
CHAPTER 143 Why are You Here?

  "Ms. Suarez?"

  Bettina asked amusedly. They are still the same employee here. I just smiled as he nodded slightly.

  "Are you busy bro?"

  Cali asked leaning forward.

  "Engineer Vidalio has a meeting."

  "A while ago?"

  "Since this afternoon Sir."

  "Cali, it's okay. I'll just leave the documents here. He seems busy."

  Exactly what I said then was the opening of the door of his office. And we all turned to whoever opened it. With amusement in his eyes he looked at me. I averted my eyes. I've only seen him since I came back here to Manila. I don't know why I'm this happy just by looking at him. But it didn't take long for someone to follow behind him.

  "Engineer, we're not done yet. Why did you go out?"

  The woman behind him laughed. You have no emo-emotions I look at the woman. "Are you still there?"

  I heard Cali ask the woman at the desk again. Her lips parted as she stared at me and seemed to read my mind.

  "Let's call it a day, Molly."