
The Cave King Will Live a Paradise Life.

In a world where crests decide one’s fate, Prince Heale is born with Cave King—a crest just as worthless as he is. Deemed a disgrace to his family, he’s exiled to a barren, deserted island with not a plant nor soul in sight. Alone, miserable, but determined to survive, he reaches for a pickaxe to expand the cave he intends to make his new home—and discovers the true power of his crest! It turns out Cave King makes cavern mining as easy as breathing. And as Heale digs deeper into the island, he discovers one otherworldly mineral after another. Who’s worthless now? But valuable ore isn’t the only thing Heale finds on his mining adventures. He soon befriends slimes and saves goblins that wash ashore. And together as one big family, they’ll work to overcome any challenge on the road to developing the island into their own little paradise. The Cave King will live a Paradise Life -Becoming the strongest with the mining skill?- Author: Naehara Hajime Tags: Adventure. Fantasy. Light Novels. Island. Kingdom Building. Magic. Royalty .Based on a Web Novel. The story is not mine i am just posting it here so that i can read here the same with all the other story.

tutul_hasan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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100 Chs

Chapter 31 – 32

Chapter 31 – We received a request to land!!

One afternoon two days after Mappa installed the water pipes.

Just like any other day, I was digging in the cave.

Currently, Baris was working to make a hot spring on the surface.

Apparently, his plan was to make it underneath the World Tree.

In other words, it would be out in the open…

Which I thought would be a little embarrassing.

However, for the goblins and kobolds, having the hot spring outside was considered normal.

All I really knew about hot springs, was that they were places to bathe with naturally hot water.

In the royal palace, they had something like a furnace underneath that heated the water.

Well, rejuvenating underneath the branches of the World Tree did not seem like a bad idea…

In any case, I left it all to Baris as I concentrated on swinging my pickaxe.

I wanted to find something that would help improve our lifestyle.

Furthermore, there were some materials I needed to restock on.

I didn't like to brag, but mining was the most efficient when I was doing it.

Rienna was in charge of the farm and Erevan military matters.

Mappa made tools. In fact, he had recently started to make armor and weapons for the Golems and guards.

It seemed like everyone had started being in charge of what they were good at.

The kobolds had especially good eyesight, and so they were good at hunting birds and fish.

The slimes and Golems had the transportation market on lock, and it was a similar situation with the Cave Spider and clothes.

It was hard to believe that just a short while ago, we had lacked food and water.

"I hope that I get something good today too…"

I said as I swung the pickaxe.

Things would be a lot easier if I knew where to dig in order to get specific materials.

I then noticed that Fule was also digging next to me.

"Fule? It's midday already. Aren't you going to rest?"

"Mmm. No, I'm fine… I'll rest later."

"I see… Don't push yourself too hard."

As soon as Fule got up in the morning, she would quickly eat breakfast and head out to mine.

While the other goblin children who were the same age as her were playing outside, she was always deep in the caves.

Apparently, she really wanted to be able to use magic soon.

And she needed an Ascending Stone for that. It would allow her to evolve so her body could use magic energy.

However, the Ascending Stones were different from ordinary ore.

The one I had found was in a small stone chamber.

In other words, we would likely have to find a similar ruin.

I hoped that she didn't expect to find one so soon…

Still, I also dug in hopes of finding one for her sake.

As they were rare, it was possible that it would be protected by golems again.

But if that was the case, I would be able to detect the magic, which was quite convenient for me.

Just then, I felt a weak current of magic from behind.

When I turned around, I saw that Fule was standing there.


"Huh? Ah…!?"

I immediately unleashed Shield around Fule.

At the same time, a nearby Golem moved in front of her as if to protect her.

Just then, something exploded right in front of Fule.

It was a small explosion, so Shield was enough to stop it.

From what I could see, Fule was not hurt.

"Th-thank you…"

She said to me and the Golem.

Even if I hadn't used magic, the Golem would have likely saved her.

It was a good thing that I kept them down here.

"Well, what a relief… Was it some kind of trap?"

I didn't know if it was manmade or not.

However, Fule nodded.

"I think so…there is something back there."

"You found something?"

Fule pushed away the rubble where she had been digging. Then she pulled something out.

"…Is this a treasure chest?"

She asked with her head tilted to the side. The thing she showed me was a plain wooden box.

"It might be. Why don't you look inside?"

"Yes! …Huh? It won't open…"

"In that case… It must be locked as well. I'll try using unlocking magic."

And so I cast 'Pick' on the box that she was holding.

Then the lid popped open.

Inside, there was what looked like a crystal and three golden stones.

But…Crystals tended to be a little less clear than this, so maybe it was different.

It might just be the kind of crystal ball that fortune tellers used.

As for the gold stones… They could be Ascending Stones.

Fule's eyes shone with expectation once she saw that they were gold.

"I should be able to store them if they are stones…then I can find out what they are."

And so I picked up the crystal and one gold stone and tried putting it into my Inventory.

It worked perfectly.

And the gold stone…was an Ascending Stone after all.

So the other two were likely Ascending Stones as well.

Fule looked impatient to know the results, and so I said to her,

"…Fule, congratulations. It is an Ascending Stone!"

"Re-really!? …No way!"

"It's true. See."




I took it out of my Inventory and handed it to her.

She shouted excitedly and tears of joy ran down her face.

She had done almost nothing but dig since she came here.

And now her efforts had finally been rewarded.

As for the other thing…

I asked the Advisor to analyze the crystal.

<<Substitue Stone… It can be changed into any other known stone.>>

In other words, it could be anything you wanted it to be…

It could be an Ascending Stone or even a Dragon Sphere Stone that could bring people back to life.

"This is quite the find…"

"The crystal? What does it do?"

"Apparently, it can turn into any other stone. Including the one you're holding or the one that resurrects people."

"It-it can…"

"You should save it for now… And think very hard about what you will do with it… Here."

I handed the Substitute Stone to her.

However, Fule shook her head.

"I just need this one Ascending Stone! Without you, Lord Heal, I would never have survived long enough to acquire it. In fact, I almost died a minute ago… You should use it."

"But you're the one that found it, Fule."

"No. I was only able to concentrate on digging because of you. Besides, I haven't been helping at all with the fishing and other work… If you don't want to use it, use it for the others."

"I see… Thank you, Fule. Well then, I'll discuss it with everyone else."

"Yes. Take these two Ascending Stones as well."

Fule said as she handed them to me.

I put them away in my Inventory.

"Alright then, we finished getting what we wanted. Why don't we go back and eat? Then we can use the stones."


And so we decided to return to the surface.

On the way, Fule was so happy that she hummed while she walked.

"I don't think I've ever been this happy!"

"I see. But, I hope you're not so busy training with magic all of the time, that you'll forget to visit us down in the caves once in a while."

"Of course! In fact, I'm going to work harder in the caves than before!"

That's when it happened.

Someone was sliding down the stairs while using a slime as a sled.

It was the fifteenth. The Mithril Golem.

And it was ringing a bell.

Judging by the way it was ringing it, something must have appeared on the sea.

And so I rushed towards the entrance.

On the way, goblin and kobold children ran passed me.

They looked worried, and so I asked them,

"Did something happen out there?"

"Lord Heal! The-the enemy… There's an orc ship!"


As they said enemy, it must be the orcs that the kobolds had been fighting with… In other words, the famous pirates. The Korbas tribe.

But I had heard that they were a great fleet of a hundred ships… Then this was the biggest threat that our island had ever faced.

As the elderly and the disabled fled into the caves, I came out.

And then, I saw the giants sails on the sea.

It was a battleship of the royal navy… Just one of them could carry a crew of one thousand, and it had dozens of ballistas installed on both sides of the deck. It was the most powerful ship in the navy.

However, while the sails were supposed to be white, these had been dyed black.

The royal flag was turned into a terrible skull, proving to us that this ship was no longer in service of the kingdom.

The Korbas had probably captured it from the royal navy.

But there was something else that bothered me more.

It was that there were no other ships around it.

As these kinds of ships could not make sharp turns, they were usually escorted by a fleet of smaller ships.

Not only that, but the Korbas were supposed to have a hundred of them…

And this battleship itself seemed odd.

It would usually have four masts, but the two in the center seemed to be broken.

I headed to where Rienna, Baris, Erevan, Ashton, and Haines were gathered.

"Is it the Korbas!?"

Ashton was the one who answered.

"Yes, that is the boat that attacked us. However, I cannot see the other ships. As for this one…it seems that a lot has happened since our last encounter…"

And that had only been a few days ago, so clearly something had happened to the Korbas.

Erevan muttered.

"Hah. Perhaps they got overconfident and were taken by a storm?"

"That seems the most likely… No matter how strong the navy is, I doubt they could destroy a hundred ships…"

Ashton agreed with Erevan.

Then Baris said,

"Lord Heal. For now, I have placed ten Golems in the advance guard. In the back, there is a defense force comprised of goblins and kobolds. On your command, we will be ready to attack."

"I see… Hmm?"

I noticed that a small boat had been sent out from the battleship.

"A messenger? …Let's see what this is about."

"Chief, we will accompany you."

Erevan said. The others nodded.

"Thank you. However, Rienna, Baris, and Haines. Could you three stay here? It's possible that the other ships might be hiding somewhere. We must keep our guard up."

They all nodded.

Then Rienna said,

"Yes. But Lord Heal, please be careful…"

"Aye, of course, I will…"

I said and then headed towards the boat.

A large orc was standing on the prow.

He was wearing the hat and coat of an admiral…and a long golden wig.

And in both hands, I could see he was holding sabers.

When the boat was close enough to the reclaimed ground, the orc jumped up high.

And then he landed heavily in front of us.

"You… I demand that you allow us to harbor here at once!!"

The orc, who had a heavily powdered face, demanded.




Chapter 32 – A legendary monster appeared!!!

l of you… I demand you give us permission to land at once!!"

The orc, who had a white face and wore peach-colored lipstick, growled.

If I wasn't wrong, orcs had gender.

And this orc seemed like a man… But the way he talked and acted seemed to argue otherwise.

Large beads of sweat were dripping from his forehead and smudging the makeup.

It was clear that he was panicking.

However, he then seemed to realize something else, as he scowled.

"He-hey, wait a minute… Why the hell are you alive, Ash. And that big goblin over there… Are you Ere of the Berdan tribe!? But how…"

Seeing a kobold he had fought before would be confusing enough.

But then there was Erevan… Apparently, his old name was known by the orcs as well.

"And furthermore, why is a human…and that giant spider…and that tree… Oh, is it possible that I'm already…"

The orc's jaw began to clatter.

It wasn't just confusion, there was clearly fear as well.

In the meantime, the other boats landed on the shore.

And while some carried swords and axes, they were all naked for some reason…

Well, I suppose there was an advantage to being light…

"Kamyu… It is a long story, but…"

Just as Ashton was about to explain, Erevan began to shout angrily at the pale orc.

Apparently, this orc was called Kamyu.

"Shut your damn mouth!! So, you're the head of the Korbas!? I heard the rumors about you and your lack of taste in clothing!!"

"La-lack of taste, you say!? I've never heard anything so rude!!!"

"And who do you think you are? Allow you to land? Shouldn't you be begging us!?"

"Don't get me wrong! I am not asking for anything!! This is an order!!"

"An order!? You know, I think I'll use your skull to make a toast during tonight's fest!"

Erevan said as he raised his axe.

This was about to turn into a fight…and so I stepped in.

"Wait! Did you say your name was Kamyu? I am the lord of this island. My name is Heal."

"You're the lord…? …Well, you're not bad looking, but that won't stop me!"

Kamyu said as he suddenly dashed towards me.

I assumed he was going to try and take me hostage.

In retaliation, I raised my hand and was about to send a current of electricity through him.

However, Ashton and Erevan quickly jumped in between us.

Kamyu pointed his sabers at them but stepped back.

"I guess it isn't going to be so easy…"

Erevan glanced towards Ashton, who was standing next to him with his scimitar.

"Ashton, get out of my way… I can do this alone."

"No, Erevan… Kamyu is a dangerous enemy with many secrets. Besides, it will be difficult if we are to take him alive."

Do as you will. Erevan spat in reply.

They really were from war tribes…

However, they said they intended on catching him alive.

I thought that I could probably accomplish it with magic, but allowing them to cooperate here could be useful, and so I let them.

Still, I didn't want them to get injured, and so I cast Shield on them, just in case.

As for the other orcs, I ordered the Golems to take care of them.

But I told them to catch the orcs alive.

Kamyu then interrupted the two.

"That's just fine. I don't have much time anyway… You can both come at me at once!!"

…Not much time?

As I puzzled over this, Erevan and Ashton's swords clashed against Kamyu's.

Erevan was stronger, and Ashton was faster. Kamyu was quickly overwhelmed.

Erevan swung his great axe with tremendous weight, and Ashton would unleash quick slashes with the scimitar in between his attacks.

Kamyu was barely able to block them and launch a counter-attack with the sabers.

"Being tormented by such a strapping pair… Ah, we could have had so much fun under different circumstances!"

Kamyu licked his saber and pointed it at Erevan.

For the first time, I thought I could see horror in Erevan's eyes.

"Do-don't come any closer.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"I'll feed you to the sharks!"

He shouted as he blocked the attack by sweeping the axe to the side.

Kamyu controlled his saber with more speed and power than any swordsman I had seen at the palace.

His movements were as delicate as his appearance was not…

Furthermore, he would occasionally fire off hidden darts from his arm. Kamyu seemed to be very skilled in combat.

But Erevan was the greatest warrior of his tribe, and combined with Ashton, there was little hope for Kamyu.

As for the other orcs, they might as well have been children. And they were easily swallowed up by the webs of the Cave Spiders.

Kamyu was soon out of breath as well, and as the sweat ran heavily down his face, the wig came sliding off.

There was little evidence of the pale, powdered orc from earlier, as the green orc was now revealed.

Even as he panted with exhaustion, it was easy to notice that he was every bit as handsome as Erevan.

"Haa…ha… I won't die in a place like this… The Korbas cannot end here…no…no…"

Kamyu wanted to continue to fight.

But he also seemed to be in a rush.

…What was the cause?




Should I interfere and find out what was going on?

That's when it happened.

I could hear people shouting on the battleship.

I looked towards the sea in surprise.

A fleet of nearly twenty ships was heading in our direction.

The orcs who hadn't been caught yet were also shouting now.

They're alive. They caught up. That's what they were shouting.

So, I guess they were the rest of the Korbas fleet.

But I wasn't sure why they had been late.

Kamyu grinned as well.

"There's been a shift in power… About 2,000 reinforcements will come to this island."

"Tsk. It doesn't matter how many there are. The result is the same. We'll be feasting on your flesh tonight."

Erevan declared without a hint of dread.

However, Ashton seemed more hesitant.

"Th-that ship…"

Ashton's crest was 'Clairvoyance.'

The crest granted him enhanced eyesight.

And kobolds already had much better eyesight than humans.

And so he was able to see the crew, when everyone else could not.

Erevan laughed boisterously.

"What's this, Ashton!? As if some puny reinforcements matter! You're even weaker than I thought!"

"Yo-you have it wrong, Erevan! The crew on those ships…they are not alive!!"

"Eh? What are you talking about?"

As Erevan looked puzzled, Kamyu burst into laughter.

I wasn't able to see if Ashton was telling the truth or not.

However, there was one thing that was strange. All of the ships had sails that were torn to a shocking degree.

And it wasn't as if they were using oars to propel the ships… It was difficult to understand how they were able to move at such a speed.

"Damn it, I don't know what you're talking about… But if you want to surrender, the time is now…"

It was as Kamyu was saying this. There was a deafening crash.

One of the newly arrived ships had smashed into Kamyu's battleship.


He became speechless.

Still, it was possible for ships to hit each other by accident.

However, this time the ships were clearly smashing against the battleship from both sides.

And like that, the battleships cracked in half.

And then arrows began to fly from the ships that were supposed to be his.

"No-no…this can't be happening…why? Why?"

Kamyu held his head.

In the meantime, the other ships were still approaching.

We were just as confused.

Erevan said,

"Wh-what does this mean!?"

"…It is hard to believe, but the orcs on those ships have their flesh and bones exposed… They are undead."

Ashton explain. Kamyu shrieked.

"How dare you tell lies!"

He quickly pulled out a telescope from his shirt and looked towards the ships.


The sight that greeted him was unbearably tragic, and he crumbled to the ground.

"…Hahahahaha…I see! Yes, this must be a dream!! In the first place, why the hell would there be a goblin and kobold here!? So that monster was also just a dream!! Ahahahahaha!!!"

Kamyu shouted madly.

At this point, all he could do was laugh eerily.


What did he mean by that?

As I wondered this, there was a sudden, gigantic burst of water from the sea.

A pillar of water that was wider than any other the ships had appeared, and the surrounding ships were capsized.

And what then appeared in the midst of the water…

"A Le-Leviathan!?"

A mythical creature that was thin and long like a snake and had glimmering blue scales…

The Leviathan had arrived.