
Could You Place Your Trust in Me Once More?

Éditeur: Larbre Studio

(Yan Yan, I'm sorry for letting you down. Truthfully, I hate myself for failing to live up to my marriage vows and for failing to keep my promises and this led to you losing custody of Yuan Yuan. I've finally realized that you're the one whom I treasure most after I've lost you for the past three years. 

Yan Yan, my marriage to Han Xue isn't what you think it is. We are merely married in name and as for the child, I was so upset when you left that I got drunk in a bar and we ended up sleeping together in a moment of folly. I didn't want to marry her at all and my feelings for her have died a long time ago.

Yan Yan, I will get a divorce as soon as possible and I swear I will help you fight for Yuan Yuan's custody rights. Could you place your trust in me once more? Would you give me a chance, and give Xi Xi a complete family?)

He Xiyan turned off her phone after she read the final word and couldn't help but heave a long sigh.