
The CEO's Lovely Wife

October is a woman who was cold and devoid of emotions. This was true, until she met Lexus who let her experience a whirlwind of emotions she never thought she had with a gift she never thought she'll receive. Lanna October Park is the calm and charismatic Assistant Director of the Halo Company. She talks only when needed and was not yet seen smiling by her colleagues which made her known as the Halo Company's Ice Director. But unknown to them, she was in fact the eldest daughter of the Park Real Estate Empire of the whole City D. Indifferent with her family's wealth, she decided to be independent and climb the ranks in the business world using her own capability but her stepmother is more threatened by her and so baked a lot of schemes to bring her down and make her unfit to inherit the business. Because October let her guard down for just once, she fell for one of her stepmother's schemes and was then became the talk of the city the very next day. Unbeknownst to her stepmother, the man she was with was in fact the notorious CEO, Lexus Song. Getting her innocence was one but getting pregnant was another making her career and work credibility being questioned. "I'll take responsibility." He said. "No need. I'm already responsible enough to take care of my child." She rejected and turned to leave but was then yanked back and bumped into his hard chest. "Then take responsibility to me." He said shamelessly as he leaned down to whisper in her ear, "You took my innocence so you have to take responsibility, dear wife."

Marielle14 · Urbain
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290 Chs

275 Her Decision

October felt a tug on her shoulders. The hand was gentle and warm. It also gave her the sense of familiarity. Reaching out to the hand on her shoulder instinctively, she smiled and slowly opened her eyes. She blinked her eyes to make her eyes clearer before stifling a yawn. 

"Wake up, sleepy head." Lexus' voice travelled soothingly on her ear as if caressing her at every fiber of her body. Her smile got bigger and eyes turned crescents while looking at the sinfully handsome face only inches away from her. 

"What?" Lexus asked with playful eyes when he saw October just looking at him without blinking. "Do you want to imprint my face in your mind, hm? What? Is this distance not enough? Do you want me to get closer? Yeah? Okay."

Is what Lexus said. But in all actuality, their distance were already a few inches away and so when he got closer, their noses had already touched, their hot breaths that carries their own unique fragrance hitting each other's faces.