
The CEO Husband's Secret

Meng Ning was forced into a blind date and unexpectedly ended up in a flash marriage with the powerful head of the Fu family in Beijing. She always believed her husband was an ordinary man without a house, imagining they would live a simple, uneventful life together. However, life had other plans. One day, she accidentally uncovered her husband's deep secret. Even more shocking, she regained her lost memories and discovered she had a long-lost daughter. When her husband pointed to the daughter who resembled him and asked, "How do you explain this?" she could only respond in bewilderment, "I don't know." He smiled and said, "Looks like we need to refresh our memories and give our daughter a little brother or sister." She was stunned, her heart in turmoil. It turns out that no matter how much they had wandered and turned, destiny had already set its course—he was always the one destined for her...

VeraCollins · Urbain
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87 Chs

Chapter 27: The President of Shengyu Sets Up a Stall

Fu Tingxiu never expected that Meng Ning would also go to the Xin Xing Club.

With a tight throat, Fu Tingxiu asked, "Did you see the president of Shengyu Group?"

Meng Ning shrugged and said, "No, Qin Huan said she only saw a back view. There were too many people, so she couldn't get a clear look. But just that back view made her so excited she was practically speechless. Is your boss really that handsome?"

Fu Tingxiu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Compared to your husband, he's a bit lacking."

Meng Ning laughed, "You're so arrogant. If your boss hears that, he might make things difficult for you."

Fu Tingxiu said, "I work in programming. If I lose this job, I can find another one. Besides, our boss isn't that petty."

Gossiping, Meng Ning said, "Fu Tingxiu, your boss is so rich and handsome, why is he still single? Do you think he might have some unusual preferences?"

Fu Tingxiu: "..."

"I don't know. Employees can't discuss the boss's private matters." Fu Tingxiu quickly changed the subject. "Weren't you supposed to set up your stall by five? Are you all prepared?"

"Oh, I almost forgot. I'll go move the goods now."

The president of Shengyu was too far removed from her world. Making money from hard work was what she needed to focus on.

Having cash in hand was the most practical thing.

With Fu Tingxiu's help this time, all the heavy lifting fell to him.

Once everything was ready, the two of them headed to Xing Le Road Night Market.

Meng Ning had rented a stall here, so there was no fear of being chased away by city management.

When she first started, Meng Ning knew nothing and was caught by the city management, fined, and had her goods confiscated.

At that time, Meng Ning was both panicked and heartbroken, crying out of frustration. She didn't dare tell her mother about it when she got home.

She endured all the hardships on her own.

It was Fu Tingxiu's first time setting up a stall, and he knew nothing. Meng Ning, however, was quick and efficient, setting up the stall and turning on the small lamp in no time.

Fu Tingxiu looked at the small table with Meng Ning's handmade accessories laid out on it and felt deeply moved. She had survived in Beijing by setting up this stall.

Fu Tingxiu glanced down the night market street. There were many stalls selling accessories, mostly young girls. The competition was fierce.

There were also stalls selling clothes, daily necessities, and snacks. The market was bustling with activity.

Several universities were located around this night market street, so it became lively as soon as school let out.

Local residents also liked to come out for a stroll, so there was a lot of foot traffic.

Meng Ning took two folding stools from the trunk and handed one to Fu Tingxiu. "Sit on this."

Fu Tingxiu glanced at the folding stool, said nothing, and sat down. The weather was a bit muggy, so Meng Ning had prepared a small fan and handed it to Fu Tingxiu. "Hold this to stay cool."

It was Fu Tingxiu's first time here, and Meng Ning worried he might not be comfortable, so she had prepared a lot of things for him: a small fan, water, snacks, and even a tablet in case he got bored.

Fu Tingxiu felt a sense of being pampered. He smiled and said, "You don't have to be so considerate."

Meng Ning was not only considerate but also a bit cautious, afraid that Fu Tingxiu might not adapt well.

Meng Ning smiled and said, "I'm just worried you'll get bored."

She sat down next to Fu Tingxiu. The owner of the neighboring stall, a man selling clothes, arrived and teased with a smile, "Xiao Meng, is this your boyfriend? He's really handsome."

Just as Meng Ning was about to speak, Fu Tingxiu corrected him, "I'm Meng Ning's husband."

Meng Ning: "..."

The clothes seller, Brother Zhou, was almost forty, worn down by life, looking a bit older than his age. Was Fu Tingxiu jealous, eager to declare his identity?

Meng Ning smiled and said, "Brother Zhou, this is my husband."

Brother Zhou was surprised. "Xiao Meng, when did you get married? You never mentioned it before."

"Just recently." Meng Ning changed the subject. "Brother Zhou, are you here alone today? Where's Sister Cai?"

Brother Zhou sighed, "She took the kid to the hospital again. Another flare-up. Someone has to run the stall and make money. If we miss a day, the rent is wasted, and we don't make any money. Medical expenses aren't cheap."

With a tone of helplessness, Brother Zhou's simple words conveyed the hardships of life for those at the bottom.

After lamenting, life had to go on.

Meng Ning whispered in Fu Tingxiu's ear, "Brother Zhou's son has leukemia and hasn't found a suitable bone marrow donor. The couple has exhausted their savings and is deeply in debt. Now even friends and relatives avoid them."

Fu Tingxiu had never interacted with people from the lower social strata. In his world, the conversations revolved around investments and projects worth billions, far removed from the lives of these people.

Yet these people possessed an indomitable spirit. No matter how tough life got, it couldn't break their resolve.

Meng Ning sighed, "Misfortune seems to favor those already struggling. Brother Zhou himself isn't in good health either. He's the pillar of his family. If he falls, the family falls apart. When I first started out and didn't know the ropes, it was Brother Zhou and his wife who helped me."

Despite their own hardships, they still had the capacity to care for others.

Fu Tingxiu glanced at Brother Zhou setting up his stall and said, "There's a saying, 'After hardship comes happiness.' They'll get through this."

He looked at Meng Ning's stall and asked, "What can I do to help?"

Meng Ning steadied herself and said, "Just sit here and wait for customers."

Fu Tingxiu really didn't know how to sell accessories, so they sat together chatting. "How much do you usually sell in a day?"

"About 400 yuan on average. With you here to help, looking so handsome, it might boost sales a bit."

Fu Tingxiu smiled. He appreciated the compliment.

As night fell, more and more people arrived. Over an hour passed, and Meng Ning hadn't sold a single accessory. Usually, by this time, she would have made her first sale.

Meng Ning found it strange. People passing by the stall would glance at Fu Tingxiu, and even after walking away, they'd look back. But no one approached.

Soon, Meng Ning figured out the problem.

She catered to young women, and Fu Tingxiu was too handsome. Sitting there with a cold, unapproachable demeanor, he intimidated the girls. They felt too shy to come close and buy anything.

Meng Ning took out a mask and said to him, "Fu Tingxiu, you better wear this. Otherwise, we won't be able to open for business tonight."