

"You know...that even if Marshy is not here, I m here for you, although old, I still have a brave heart."

Charlotte let out, and it made Tinsley smile. The old woman smiled too and she held her to sit with her on the ground, after much of a hassle.

Charlotte felt good sitting back on the ground, the grasses caressing the skin on her legs.

"The view is so peaceful...is not it?"

Tinsley asked, looking straight at the endless field. Charlotte nodded. And before their sight, Ava came to the front crawling.

"Reminds me of you, when Marshy would bring you here and you would roam around here and there.

I knew that neither I could have been the best mother to my daughter and my daughter to you, but you...you have been a change that we could have never thought in our family could happen, Tinsley.

You are standing up to your husband, we could have never done that.