
The CEO's Hired Girlfriend

Desperate times they say, call for desperate measures. Fiona Lopez, after her mother gets diagnosed with cancer turns to a hire a girlfriend agency in order to foot her mother's medical bills. Having successfully paid for the medical bills, Fiona decides to find a decent job before her mother is discharged but gets caught up in a web when she goes for her job interview only to find out that her supposed boss is none other than the man she had played a fake girlfriend for on her last job. Desperate for a job, and not wanting to return to her former job, she is forced into working closely with him even though she doesn't want to. While working closely with him, she soon realizes that love bridges all gaps when she finds herself falling helplessly in love with Liam. Liam Parker is a dashingly handsome, aloof, and indifferent young CEO of the PK Enterprise. After his last relationship where he caught his girlfriend getting engaged to a business partner, Liam decided that he wasn't cut out for love. But when he turns to hiring a girlfriend in an attempt to evade marriage, everything changes for Liam when he meets and falls for his hired girlfriend at first sight. Not only does he fight to get Fiona's love, but he fights to gain approval from his mother too. *****Excerpt**** "I'm sorry Mr. Parker but you have it all wrong. We don't have sex with our clients. It's against protocols," she explained and Liam nodded. "No one would know we did it, right? I won't tell and surely you won't," he said and Fiona looked at him incredulously. "I guess you're drunk," she said flatly and he nodded and stood up. He walked closer to her and whispered to her ears, causing goosebumps to sprout all over her body. "Yes, I'm drunk and you're the only one that can sober me up right now. So, how much?" he asked and Fiona gave him a confused look. What was he asking? How much what? Did she tell him she was selling anything to him? She mused as her brows drew together. "How much? How much for what?" she asked and he ran his finger down her cheek, making it hard for her to concentrate. "How much would it cost me to have my cock buried inside you....." before he could finish, a hot-sounding slap landed on his face, causing him to turn to the side.

BabyAngel2 · Urbain
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Game On

Fiona smirked when she saw Liam walk into the boutique. She had thought he was so rich that he wouldn't even notice that a significant amount of money left his account even if she were to buy everything in the shop.

Why was he here? To scold her probably. She concluded as she watched him walk up to her.

"Hey, babe," he said, and she raised a brow, briefly looking around. The only person there was the sales attendant who was attending to her and she seemed to be out of earshot.

So, why was he putting on the boyfriend mode when they were the only ones there? She asked herself and just then, something crossed her mind.

Did he send her shopping in his mom's favorite boutique and came all the way there just because he wanted to show his mom that he loved his girlfriend? Who was his mom's spy there? Spy or acquaintance? She mused and then put on her acting mode. It was game on.

She would ask him later, right now, she needed to show him that she was a good actress and she was good at her job too.

"Oh babe, you didn't have to come all the way here. You have work remember? Or are you already missing me that much?" she asked, wearing her most beautiful smile.

Returning her smile with equal passion, Liam said, "I just couldn't focus on work knowing you're here now. So, I decided to come see you quickly while Derek handled things at the office."

"Derek?" she inquired, and he nodded.

"Yeah. My best friend and MD in my company. The one I told you about," he said and she pursed her lips, as though she was trying to remember.

Watching her, Liam had to agree that she was truly a good actor. She could definitely deceive his mom. The only thing left now was for him to give her all the necessary information she would need.

"Oh, yes! Derek, I remember. How is he? I hope he's dropping by the house for dinner with us tonight," Fiona asked, and Liam shook his head while trying to keep himself from laughing.

"There's no way I would let him come today. Not when we would be too busy making up for all the times we've been apart leaving me to only long for you. I want you to myself tonight," Liam said with a wink and Fiona's heart skipped a beat but she covered up her anxiousness with a smile. She was still in action.

Before she could reply, a lady in her late fifties approached them. She didn't need to ask Liam who she was seeing as she was smiling directly at Liam. She was probably the reason Liam was putting on this act. Fiona thought when the sales attendant greeted the lady and then left them alone.

"Liam," the lady called and Liam flashed her a polite smile.

"Aunt," he greeted and the lady shifted her gaze to Fiona. "Oh, she's Fiona. My girlfriend," Liam introduced and then wrapped his hands around her waist, causing an electric jolt to pass through her body.

What was that? Why did she feel that way? It had to be because she was taken unaware—just like when he had kissed her. Fiona mused as she tried to concentrate on what Liam was saying.

"Babe? Meet Aunt Vanessa, my mom's friend and owner of this beautiful place," she heard Liam say, his words, confirming her suspicions.

"It's nice meeting you, ma'am," she greeted and Vanessa waved it off.

"Please call me aunt and you look really beautiful. Your hair too," she said and turned to Liam, who was still holding on to Fiona's waist.

"Your mom didn't tell me you had such a beautiful and lovely girlfriend and why am I just meeting her?" she asked and Liam shrugged.

"She only just came around that's why. Plus, she's the one managing her company so she isn't always that chanced," Liam lied, and Fiona tried her best not to glare at him.

She didn't like it when clients lied about her social class. It always didn't sit well with her.

When Vanessa's gaze returned to her, she nodded.

"Oh, okay. You're welcome. So, what are you buying? Have you seen anything you like?" Vanessa asked and Fiona pointed to the few things are had picked and paid for earlier.

"I already got a few things. I was just rounding up when he came over....."

"And now that I'm here, I want to be the one to pick out the dress for our dinner date tonight and also on Sunday night," Liam asked and Fiona frowned.

"Dinner date?" she asked, and seeing Liam's cocked brow, she realized she had slipped.

"You didn't tell me you were taking me out for dinner," she corrected, and Liam smiled, as he looked down at her, letting his eyes scan her face. He let his gaze linger on her lips for a while before returning them to her eyes.

For a split second, there was silence as they both just stared at each other. Liam wanted nothing more than to kiss her there and then while Fiona's heart was beating rapidly as she couldn't seem to understand the sexual tension building up between them.

"I did. You just seemed to have forgotten," he said, and Fiona forced a smile, wanting to get her thoughts off those dirty imaginations creeping into her mind.

"I guess I did," she said, neither of them tearing their gaze away from the other.

Vanessa nodded with a visible smile on her face as she watched them. They looked so happy and so in love. She hoped Harriet, Liam's mom would let them be since she knew Harriet had always wanted Cora for Liam.

Probably if she told her how in love they looked, it would serve as the tip of the iceberg. She decided with a nod.

She cleared her throat, in an attempt to get the couple's attention. Liam reluctantly tore his gaze away from Fiona to look at Vanessa.

"I have some beautiful limited edition that you might like. If you don't mind, I could go show them to you now," she announced, and Liam flashed her a smile.

"I would appreciate that," he said and Vanessa nodded.

"Let's go to my office then," she said and led them to her office after ordering one of her sales attendants to bring the new limited editions that just arrived to her office.

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