


I just left Jason office after our usual early morning sex which always happened on his office table when Daniella Huggins walked into my office

/"Good morning Mrs Stokes/"

/"Good morning Daniella/"

/"You can just call me Ella/"

/"And you can just call me Lexi/"

/"I'm here for the boxes you talked about yesterday/"

/"Oh! There/" I pointed at the corner where Jada had placed the boxes

/"Okay/" she carried them and left while I started my job for the day

Towards lunch break, my phone vibrated, it was a text message from Cynthia

/"Let's go out tonight. I'm lonely. I missed my old friend/"

I and Cynthia's friendship had been declining since the day I married Jason and even though I have a loving husband and a handsome son, I still misses her sometimes

/"Okay. Where should we go to?/" I texted

/"Our usual place/"

/"I will be there before eight/" I texted her