
The CEO Husband's Secret

Meng Ning was forced into a blind date and unexpectedly ended up in a flash marriage with the powerful head of the Fu family in Beijing. She always believed her husband was an ordinary man without a house, imagining they would live a simple, uneventful life together. However, life had other plans. One day, she accidentally uncovered her husband's deep secret. Even more shocking, she regained her lost memories and discovered she had a long-lost daughter. When her husband pointed to the daughter who resembled him and asked, "How do you explain this?" she could only respond in bewilderment, "I don't know." He smiled and said, "Looks like we need to refresh our memories and give our daughter a little brother or sister." She was stunned, her heart in turmoil. It turns out that no matter how much they had wandered and turned, destiny had already set its course—he was always the one destined for her...

VeraCollins · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
87 Chs

Chapter 59

As he gazed at her rosy lips, Fu

Tingxiu's lower abdomen tightened,

and he leaned in to capture her lips.

The passionate, suffocating kiss left

Meng Ning feeling oxygen-deprived.

Fu Tingxiu showed no intention of

letting her go, kissing her all the way

to the living room sofa, passionately

kissing her lips, her face, her neck...

As his advances deepened, Fu

Tingxiu started losing control. Meng

Ning's scent was strikingly similar to

the woman in his dream1, making him

lose control once again1. He couldn't

distinguish whether the dream was

real or not.

Meng Ning's brain also stopped

functioning, overwhelmed by the

kisses. She instinctively followed Fu

Tingxiu's rhythm and responded to

him. Just as the flames of passion

were about to ignite, Meng Ning's

phone rang. It was Faing Qiong


She had finished her m1ahjong game

and, noticing several missed calls

from Meng Ning, quickly returned the

call. The sudden ringtone woke Meng

Ning from her trance, and she

instinctively pressed her hand

against Fu Tingxiu's chest, panting,


It was like being doused with cold

water just as they were about to

speed down the highway;the fire

inside him was extinguished. Fu

Tingxiu also realized his own

madness. He found it incredible how

he lost control in front of Meng Ning.

Fu Tingxiu let her go, and Meng Ning

avoided his gaze, quicklyanswering

the phone, "Auntie!"

"xiao Ning, what's going on? I saw a

few missed calls and called you back


"Auntie, it's nothing." Meng Ning

glanced at Fu Tingxiu, who had

returned home. She didn't want to

worry anyone and lied, "I was

thinking of bringing you some fruit. I

knocked on the door, but you weren't

home, so I called to check."

"I see." Fang Qiong was relieved and

laughed on the phone, "I'Il be home


"Okay, Auntie, take care on the road."

After a brief chat, Meng Ning hung

up and saw Fu Tingxiu getting up to

leave"Fu Tingxiu,"she called out to

him,"where are you going?"

Fu Tingxiu smiled slightly and said,

"Im going to take a shower."

Meng Ning had ignited the fire but

didn't put it out, so he naturally

needed a shower to cool down.

Meng Ning understood,and her face

immediately turned red with


Meng Ning understood, and her face immediately turned red with embarrassment.

Fu Tingshu went to take a shower. Meng Ning patted her cheeks, feeling flushed from Fu Tingshu's earlier craziness. If he had gone just a bit further, she would have been completely overpowered.

She decided to wash her face to cool down.

About ten minutes later, Fu Tingshu finished his shower and came out dressed in casual loungewear.

Meng Ning curled up on the sofa. When she saw him, she couldn't stop her face from reddening and her heart from racing.

Fu Tingshu's appearance was simply too good. Any clothes looked great on him, exuding an air of restraint and self-discipline.

Meng Ning asked, "Fu Tingshu, how did you get back? I went to the police station to bail you out, but they said you couldn't be bailed. How did they let you go?"

Fu Tingshu replied half-truthfully, "A distant cousin has some connections. He used his influence to resolve the matter."

At this point, pushing the issue onto Fu Boxuan would prevent Meng Ning from becoming suspicious.

"We really should thank this cousin properly." Meng Ning recalled the harsh words Gu Changming had said at the police station and couldn't help but worry, "Is the issue really resolved? Did Gu Changming withdraw his complaint?"

Fu Tingshu nodded, "He withdrew it."

"Why would he suddenly withdraw it? Did he make things difficult for you? Did he ask for compensation?" Meng Ning was worried that Fu Tingshu might have suffered a loss.

"No." Fu Tingshu smiled and patted her head. "My cousin took care of it. I don't know the specifics either. It's already late. Do you want to rest, or continue what we were doing earlier..."

To prevent Meng Ning from asking more questions, Fu Tingshu intentionally scared her.

As he spoke, he slowly approached her...

"I'm going to rest," Meng Ning said with her head down. "I have to report to the company tomorrow. It's good that the matter is resolved. When we both have time, we should take my cousin out for a meal and thank him properly."

"Okay." Fu Tingshu didn't continue to tease her. He knew Meng Ning was easily embarrassed.

With Fu Tingshu's issue resolved, Meng Ning felt at ease. She returned to her bedroom and called Qin Huan to inform her of the situation.

Qin Huan wasn't worried at all; she was sure Fu Tingshu would be fine. However, Gu Changming was in for some serious trouble.

Unaware of the impending disaster, Gu Changming was still plotting how to further punish Fu Tingshu and keep him in detention longer. He was determined not to let Fu Tingshu go without kneeling and apologizing.

Just as Gu Changming returned home, feeling pleased with himself, his father noticed his bruised and swollen face and asked, "Changming, what happened to your face?"

Hearing the commotion, Gu's mother came out of her room. Seeing her son's injuries, she asked worriedly, "Who hit you? Son, how did you get hurt like this? Tell me, who dared to lay a hand on you?"

Before Gu Changming could respond, he received a call from Zeng Jing.

"Gu Changming, your bribery case abroad has been exposed. The entire legal community is talking about it. You've been blacklisted, and your lawyer's license is likely to be revoked. Additionally, our law firm is in trouble too; the source of our registered capital is under investigation..."

Zeng Jing anxiously explained the situation over the phone.

Before Gu Changming could process Zeng Jing's words, his father received a call from the factory: "Boss Gu, the disciplinary inspection department is here. Our factory has been shut down. The issue of toxic raw materials exceeding standards has been exposed. Now, customers are canceling orders and demanding triple compensation. The tax authorities are also here to audit the accounts."

Hearing this, Gu's father turned pale and clutched his chest in pain, asking, "How did the disciplinary department find out? Why am I only hearing about this now?"

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Gu's father knew they were doomed. The factory had been struggling financially, and in an attempt to cut costs, he had taken risks that were now backfiring.

"Boss Gu, what should we do now?" The subordinate on the other end of the line was at a loss.

"I'll come right away." Gu's father hung up the phone, but before he could take a few steps, he felt dizzy and blacked out.

"Father!" Gu Changming quickly supported him.

Gu's mother, shocked by the sudden turn of events, went pale. "Changming's dad, don't scare me!"

Gu Changming pinched his father's philtrum, and soon, Gu's father regained consciousness.

"Father, what happened?" Gu Changming asked urgently.

"Changming, the factory is being investigated. Customers are canceling orders and demanding triple compensation. This is the end for our family. Changming, do you know anyone who can help? You're a lawyer; you understand the law. What should we do now?" Gu's father saw Gu Changming as their last hope.

But Gu Changming was in deep trouble himself. "Dad, the law firm is also under investigation," he said, collapsing onto the sofa in despair.

Gu's father, anxious and desperate, said, "We can't afford the compensation. Who is targeting our family?"

This reminded Gu Changming that the simultaneous troubles at the factory and the law firm were no coincidence.

Who was secretly targeting him?

Gu Changming immediately thought of Fu Tingshu but quickly dismissed the idea. Fu Tingshu was still at the police station and was merely a worker. It was impossible for him to have such power.