
The CEO's Darling

You never wanted me; we are two different worlds apart. Fate isn't something to be overridden. And eventually, I would leave your life for good! *** Reincarnated back after death, Jessy Luo, who had gotten nothing but heartache, tears moreover sorrow, decided to live her life on her own terms. She had reincarnated three good times on her hopeless pursuit for love but ended up dying over and over again. But now, she would never let that happen, she would live on her own terms. Loving someone who doesn't even appreciates your feeling had caused her nothing but pain and knowing that she would never ever get that love, Jessy was devastated but no more... she will only love the persons who had loved her and that was going to be her perfect life in deed.

Peterson_89 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs


Jessy's mind was consumed with intense anger and frustration. She just couldn't wrap her head around why her father, Luo Mei, and Aunt Verona were always looking for reasons to find fault in her. She had only talked to Samuel because her father had ordered her to do so, yet they were scheming against her again.

She loved Samuel deeply, and he had been a constant reminder of her past mistakes. She knew that she couldn't repeat those mistakes, especially by getting married to someone she didn't truly love. Still, she couldn't shake her feelings for him. She could see his perfect smile and hear his deep and calming voice in her head, and suddenly, she was filled with conflicting emotions.

Jessy spent the better part of the day in her room, pacing back and forth as she replayed the events of the day over and over again in her head. She knew that Samuel wasn't to blame for the phone call, yet she felt trapped, as if she was being punished for something she hadn't done.

Suddenly, Jessy's frustration boiled over, and she began to trash her room. She pulled at posters, yanked down curtains, and threw objects onto the floor with careless abandon. She was an unstoppable force of fury and anger, driven by her desire to escape the circumstances that controlled her every move.

As the dust settled, Jessy slumped onto her bed, exhausted and emotionally drained. She couldn't help but think about Samuel, knowing that he was the one person who would always stay true to her, no matter what.

Despite everything, Jessy knew that she had to keep going and remain steadfast in her pursuit of a better life for herself. She refused to be a victim of circumstances and knew that she had the power to create her own destiny, no matter how hard it seemed.

As she gazed around the now-littered room, Jessy knew that she could glean some lessons from the chaos. It reminded her of the mistakes she had made in the past, which she was determined never to repeat.

In that moment, Jessy vowed to take charge of her life, to make better decisions and to rise above the obstacles that once held her down. The past would remain where it belonged, and she was ready to embrace the opportunities of the future with a newfound zeal and determination.

As Jessy looked around her trashed room, she knew in her heart that it was time to take advantage of the opportunities that lay outside the walls of her house. But where was she to go? She began to look through her late mother's belongings and stumbled upon an old envelope that had her mother's handwriting.

Inside the envelope was a letter with an address written on it, leading to another house which belonged to her late mother. In that moment, Jessy knew that this was the sign she had been waiting for. It was time to take a stand, and time to fight for herself.

But how could she leave her room without raising any suspicions? How could she leave without Luo Mei, her father, knowing? Jessy knew that if her father caught wind of her plans, he would stop her, and her privileges would be taken away.

And then, there was also Samuel, who had asked her out for a coffee date. Jessy felt that it would be rude to reject him, especially since he had made the effort to ask her. She didn't want to alienate him, as he was the one person who seemed to understand her more than anyone else.

But then again, Jessy knew that she couldn't ignore the burning desire inside her to escape her confines and make a new life for herself. As she thought about her options, a plan began to form in her mind.

She would accept Samuel's offer and use it as a cover to leave the house. She would tell her father that she was going out with Samuel and would be back shortly. But instead, she would go to the address in the enveloped letter and claim the house that belonged to her mother.

With a newfound sense of determination and a plan in mind, Jessy knew that the time had come for her to take control of her own life. She couldn't wait any longer, and she couldn't let anyone else dictate the course of her life. No matter the obstacle, Jessy knew she could face them and emerge victorious. She had waited too long to seize her moment and it was time to take her life into her own hands.