
The CEO's Secretary: Behind the boardroom

Kaylar, a sharp and ambitious secretary, never expected her life to take a dramatic turn when she discovers she's secretly married to her powerful CEO boss, Wayne. Bound by a secret contract, they strive to maintain a professional facade amidst corporate chaos. But as their connection deepens, sparks fly and they find themselves torn between ambition and unexpected love. Their journey is anything but ordinary, filled with high-stakes business dealings and hidden emotions. Every chapter builds tension and anticipation, but Chapter 63? That's where everything changes. It's daring, challenging, and will leave you on the edge of your seat. TRY IT! READ CHAPTER 63—where the stakes are higher, the emotions deeper, and the secrets explosive. Don't miss the moment that could turn everything upside down.

Third_moon · Urbain
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10 Chs

Time off

Kaylar was caught in a fix. 

The moment she raised her head to face Wayne all the excuses she made up in her head vanished away, his expression did not do anything to ease the awkwardness.

'What the hell am I going to say, this is so awkward' Kaylar cried out inwardly. 

After a moment of hesitation Kaylar straightened herself.

"Good morning CEO Wayne, I came in to present your schedule for today." 

Kaylar said in a rather calm and composed manner. Wayne hummed in response as he sat down.

Kaylar took his silence as a 'go ahead' and read out his schedule for the day.

"The meeting will start in ten minutes," Kaylar reminded before leaving the office.

Outside the office.

"Oh goodness" Kaylar placed her hands on her chest in an attempt to calm herself. The CEO was really scary, she wondered where she found the courage to act as if nothing had happened.

She quickly brushed the thought aside before heading to the conference room. There was going to be a meeting regarding the recent  projects the corporation had taken up.

Ten minutes later.

Upon Wayne's arrival all the project managers stood up to greet Wayne. Wayne nodded at them in response before taking his seat, the managers' followed suit. 

After everyone was seated Kaylar started distributing some files to the managers then she walked back to Wayne and sat next to him dutifully.

The meeting went on smoothly with no interruptions, it seemed like all the managers were enthusiastic about their various projects.

Shortly after, the screen of Kaylar's phone which was placed on the table lit up.

she cast an indifferent glance at it before turning her attention back to the meeting.

Kaylar furrowed her brows in annoyance as her phone screen lit up again. She wondered what was so important that the person had to ring her twice; it's not as if she had someone's kidney.

With that thought in mind Kaylar picked up the phone.

Her brows slowly relaxed as she saw the caller ID, it was her grandmother. 

She dropped the phone with the intention of calling back after the meeting was over.

Wayne noticed her movements and shot her a glare.

Kaylar understood that glare well enough,  it was his 'stop messing around' glare that she receives countless times each day.

She flashed an apologetic smile at him.

Wayne shifted his attention from her as his fingers tapped on the table lightly.

"I don't see anything impressive about this presentation" Wayne's cold voice rang out with a hint of annoyance in it. "I gave you two weeks and this is all you could come up with."

The manger who Wayne was talking to shrank back in his seat, as he cowered in fear.

"I w-anted to…" he was cut off before he could justify himself.

"I don't want to hear any excuses, it's either you are capable or you are not. Restructure the presentation before our next meeting" with that Wayne shifted his gaze to the next person.

"Thank you CEO Wayne, I'll do my best" the manager thanked Wayne profusely.

He understood the meaning of Wayne's words, if he wasn't capable it meant that he wasn't qualified to work at the Frenado corporation.

Silence engulfed the room as everyone stared at Wayne who looked in a particular direction blankly.

'What's going on' Kaylar thought as she noticed everyones' line of sight.

She instinctively turned around to look but there was no one behind her, it finally dawned on her that they were staring at her.

'Is there something on my face?' Kaylar slowly raised her hands to touch her face.

'What did I do this time?' Kaylar complained to herself as she saw Wayne's glare directed at her.

Kaylar decided to bite the bullet and asked hesitantly.

"CEO Wayne, do you have a task for me?" Kaylar's asked with a perplexed tone.

She felt uncomfortable under his seething expression.

"Miss Harper, would you mind switching off your phone?" He glanced at her phone which lit up as if on cue.

"Sorry CEO Wayne, I'll do that immediately."

Wayne turned his head and faced the managers.

"I hope you all make necessary adjustments to your proposals or be ready to hand in your resignation letter" Wayne scanned through the room before leaving with Kaylar following behind.

The managers left in the conference room quickly released their breath.

They were left panicking, wasn't their proposal good enough? They felt like plucking their hair out.

What adjustments do they have to make?


Working under the CEO was like walking on thin ice, so Kaylar  would rather be on his good side which she probably wasn't on.

To ease the atmosphere she meekly asked  "CEO Wayne, should I get you a cup of tea or coffee?"

"Coffee," Wayne replied without looking back.

He felt his head would burst at any second, he still wondered how Kaylar had remained his secretary for so long.

Kaylar made her way into the private pantry to prepare his coffee.

After brewing the coffee Kaylar placed it on a tray and headed to the CEO's office.

Holding the tray of coffee, Kaylar knocked on the door and waited before receiving his signal to come in.

She was met by the sight of Wayne typing swiftly on his computer with one hand while holding a folder in the other hand.

He simply looked stunning.

Kaylar placed the coffee on his table "CEO Wayne, regarding the matter of my ignorance earlier I apologise I should have switched off my phone before the meeting." She lowered her head  slightly.

The typing sound from the keyboard halted for a second before resuming.

Kaylar wondered if he heard her.

"I hope that won't repeat itself again" Wayne's deep voice echoed as he busied himself reading the reports.

"Alright" Kaylar heaved a sigh of relief before leaving his office and went back to her office.

She picked her phone and called her grandmother.

After a minute the call was connected "Good day Grandma, how are you doing?" Kaylar asked as a small smile formed on her lips.  

As the call ended the smile on Kaylar's face was instantly wiped away.

She looked anxious as she hurriedly packed her bag and left her office.

Kaylar stood facing Wayne's door.

She raked her head for  the possible reason she would give if she asked for some time off.

Kaylar knocked hurriedly on the door as a result of the anxiousness she felt.


Kaylar whose thought started wondering got startled.

Inside the office. 

Kaylar lowered her head as she stepped into the office. "CEO Wayne, I would like to ask for some time off if it's possible." She said in a barely audible voice.

Kaylar squeezed her hands nervously.

Wayne who hadn't looked up raised his head. His eyes scanned her appearance before moving his lips.

"Miss Harper you can't possibly take some time off all of a sudden."

Kaylar opened her mouth and shut it again.

"CEO Wayne, I have  an emergency at home and my presence is urgently needed please can you give me some time off" Kaylar's voice became choked at the end.


She loved her grandparents dearly, how could she sit comfortably at work while her old man was sick.

Wayne's irritation grew as he saw Kaylar's pitiful appearance.

"You can have the rest of the day off, but be  sure to come tomorrow" Wayne said dismissively.

Kaylar stood rotted to the ground and stared at Wayne.

Wayne meet her gaze and scowled lightly "Miss Harper aren't you satisfied with your time off"

Kaylar knew all to well that he was setting a bait for her, the moment she accepted the bait she would have to forget the idea of getting any time off.


She forced a smile "No. Thank you CEO Wayne, I'll report to work tomorrow" with that Kaylar hurriedly exited his office.


Wayne looked at her retreating figure and sighed before burying his head into his work.



For more chapter update kindly read this book https://m.goodnovel.com/book/The-CEO-s-secretary_31000495926