

With slumping shoulders, Madison opened the door of her room and got inside the dark.

She very slowly closed the door, not wanting Anna Maria to wake up in this late and did not want to talk things out either.

After numerous times of calling Tinsley, finally, she got to talk to her through Kian's cell phone.

"Oh my God! Madi. Are you alright?"

Tinsley asked through the other side, after Madison narrated her the entire story, sitting on the balcony, watching out the stary night sky, all alone.

"I m trying to be."

She muttered softly. A strand of tear fell off from her red swollen eyes that had been crying ever since the tragic evening.

"You know everything will be fine...the moment you get to meet Lana again, come clean about your feelings."

Tinsley suggested. She could tell that Madi was still not over Lana and their past love. It was very much present in her heart.

Who could understand more clearly if not her?