
The CEO's loser wife: Rebirth of the villainous queen of alchemy

COMPLETED. Transmigrating into a poor and mistreated young lady's body, what will the craziest alchemist of the seven realms now do? Excerpt: He stood there, soaking wet in the pouring rain, earnestly looking at her. He gazed at her, as if she was his entire world. But, only to be mercilessly cut down.... “Me? Falling in love?! You have got to be kidding me. I would rather dominate this world.” Grinning, he took her hands and kissed them gently. “You can dominate me first sweetheart.” Taken aback by his sudden straight forwardness, she abruptly withdrew her hands. “No thanks” He looked deeply into her eyes and smiled gently. Not deterred by her words, even a bit, he smirked. “Your lips are saying no. But your heart betrays you, my dear.” Getting more and more flustered, she took a step back, widening the gap between them. She looked at him mockingly to hide her panic, “Oh and since when did you have a telepathic connection with my heart.” Heh... He let out an amused chuckle. Closing the distance between them again, he took a step forward and lifted her hand, pointing at her watch’s display. “I always did have that my dear. But in this case, see your heart rate just spiked.” ....................... Instagram: yolohy_webnovel Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/yolohy Discord: https://discord.gg/5CvPuX6M88 ....................... I do not own the cover art and it will be removed upon request.

Yolohy · Fantaisie
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252 Chs

She is fishing in international waters

"Are you sure she didn't directly interact with Robert Hissenger ?" Shi Meng growled on the phone.

"Yes, boss. I am sure." Shi Meng's private detective Jian Tan meekly replied.

"And you are sure that she was talking to the 'Robert Hissenger'?"

"Yes, boss. Definitely."

Hmmm... What are you up to now my dear ex-wife? Fishing in international waters are we?!

Tapping his fingers on the elegant Turkish glass table in front of him, Shi Meng once again flipped through the report his private investigator Jian had submitted to him a few minutes back.

When he had asked Jian Tan to tail Su Lin that morning, it was purely out of whim. He didn't expect to find something this monumental.

This woman was actually trying to reel in a big whale like Robert Hissenger!! Either she thought too much of herself or she definitely had some schemes cooked up.

Otherwise, how could that multi-billionaire pay attention to this money mongering whore?

Wasn't this proof enough to prove her scheming gold-digging ways?

Once he collects enough evidence and shows it to Grandpa Su, then once and for all, he will be able to get rid of her from their life and their families.

And after that, even Grandpa Su wouldn't interfere when he takes her down for good.

"A cheating snake like her deserves to be holed up in prison for the rest of her life! Hmph." Shi Meng angrily glared at the reports and sipped his coffee.

He had never thought of himself as someone who is all-powerful but that bitch was merely an insignificant insect and she had dared to bite him!! That didn't sit well with Shi Meng.

As he was flipping through the reports, a thought suddenly entered his mind. "Hmmm. I bet she will turn up to the gala tonight and try to implement her plan's next phase."

"Ha Ha. It should be rather interesting to watch a country chicken try and act like a phoenix and fail to impress Robert!"

Hearing his brilliant hypothesis, Jian Tan who was still on the phone decided to voice out. "Umm... Boss, I don't think your ex-wife is attending the gala tonight. She already took off to the airport."

"What?" Shi Meng shouted, unable to hide the surprise in his voice. Where could she possibly be travelling right now, missing the golden opportunity to interact with Robert Hissenger??

This trip must definitely be for meeting someone secretively, running operations from the background!! Shi Meng was very confident.

"Fine. Don't follow her for now. I want the force behind her to step out." He cut the call, with a mysterious gleam in his eyes.

Only when pushed to the extreme, the snake will finally slither out of its hole.

"Hmph. All your secrets will soon be out in the open. Why did you enter our family and why did you lie about your illness?! You owe me some answers bitch..."

Shi Meng's face darkened as he stood up and left for the gala.



Su Lin packed lightly and left for the airport in high spirits.

She used her phone to understand the majestic Himalayan mountain ranges better and tried to familiarise herself with the various explored and unexplored regions.

It is one of the biggest mountain ranges in the world spread among different countries and Su Lin decided to start with the Khawa Karpo peak region since that particular part was juxtaposed between the explored and unexplored areas.

It was a short flight to the Yunnan province and Su Lin reached there by midnight.

She quickly took a cab and headed towards the remote mountainous region. Soon the crowded airport disappeared and the cab reached the winding roads of the mountains.

Su Lin was dazed, looking at the shades of greenery that were passing by. A melancholic feeling was creeping inside.

Lush green trees were coated in fog everywhere she looked. The air was thrumming with refreshing energy.

This was something she definitely missed about her previous world. In her previous planet, nature was much more rampant and had an unperturbed charm to it.

Unlike here, established settlements in her world were sprinkled in between miles and miles of wild forests, much of which was largely unexplored.

But here...

Several monasteries and other shops seemed to sewn next to the roads and even with the cold, harsh winter weather, people were still flocking about here and there.

Looking at her puzzled reaction to the crowds, the cab driver explained, "This is a very sacred mountain madam. People visit it at all times of the year."

"Mmm." Su Lin silently nodded.

Driving for almost four to five hours, they reached the outskirts of the city.

Su Lin dragged her suitcase to a small rustic looking inn, which nevertheless looked breathtaking with the backdrop of the huge vistas of Eastern Himalayas.

She quickly checked in and settled inside her room.

Closing her eyes, she fell into a deep slumber effortlessly, with a smile on her face. Tomorrow was going to be life-changing!

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