

"Jesus! Madi, you do not have to act like you want to know everything here!"

Tinsley snapped, not realizing how it all came out in an impulse. Madison was a bit taken aback but not entirely knowing exactly how Tinsley had been tensed ever since Kian declared his decision not to share the same joy as her for the pregnancy.

"Damn woman! I get it you are high on hormones. No need to be so rude."

Madison sassily replied. And that only irritated Tinsley more. She was nowhere near being hormonal. She was walking on eggshells just that she would not sound crazy and there would be no one to take care of her craziness or cravings this time...not even her own husband.

"You should be just happy to have me here than with nothing much going on with your life..."

Tinsley remarked. And Madison knew that before things could take a bad turn, she stood up.
