
Chapter 14

Chapter 14

After the arduous preparations, Lu Yao resumed the management of "The Celestial Experience."

The game interface displayed a population of 254 and a faith level of 21 in the upper right corner.

Lu Yao realized that the population growth within the Garlic tribe was slower than anticipated. It wasn't due to a lack of enthusiasm among the pixelated people to procreate. They did give birth to babies, but unfortunately, most of them didn't survive, with only a few managing to reach adulthood.

However, there was a marginal improvement compared to before.

Initially, the probability of a baby reaching adulthood safely was less than one-tenth. But now, based on visual estimation, Lu Yao approximated it to be around three-tenths.

The infant mortality rate was high, and apart from the infrastructure challenges that the tribe couldn't quickly overcome, the absence of physicians or pharmacists was another critical issue.

The shaman, a skilled hunter, was the sole healer in the Garlic tribe, responsible for addressing the medical needs of the entire community.


[Shaman Lv2]Hunter

Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Knowledge: 1 Mana: 1 Luck: 0 Morale: 1


Healing Lv2: Proficient in treating various diseases and injuries, with the effectiveness of healing dependent on ability level, knowledge, and mana.


As new lives were born, old lives passed away.

Injuries, deaths, and the natural process of aging were the primary factors contributing to the tribe's population decline. The deceased pixelated villagers were laid to rest in the forest, allowing them to return to the embrace of Mother Nature.

This ancestral custom, passed down through generations, was continued by the new Garlic tribe.

After the winter ended, an exceptionally scorching summer arrived swiftly.

The game screen was bathed in a faint yellow light. The grass on the ground withered and turned yellow, and the water level of the eastern river receded, exposing more of its banks.

Smoke billowed from the heads of all the tribe members as they endured the extreme heat. They sought refuge in their huts, venturing out only during the cooler morning and evening hours for farming and hunting.

The relentless exposure to the sun and the ongoing drought compelled the pixelated people to gather around the temple once again.

"Master Yaoshen, we implore you to bless us with life-giving rainwater!"

"The heat is unbearable. If this persists, the wheat and garlic crops will wither, and the entire community will face peril."

"Benevolent God Yao, mighty God Yao, save us!"

Lu Yao was not hesitant and promptly expended 10 points of faith to initiate the miraculous event [Rainfall].

Long-awaited rain descended upon the parched land, evoking cheers and praises from the tribe's pixelated people, grateful for the divine intervention.

At that moment, the prophet and the shaman engaged in a thoughtful conversation.

"The gods have bestowed rain upon us, relieving the heat. However, we cannot perpetually rely on divine intervention. As humble servants, we have received much and given little in return."

"The scorching hear may return, and the land is losing water, making it arduous to cultivate wheat and garlic in the fields. We must capitalize on the rain from the gods and devise a long-term, reliable solution."

The two sagacious men of the tribe contemplated the issue, but no ideas came to mind.

Therefore, Lu Yao led them to the river.

As the shaman paced back and forth by the river, an epiphany struck him.

"Yes! We can excavate trenches in the ground to channel the river water. This way, we can easily access water and even store rainwater when it arrives."

Without any hesitation, the two summoned the entire Garlic tribe, mobilizing their manpower to excavate the trenches.

From dawn to dusk, the pixelated people toiled, diligently guiding the river water to the edges of the farmland, excavating small ponds, and creating a continuous flow of water by returning to the river from the opposite side.

New notifications incessantly appeared on the game interface.

[The Garlic tribe has acquired knowledge of irrigation and drainage through the discovery of ditches.]

[With the mastery of this innovative technology, the Garlic tribe's agricultural output has significantly improved.]

[The Garlic tribe has gained renown among other tribes due to their mastery of this pioneering technology.]

The drought persisted.

Despite enduring the scorching heat, the Garlic tribe managed to ensure basic drinking water and irrigation after completing the primary ditches. This provided a semblance of stability to the emotions the pixelated people.

During this protracted drought, the barbarian tribe made a resurgent comeback for the third time.

Thirty-two barbarians joined the raid, representing the full strength of their tribe, as they left behind the elderly, infirm, sick, and disabled members.

"Surrender your water and food! Damned heretics!"

"Seize their water and food!"

"Do not resist!"

"Hungry! Thirsty!"

The barbarian tribe appeared aggressive, but Lu Yao couldn't help but scoff at the slogans they shouted.

How could they label others as heretics when they couldn't even sustain themselves properly?

Certainly! Here's an enhanced version of the text with improved sentence structure, coherence, flow, vocabulary, and a touch of militaristic terminology:

Chapter 14

After completing the arduous preparations, Lu Yao reclaimed his role as the manager of "The Celestial Experience."

The game interface displayed a population of 254 and a faith level of 21 in the upper right corner.

Lu Yao realized that the population growth within the Garlic tribe was slower than anticipated. It wasn't due to a lack of enthusiasm among the pixelated people to procreate. They did give birth to babies, but unfortunately, most of them didn't survive, with only a few managing to grow up.

However, there was a slight improvement compared to before.

Initially, the probability of a baby reaching adulthood safely was less than one-tenth. But now, by visual estimation, Lu Yao approximated it to be around three-tenths.

The infant mortality rate was high, and besides the infrastructure challenges that the tribe couldn't quickly overcome, the lack of physicians or pharmacists posed another crucial issue.

The shaman, a skilled hunter, served as the sole healer in the Garlic tribe, responsible for meeting the medical needs of the entire tribe.


[Shaman Lv2]Hunter

Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Knowledge: 1 Mana: 1 Luck: 0 Morale: 1


Healing Lv2: Proficient in treating various diseases and injuries, with the effectiveness of healing dependent on ability level, knowledge, and mana.


New lives were born while old lives passed away.

Injuries, deaths, and the natural process of aging were the primary factors contributing to the tribe's population decline. The deceased pixelated villagers were laid to rest in the forest, allowing them to return to the embrace of the earth and nature.

This ancestral custom, passed down through generations, was continued by the new Garlic tribe.

After the winter came to an end, an exceptionally scorching summer swiftly arrived.

The game screen was bathed in a faint yellow light. The grass on the ground withered and turned yellow, and the water level of the eastern river receded, revealing more of its banks.

Smoke billowed from the heads of all the tribe members as they persevered amidst the extreme heat. They sought refuge in their huts, venturing out only during the cooler morning and evening hours for farming and hunting.

The relentless sun exposure and drought compelled the pixelated people to gather around the temple once again.

"Master Yaoshen, we beseech you to bless us with the life-giving gift of rainwater!"

"The heat is unbearable. If this persists, the wheat and garlic crops will wither, and the survival of our tribe will be at stake."

"Benevolent God Yao, mighty God Yao, save us!"

Lu Yao, resolute and unwavering, promptly expended 10 points of faith to unleash the miraculous event [Rainfall].

Long-awaited rain descended upon the parched land, eliciting cheers and praises from the tribe's pixelated people, deeply grateful for the divine intervention.

In that moment, the prophet and the shaman engaged in a thoughtful conversation.

"The gods have graced us with rain, relieving the scorching heat. However, we cannot rely solely on divine intervention. As their humble servants, we have received much and given little in return."

"More scorching weather may still come, and the land is losing water, making it arduous to cultivate wheat and garlic in the fields. We must seize the opportunity presented by the gods' rain and devise a long-term and reliable solution."

The two wise men of the tribe contemplated the issue, yet no immediate solutions came to mind.

Therefore, Lu Yao led

the shaman, along with a group of experienced hunters and resourceful villagers, to explore the riverbanks.

They observed the water's behavior and flow, mapping the terrain and analyzing the land's topography.

The shaman, utilizing his deep knowledge of nature and his skills as a hunter, proposed an ingenious solution.

"Master Yao, let us dig trenches and canals along the riverbanks to harness the flow of water. With this method, we can gain easy access to water and even store rainwater when it falls."

Without hesitation, the two leaders rallied the entire Garlic tribe, mobilizing their manpower to commence excavation work.

From dawn till dusk, the pixelated people toiled diligently, expertly guiding the river water to the edges of the farmland, creating small ponds and establishing a continuous flow of water by returning it to the river from the opposite side.

The game interface buzzed with constant notifications.

[The Garlic tribe has acquired the knowledge of irrigation and drainage through the discovery of ditches.]

[With the mastery of this innovative technology, the Garlic tribe's agricultural output has significantly improved.]

[The Garlic tribe has gained renown among other tribes due to their mastery of this pioneering technology.]

Yet, the drought persisted.

Despite enduring the scorching heat, the Garlic tribe managed to ensure access to basic drinking water and irrigation after completing the primary ditches. This brought a semblance of stability to the morale of the pixelated people.

During this protracted drought, the barbarian tribe launched a resurgent assault for the third time.

Thirty-two barbarians joined the raid, representing the full might of their tribe, as they left behind the elderly, infirm, sick, and disabled members.

"Surrender your water and food, you damned heretics!"

"Seize their water and food!"

"Do not resist!"

"Hungry! Thirsty!"

The barbarian tribe appeared aggressive, but Lu Yao couldn't help but scoff at the slogans they shouted.

How could they label others as heretics when they couldn't even sustain themselves properly?

Today's Garlic tribe had no fear of an attack of this magnitude. The hunters wielded their bows and arrows with expertise, easily shooting down the warriors of the barbarian tribe.

Twelve barbarians perished in this battle, while the remaining twenty were captured.

It seemed that they had completely lost their minds, driven to desperation by the drought.

Because the barbarian tribes were more akin to nomads in the mountains, skilled in hunting and plundering, they had lost their food supply completely during this prolonged drought. Water sources had become scarce, leaving them desperate and famished.

Lu Yao's suspicions deepened regarding their motivations to defect to the Garlic tribe. It was possible they had planned this long ago, waiting for the right moment to surrender. Or perhaps the barbarians, burdened by their warrior idol status, believed that surrendering after a fight would appear more convincing.

The barbarians recounted the dire situation within their horde.

"The heat is unbearable, and many people in the tribe have perished."

"Our tribe is devoid of food, and hunger plagues everyone. Thirst is unquenchable, and the devil demands more sacrifices."

"Heroes are devoured by demons as offerings."

"We roamed far and wide, seeking to plunder, but found nothing, and many of our people perished."

"Finally, we have arrived here."

Their words only confirmed Lu Yao's suspicions.

Devil Jack was not a strategist; he saw the barbarian tribe merely as tools. The well-being of the barbarians was never his concern; his only interest was to force them to find prey for sacrifice, even sparing no barbarian heroes.

The barbarian tribes were mere shells of their former selves.

Lu Yao had already planned to eradicate the barbarian tribe once the dry season ended, but he hadn't anticipated that they would succumb to the extreme weather on their own. Under the indiscriminate wrath of nature's immense power, survival among human groups was determined by their adaptability to the environment.

In any case, one troublesome matter was resolved.

Lu Yao stretched his neck, relieving the tension built up in his body.

Suddenly, Yin Shabel, who stood by his side, gazed out the window, her voice filled with seriousness.

"My lord, I sense the presence of a demon."

"A demon?" Lu Yao approached the window and peered outside.

The alleys and streets lay deserted. Night had fallen, and eerie reports of lurking perverts filled the community. Only a solitary white wild dog roamed the empty streets.

"Where?" Lu Yao inquired.

Yin Shabel pointed to a corner of the street.

A middle-aged man lay there, appearing drunk as he leaned against the curb, with a puddle of filth beside him.

The wild dog slowly approached the man and sniffed him.

Then, to Lu Yao's surprise, the wild dog did something unexpected.

It bit onto the man's clothes and gradually dragged him toward the parking alley.

"My lord, grant me the order to hunt the demon," Yin Shabel requested.

Lu Yao questioned her, "How shall I contact you once you go to confront the demon?"

"Through my eyes."

Yin Shabel reached out and dug into her left eye socket, extracting her left eye with her fingers and presenting it to Lu Yao.

The eye possessed a white iridescent appearance, with a green iris-like hole. Its icy texture and crystal luster resembled ancient artwork, resembling some long-lost relic.

"My lord, with the power of faith, everything I witness shall be displayed before you through this eye. You may also issue new commands to me through this eye."

Lu Yao carefully received the eye, handling it as if it were a precious gem, and cautioned Yin Shabel, "Be vigilant and ensure your identity remains concealed."

"Yes, my lord."

Enveloped in a shroud of black mist, Yin Shabel transformed into her usual garb—a black robe. Her eyes were once again concealed by the black cloth, returning her to her original appearance.

Men's shirts, sunglasses, and jeans materialized from within the folds of her robe, scattering onto the bed.

Yin Shabel leaped off the window sill, melding into the darkness of the night.