

Tinsley rubbed the blood off from his face with a wet handkerchief.

He was lying on his back, groaning in pain when Tin would press the cold cloth against his bruises.

She had never seen so much of blood in her life. As she dipped the cloth under the water container and the once colourless liquid turned red in colour, she bit onto her lips, trying to calm herself down.

Ross was inspecting her moves, the way her eyebrows knitted together, her lips forming a thin line...he was studying her.

Mary had offered to help but Tin thought that it was her turn that time...she owed him that for saving her life.

"Never seen so much blood before I bet."

That made Tin to look at him, on his face. She had cleaned his face and applied ointment and put a bandaid against the cut near the left corner of his lip and on the nose.

She was dressing the wound on his abdomen. Kian had really kicked him hard by the right side.