

"My son loves you...you do know that? Don't you?"

Natalie asked. She could see the hesitancy in Tin's eyes and state. She was fighting a battle in her head trying to come to a point to that.

"He always shows the other way around though..."

She gave a sad smile to Natalie. Natalie nodded, understanding it.

"I wish I had not gone missing from his life to raising him the right away..."

"Natalie, I did not mean to..."

Tin interrupted her right away, not meaning to hurt the sentiments of a mother.

"No no...I understand. And it is not his fault, nor yours...but mine. "

Natalie held the mug of her tea tighter as she regretted for not being there at the most crucial time of her son growing up.

"I could not protect him from the hands of the evils..."

Natalie's eyes watered, looking down. Tin could tell that the mother regretted for missing out on so much of her son's life.

"Did he tell you that..."