
The Celestial Shift

In an unexpected twist of fate, death propelled me into purgatory. Alone and longing for freedom, I chanced upon a absorbing essences of souls. Tapping into their memories, I uncovered a remarkable mysteries—heavenly demon cultivation. Hope sparked inside me, as I realized I could be reborn in a new world. ... .. . . Yet, to my bewilderment, why am I in a girl's body?

logerlogerlog · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Chapter 14 - Outside

Bathed in dim light, the room was adorned with elegant tapestries. Several people populated the space, myself included, amidst a sea of dresses and undergarments.

My mother and a handful of maids busied themselves as they prepared me for an outing.

"No, why should I wear this?" I protested, shooting a deadpan look at the full set of clothes laid out before me. They were too feminine, too elaborate. I, a man in my previous life, felt awkward donning such garb.

"Atthy, constant use of dark-colored pants doesn't befit a noble lady," my mother cooed, a dejected look on her face.

"You're maturing into a young lady now," she added in a soft sigh.

Though I rarely wore extravagant dresses, the habit had somehow taken root in me. With a resigned expression, I inquired, "Okay, Mom, can I at least wear pants?" I attempted to negotiate an alternative.

"Sweetie, that's not an option," she promptly denied.

"How about a simple dress but of a non-bright color?" I proposed hopefully.

"Sure, let me find the most suitable one for you since we're venturing outdoors," she complied.

"Hmmm, let's see..." Her voice trailed off as she mulled over potential outfits.

"Here, try this on." With assistance from the maids, I changed into the selected dress.

"Hmmm, good, yet not quite right," she mused, already selecting another garb, leaving me wondering why she had me switch to something else.

"Done," I announced.

"Hmmm, perhaps there's a more fitting dress for you." Her scrutiny persisted as she continued her search.

Following a marathon of outfit changes, we returned to the initial selection.

"And now, perfection!" my mother declared.

"Isn't this the first outfit you chose?" I wondered aloud, my face flush with exhaustion.

"No, sweetie, now you're wearing a hairpin. It completes the look with your dress," she retorted, a proud look adorning her face.

Flabbergasted, I could only muster a "Yeah, sure, Mom. Can we leave now?"

After a tiresome dressing ritual, we prepared to set out. A sense of anticipation welled within me; it had been too long since my last venture outdoors and the excitement of discovering the world anew was irresistible.

Exiting the mansion, we were greeted by a waiting carriage and my beaming aunt. Her eyes lit up at the sight of me.

"Oh, Atthy, you look adorable," she cooed, affectionately pinching my cheeks.

I nodded in response to my aunt, my smile unwavering. I wore a simple white dress, a transparent flower pattern adorned the hem of the skirt, enhancing my appeal. Reluctantly, I had to admit the attire suited me.

"So, where are we off to, Sis?" My aunt turned to my mother, smiling broadly.

"Well, I believe brunch at a restaurant followed by a visit to the market would be lovely," my mother suggested thoughtfully.

"Then we can take things as they come," she added with smiling.

As we climbed into the carriage, flanked by an escort of knights, we began our journey through glorious green landscapes beneath a brilliantly bright sky.

The freshness of the air was intoxicating; a grin found its way onto my face as I peered out of the window.

The carriage moved smoothly, allowing me glimpses of diverse individuals.

The street was alive with people of various races including elves, beastmen, and dwarves, though humans were decidedly in the majority.

Our carriage moved on, allowing me glimpses of the various races on the streets. Elves, beastmen, and dwarves interspersed amidst a clear human majority. Sensing my interest, my mother started talking.

"You know Atthy," my mother began, "our country prides itself on harmony and coexistence among various races."

"Really?" I asked, turning towards her.

"Indeed," she confirmed. "Although humans are the majority, other races are not treated differently. Elves, beastmen, dwarves... they're all seen as equals here."

"Wow," I replied, impressed, my gaze returning to the streets full of diverse faces.

Our conversation continued, delving into the history and culture of our land, elevating my appreciation for this inclusive society.

Our ride came to a halt before a grand edifice with a relatively sparse population.

"We're arrived at 'The Velvet Rose'," my mother announced gleefully.

Disembarking the carriage, we were welcomed by the staff and chefs.

"Welcome, my lady," they greeted in unison.

It was clear that my mother was a prominent figure here, warranting such evident respect.

"A table for three, please," she requested with an air of grace.

"Certainly, my lady," the staff responded professionally.

We followed the staff to a beautifully set table, the ambiance of the restaurant was nothing short of awe-inspiring.

From the exquisite tableware to the soft glow of the candlelight and the perfectly harmonized decor with its intricate artwork all earned an invisible five-star rating from me.

Upon being seated, the menus were handed out promptly. Going through the listed delicacies, I realized I was out of my depth, unsure of what each dish actually was.

"Mother," I started, still eyeing the myriad of names. "I'm lost. Could I... have the same as you?"

With a hearty chuckle, my mother gave an approving nod. "Of course, Atthy," she said. "They have a delightful variety here. You won't be disappointed."

As the order was placed, the jovial conversations picked back up. Laughter echoed in our corner, all of us involved in our personal world of shared anecdotes and new experiences.

We commented on the food, tasting exotic textures and flavors, eventually getting lost in the warm current of delightful ambiance that the restaurant had to offer.

Following our sumptuous meal, we returned to our carriage and proceeded to the market. It was not your typical marketplace. Instead, it projected grandiosity, a place where aristocrats and nobles exclusively converged to flaunt their wealth and influence.

The square was grand, embellished with ornate marble columns and intricate fountains. Opulent structures surrounded us, each boutique and shop competing in affluence.

Stalls overflowed with extravagance: jewelers paraded rare gemstones, tailors dangled fine silks and velvets, artisans flaunted complicated sculptures and vivid paintings.

Perfumers wafted delicate scents in the air, etching their presence subtly, while extravagant delicacies and rare spices were buyable from merchants.

Our carriage pulled up in front of a store called 'The Potion Parlor'. A faint aroma of various herbs wafted from within-- not potent but rather refreshing.

Upon entering, a staff member greeted us. "Welcome to our humble store. How may I assist you, my lady?" His tone was professional.

"We're in need of healing and mana restoration potions for our household stock," my mother declared.

"Certainly, my lady. We stock them in three grades: lower, medium, and high, which one would you prefer?" He asked.

"I'll take fifty of each in high grade," she replied with an air of nonchalance.

The unphased declaration from my mother surprised me, hinting at our substantial requirement.

"That'll be 250 gold coins, my lady," the staff informed us cheerily. My mother promptly paid him.

"Would you be interested in our other potions?" He inquired, taking the opportunity to upsell.

"We offer truth serum, transmutation elixir, invisibility tonic, and our latest concoction – emotion potions," he dove into his sales pitch.

The list intrigued me. A potion that could morph you into an animal temporarily, others that could suppress fear or amplify courage? The curiosity about alchemy stirred within me.

"My apologies, but for now, we only require health and mana restoration potions. Thanks for offering, nonetheless," my mother turned him down while flashing a knowing smile that hinted she could see him trying to make a few extra coins.

After replenishing our house's stock with potions, we returned to our carriage. As we set off, my mother inquired, "Any store catch your eye?"

"All of them," I replied, bubbling with excitement. I wouldn't mind visiting every single one of them, purchasing mystical tools, perfumes, jewelry, or perhaps even a pet. But, the day was quickly fading into evening.

"Can we return tomorrow, mom? It's getting late." I requested.

"Absolutely, sweetheart," my mother assured me.

With that sorted, my aunt leaned in towards my mother, whispering, but audibly enough for me in the confined carriage, "Shall we stop by the slave store? Didn't we plan on buying her a personal maid?"

I hadn't considered owning a slave; the thought made me uncomfortable. However, I was aware that I wasn't equipped to abolish such a deeply ingrained system. All I could hope was that it wasn't facilitated illegally. Curiosity took the better of me.

"Is it illegal, Aunt Claire?" I found myself voicing my concern.

A slight pause hovered before my aunt responded to my query, "No, sweetie, it's not illegal. Slavery here has a different context."

"And what would that be?" My curiosity piqued further.

"Well, many are born into circumstances that limit their choices. They willingly offer their services, hoping for better prospects and protection. It's a legal and regulated industry." She answered.

"Then, how are they treated?"

"With utmost respect, darling. They are considered as family staff and are given the care they need."

With a nod of understanding, I said, "Thank you for explaining it to me." My apprehension eased. it wasn't my place to pass judgments. Everyone had their own perspectives and reasons. It seems this country have systematic slavery and make them utmost care at least that's a good thing.

"Very well, we'll make a visit tomorrow then. It's getting quite late already," my mother agreed, successfully steering the conversation away.

As the carriage trundled on, the remainder of our trip was filled with lighter conversations about the unique stores and intriguing novelties we'd come across during the day's adventure.