely truth or dare, singing and dancing competition, etc.

The bride threw her bouquet of flowers and the flower was actually caught by Sue. Everyone congratulated her.

Every other events of the day went on until it was time to wish the newly wed goodbye. The friends of the newly wed: Charlie, Eve, Victor and Racheal saw them to their special room for newlyweds booked for them.

After seeing the newlyweds to their room, they went back to the reception to enjoy themselves. The reception went on until 10pm and some of the guests were already going back to their homes.


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Random question:

Red velvet cake


Coconut and vanilla flavoured cake.