
The Celestia

After a long day of work and feeling tired, Skaayla wanted to relax by playing a game. She opened up her VR device and chose a new game called Celestia. However, when she got too engrossed in playing the game, her brain stopped working and she lost consciousness. Skaayla then opened her eyes and realized that she was in a strange and beautiful place. She then met a god who gave her a chance at reincarnation due to her good deeds in her previous life. Skaayla was informed that she died while playing the game Celestia and was given a chance to start a new life in a very different world. After some conversation with the god, Skaayla was told that she would be reincarnated as a vampire who only had resistance to sunlight. She would start her new life in a world of swords and magic called Runaria. However, when Skaayla opened her eyes in this new world, she was shocked to find out that she had been reincarnated as a baby!!!

Nara_Godly · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 04

Skaayla was surprised to see a small creature coming towards her. But, after hearing Eriase's words, she felt a little relieved and felt that there was someone who answered her.

"Stop crying, Skaayla. You have to try to get out of here. I will help you through the various obstacles and dangers in this place," said Eriase kindly.

Skaayla nodded and felt a little calmer because she got help from Eriase. Skaayla hugged Eriase and then began the journey to find a way out of this place.

They passed various obstacles and dangers along the way, including monsters that attacked them. However, thanks to Eriase's help, they managed to pass all obstacles and reach a door with the number 501.

Skaayla realized that she was in a dungeon and was previously on the 500th floor.

After reaching the 501st floor, they still had to pass many more obstacles and dangers on the following floors before finally successfully escaping from the dungeon.

Skaayla thanked Eriase for helping her during the journey. She felt no longer alone and had someone reliable during the difficult journey. They then continued their journey to find a way out of the dungeon.

After a long journey and passing through various obstacles, Eriase and Skaayla finally arrived on the 510th floor.

Behind the door with the number 510, there was a terrifying monster hidden. The monster had a large muscular body with big legs like pillars, as if designed to support heavy weights. The monster's hands held a sharp axe, with shining blade eyes under the light. However, the most frightening thing of all this was the monster's face, which resembled a large buffalo with sharp horns and a wide gaping mouth. The monster's breath sounded heavy and fierce, and its large and frightening eyes seemed to penetrate the soul of anyone who dared to look at it. The monster was called the Minotaur.

Skaayla prepared herself by sharpening her claws and preparing her sharp teeth. She felt a little nervous but also excited because this was a real fight.

Eriase stood behind Skaayla, calming and supporting her. He also prepared healing spells that might be needed by Skaayla during the fight.

The Minotaur appeared fiercely and let out a thunderous roar. Skaayla immediately attacked with her sharp claws and teeth, avoiding the heavy Minotaur attacks.

Eriase provided support by using his magic to help Skaayla avoid Minotaur's attacks and provide healing when Skaayla was injured during the fight.

The fierce battle lasted for several minutes. Skaayla kept attacking with her sharp teeth and claws, trying to avoid the Minotaur's strong attacks.

As Skaayla and Eriase faced the Minotaur, the battle became even more intense. Eriase continued to provide assistance to Skaayla, while Skaayla struggled with her physical strength and her extraordinary regenerative ability.

The Minotaur continued to launch deadly attacks, but Skaayla skillfully dodged them. However, after a while, Skaayla began to feel exhausted. Her physical strength began to weaken, and she began to feel her vampire instinct that needed blood.

Suddenly, the Minotaur launched a massive attack and Skaayla was hit. Her body was thrown far away, and Eriase was afraid that Skaayla would not be able to get up again.

However, Skaayla suddenly got up and ran towards the Minotaur with incredible speed. She managed to deceive the Minotaur and quickly attacked it. In an instant, Skaayla bit the Minotaur's neck and began to suck its blood.

The Minotaur tried to free itself, but its strength weakened as its blood was continuously being drained by Skaayla. Skaayla felt her strength returning and felt the power spreading throughout her body. However, as soon as she finished, she shook her head and said, "ugh, I knew Minotaur's blood wouldn't taste good."

With her strength restored, Skaayla managed to strike the Minotaur with a powerful blow. The Minotaur's body was thrown against the wall, and Eriase quickly sent the final blow to defeat the Minotaur.

After successfully defeating the Minotaur, Skaayla lay weakly, "Haa, I will never drink Minotaur's blood again.."

Eriase just smiled and said, "At least, you managed to defeat the Minotaur and we can continue our journey to get out of this dungeon."

Skaayla just nodded and felt relieved that she had defeated the boss on the 510th floor. They then continued their journey to the next floor, hoping to get out of the dungeon and return to the outside world.

As they walked towards the exit, they saw a group of monsters gathering in a large room to the left of the corridor. Skaayla took a deep breath and decided to try her newly acquired power to paralyze them.

With a sharp look and a strong posture, Skaayla showed her intimidating power, causing the monsters to become frightened and immobile. Eriase saw Skaayla's success and smiled, knowing that her intimidating power could be very useful in situations like this.

They walked towards the frightened monsters and Skaayla sucked their blood until only bones and flesh were left.

"Does it taste good?" Eriase asked.

"Not as good as human blood, but at least I can get energy for the next floor." She replied. "And by sucking their blood, I can gain new abilities." She added.

"Does that only apply to blood that is completely drained?" Eriase asked again.


They continued their journey to the next floor, hoping to get out of the dungeon and return to the outside world. However, they knew that there were still many obstacles and dangers waiting on the next floors.

When they reached the 511th floor, they immediately felt a different atmosphere. The floor was full of traps and pitfalls that threatened their lives at every moment. They had to be careful and remain vigilant in every step they took.

They saw many dead ends and branching paths that confused them. Eriase tried to remember every detail and direction they had passed, while Skaayla tried to use her new power to find a faster and safer way out.

However, the further they progressed, the more monsters stood in their way. Some monsters even had far greater powers than the Minotaur they had just defeated. Eriase and Skaayla had to work together to overcome each challenge and defeat every monster that blocked their path. And the more monsters Skaayla absorbed, the stronger she became.

They continued to march on, fighting with passion and determination, even though they knew danger still lurked around every corner of the floor. They couldn't turn back now, as they had come too far to stop.

Finally, after overcoming various obstacles and dangers, they managed to reach the door to the 512th floor. On the 512th floor, there were no monsters at all. It was only a resting place, where Skaayla and Eriase rested to regain their stamina.