
The Cave King Will Live a Paradise Life.

In a world where crests decide one’s fate, Prince Heale is born with Cave King—a crest just as worthless as he is. Deemed a disgrace to his family, he’s exiled to a barren, deserted island with not a plant nor soul in sight. Alone, miserable, but determined to survive, he reaches for a pickaxe to expand the cave he intends to make his new home—and discovers the true power of his crest! It turns out Cave King makes cavern mining as easy as breathing. And as Heale digs deeper into the island, he discovers one otherworldly mineral after another. Who’s worthless now? But valuable ore isn’t the only thing Heale finds on his mining adventures. He soon befriends slimes and saves goblins that wash ashore. And together as one big family, they’ll work to overcome any challenge on the road to developing the island into their own little paradise. The Cave King will live a Paradise Life -Becoming the strongest with the mining skill?- Author: Naehara Hajime Tags: Adventure. Fantasy. Light Novels. Island. Kingdom Building. Magic. Royalty .Based on a Web Novel. The story is not mine i am just posting it here so that i can read here the same with all the other story.

tutul_hasan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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100 Chs

Chapter 133-134

Chapter 133 – Deprived!?


Lopez went flying into the air.

–So I was able to attack him if it was from behind.

However, Lopez quickly regained his posture and directed his hand at me before unleashing a mist ball of darkness.

I blocked it with Shield, and then shot out more Teleportation Stones around him.

And like that, I moved behind Lopez again and attacked.

After repeating this several times, Lopez showed visible signs of weakening.

Eventually, he was no longer able to stand up, and he fell to the ground.

"Damn it…"

But I felt nothing but sadness as I looked at him.

He was the friend I had never been able to protect. And now I was hurting him with my own hands.

And so I cast Shield again. This time over Lopez's body as if to protect him. He would not be able to shoot magic now.

"Lord Heal! We finished defeating the monsters!!"


Rienna and Erevan were running towards me from the wall. I could also see Elto coming down from the sky.

Apparently, they had finished dealing with the undead.

But, we weren't safe yet. After all, Oren could use necromancy to bring people back over and over again. And who knew what other powerful magic he had?

However, it was an unnecessary worry.

Because Baris had used his magic to slam Oren to the ground.

"Alright brother! Let's capture him!"

Ashton and Haines ran up to Oren and bound both his arms and his feet. And then they put a wooden gag in his mouth.

You couldn't use magic if you couldn't talk.

And with that, they dragged Oren and Balpas towards me.

Now, we were safe—that was what I normally would have felt.

However, I could not forgive Oren for being the cause of this situation. He had killed his own men and forcefully brought back my friend from what should have been an eternal rest.

…Not only that, but it was all done so he could enjoy seeing my reaction?

I could not understand it. Someone like this could not be returned to Sanfaris. He would not think twice about continuing to take the lives of innocent people.

However, I was currently more concerned about what to do with Lopez.

No, there really was only one thing that I could do.

I looked at him with a conflicted expression.

It was then that Erevan came to stand next to me.

"Chief. I'm glad to see that you're unhurt. As for him…do you want me to do it?"

He asked me in a gentle voice.

He must have seen the hesitation on my face.

Next to him, Rienna opened her mouth.

"It will be dangerous to get that close. I will do it with magic."

And then Elto said, 'wait.'

"He's a very rare species… A devil? Becoming an Undead has weakened him terribly, but they usually have enough power to wreak havoc on the surface. Did you know him, master?"

I nodded.

"I didn't know his race…but he was my friend."

"I see…that is very sad."

"Hey, Elto. Couldn't you…help him?"

I had thought of different things. What if I killed him once and then searched for a Dragon Sphere Stone to bring him back?

However, I wasn't sure if I would ever find a Dragon Sphere Stone again. According to Shiel, there had only ever been seven of them found in the entire world. And the one that I had was already used on Mappa.

Perhaps the others could be found if I kept on digging. But I knew that wasn't very realistic.

Elto had a severe expression as she muttered.

"Hmmm…indeed. There is one thing."

"Just one?"

"Mmm. I am a Demon King. If I send him back to the Demon World once as my thrall, and then summon him back…he will likely be able to regain his old form."

Oren had said something about that earlier. Demon Kings sacrifice a life in order to summon their minion.

"In other words…"

"Yes. You have to pay a price. And of course, that usually means a human life."

And then Erevan spoke up.

"It can't be a fish?"

"We are talking about an offering to the god of the Demon World. And to this god, the life of a human is a delicacy."

"I see… I don't really understand it. But I think we have the perfect offering."

Erevan said as he cast his eyes towards Oren.

"Mghghh! Mmmghgh!"

Oren must have sensed something, as his shoulders began to shake violently.

"I can't forgive him for rebelling against you, Chief. But it's even worse that he killed his own men. Even the ship's crew have been saying that they are going to demand justice when they return to Sanfaris."

Erevan said as he pointed his thumb at the crew. They were currently standing by the wall and looking at us.

Aston nodded.

"They said that the reason they were wounded when they arrived was because Oren wanted to deceive us. That's why they lost their limbs… Isn't that right, Balpas?"

Balpas was also bound up next to Oren. He nodded silently.

If I saw that the men were wounded, I would not reject them. That must have been his reasoning.

However, how could that possibly justify cutting off arms and legs.

Ashton looked at Oren with an expression of pity.

"To think this is a royal…someone who stands above others. No, I would rather not think of it."

"Me and my brother have very different personalities. However, I find it hard to believe that this one is related to Lord Heal…"

Haines muttered with exasperation.

Baris looked very calm as he said,

"I heard about what he did from Balpas and the other ship's crew. Whatever your decision may be, we will support you. And everything, including his crimes, will be reported to the king."

And then Erevan grabbed Oren by the collar.

"It's decided then. Elto, use this man and save the Chief's friend."

"Mmmmghgh! Mmmgh!!!"

Oren began to struggle violently.

Rienna was the only one who was against it. She was worried that this would cause an even larger rift with Sanfaris.

And she was right. It was possible that my father would be outraged by Oren's death. Even if he heard everything that the crew had to say.

However, this was Oren. If he had the chance, he would come straight back to this island in order to do us harm.

Of course, I did not like the idea of a human sacrifice.

However, Oren was the person who had taken Lopez's life. And he had killed many others.

Who knew what he would do if returned to the continent.

And so I did not care to stop it.

But Elto stared at Oren and opened her mouth.

Apparently, she had realized something.

"Hmm. Your magic… You have the 'Sage' crest, do you not?"

Oren nodded. It was as if he wanted to make an appeal of his worth as a human.

"Ho-ho… Ashton, Haines. I want to be sure about this. Take off his shirt."

And so the two did as Elto requested.

And then they saw the glowing, geometric pattern on his chest that was the crest.

Elto looked at it curiously. And so I asked,

"Is there a problem with it being the 'Sage' crest?"

"Mmm. Some crests are worth more than a life. For instance, his crest would be worth several times that of his life."

"In other words, the crest would be enough to pay the price?"

"Exactly. It's almost too much. What will you do?"

If Oren lost his 'Sage' crest, he would no longer be able to use powerful magic. He wouldn't be much of a threat then.

Furthermore, no one in the history of Sanfaris had ever lost their crest. And in Sanfaris, your crest was everything. He would never be king.

"But there are also the crimes he commited on the ship. Not to mention the crimes he must have commited in the capital. There are likely others who will demand justice… Brother."

I turned to face Balpas.

"Will you help me expose Oren's crimes?"


"I want you to find his other victims. And if any are alive, you must help them."

With Aries's poison, we could make Oren confess.

"Very well… I should be able to get the truth from him. I have my own reasons for doing so as well… Leave it to me."

"Thank you, brother. Now…"

I turned to Elto, and she nodded.

That's when Oren shook his head and began to move as if he'd gone mad.

"MMmmmghgh!! Mmmghghh!! MMMMGGGHHH!!!"

He wriggled and thrashed on the ground like a worm.

Ashton and Haines moved to hold him down, but Elto said that she didn't mind. And then she held her hand over Oren.

As she began to chant something, Oren began to smash his head onto the ground. The gag in his mouth shattered and he began to scream.

"NOOO!!!! THIS IS MY POWER!!!! I won't allow the likes of you to take it from me! I'll kill you all!! Flame!!"

He had just chanted. However, nothing happened.

On closer inspection, the 'Sage' crest was now floating above Oren's head. The light in it slowly began to dim, and then it vanished completely.

"…Flame!! Flame!! …Hell Storm!!"

Oren's screams echoed throughout the island. It was all advanced magic. It would have been very dangerous if it worked.

"Thunder!! Thunder!! No…it's not true!! Someone, unbind me!!"

However, no one moved to help Oren. It was no wonder. He had killed his own men.

Instead, everyone's eyes moved towards Lopez as he was enveloped in darkness. I too, could not spare another thought towards Oren.

"I am the king!! I am king!! …The kingdom of Sanfaris is mine!!!"

And like that, Oren lost his crest forever.




Chapter 134 – Taken Back!?

The fallen Lopez was covered in shadows, and he soon disappeared without a trace.


I couldn't help but shout. But Elto spoke to me calmly.

"Don't worry. You'll meet him very soon."

Just as she said, a black mist then appeared in front of us.

And when the mist faded away, what remained was a familiar sight.


He was no longer in that vicious form, but looked more like a lamb, just as he had before his death.

Lopez had an anxious expression as he looked around. He seemed very confused at what was happening.

However, his eyes then landed on me. And a relieved smile appeared on his face.

I rushed towards Lopez and threw my arms around him.

"Lopez… I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to protect you…"

I apologized to him. But Lopez looked at me worriedly and rubbed his cheek against mine.

Before I knew it, my eyes were filled with tears. The friend that had been torn away from me long ago was now returned. I couldn't help but be happy.

The other island residents looked at us with gentle expressions.

However, there was just one person whose voice was filled with rage.

"How dare you!! Give me back my crest!!"

Oren's shouts echoed. And Lopez shuddered with fear as he moved to hide behind my back.

Upon seeing this, Oren became even more incensed.

"You traded my crest for that pathetic life?! Do you have any idea how important my crest was for Sanfaris?!"

Erevan responded.

"As if that has anything to do with us!! Besides, who do you think you are? You just barely escaped death!"

"I am the man who will rule Sanfaris!! No…I was born to rule the whole Barleon continent…and the entire world!! And yet you dared to take my crest. Have you any idea what you have done?!"

Oren shouted as if he had gone mad. Even Ereven seemed disgusted by these wild claims.

That was when it happened. A hooded man suddenly stepped out from the crew that was watching us.

The man walked towards us and muttered.

"No, not anymore. You will never be a king."

The armed monsters moved to intercept the man. The Goblin captain held up his spear in front of him.

"Hey! Stop!"

"And whose permission do I need to step foot on my own lands?"

"Huh? I'm telling you…stop…"

However, the man looked the goblin in the eyes. The captain's knees began to shake, and he stopped right there.

"You. What did you do!?"

The other monsters raised their clubs and moved to capture him. I cast Shield on all of them just in case something happened.

Rienna and Baris also cast Shield.

"I have not done anything. I just want to speak to my child."

My child…?

The monsters fell on him then, but they seemed to hit an invisible wall, and they went bouncing off into the air.

Of course, he hadn't done anything. He was just walking forward.

"Everyone. Don't touch him!"

I saw that they got ready to attack, and so I shouted.

His voice and the way that he walked had made me realize it. I knew this man.


I muttered. The man lowered his hood, revealing a face with a great white beard.

Yes. This wrinkled old man was my father and the king of Sanfaris. Louis. The man who had sent me to this island.

Erevan looked shocked.

"He-he's your father, Chief?"

"Lo-Lord Heal's father…"

Rienna quickly bowed her head.

It was then that Oren crawled to his father's feet, and his face lit up.

"Father. So you did come!! Did you see? Heal has robbed me of my crest! Please get it back!!"

Oren sounded like he was praying. However, father looked at him with his usual, severe expression.

"Oh? And why should I do that?"

"W-why… Because the kingdom needs me! I must become the head of the Magic University. I will rule vast territories and lay waste to the enemies of the kingdom. I will lead Sanfaris to a glorious future!!"

Oren pleaded desperately to father. But the reply was cold.

"Sanfaris has no people, lands, or titles to give to one so powerless."

"P-powerless? Me?"

"Yes. Now that you have no power, you are of no use at all. You will never be able to leave the palace."

"…Me…me…useless? Haha…hahaha! Oh, I don't mind. Who would want to be used by an old fool like you! I am not to be used. I am the one who uses others!!"

Oren shouted. And with that, he bit hard on his own finger.


Oren's body was then surrounded by shadows, and he suddenly enlarged rapidly. This caused his bonds to be broken.

Nearby, Ashton and Haines must have sensed the danger, as they stepped back. I quickly cast Shield on all the residents.

What appeared then, was a giant, hairy humanoid. Its face was horribly hideous, and there were no traces of the beautiful youth.


Was this Necromancy, or some other magic? In any case, Oren's body carried immense magic once again.


And like that, Oren's fists swung down towards his father.

If something happened to him now, our relationship with Sanfaris would become incredibly complicated.

And so I cast Shield on our father.

"What!? …GRRAAAAGHH!?"

Oren let out another howl. But when his fists came down, they crumbled away like sand.

I wasn't sure what father had done.

However, he had the 'Supreme Ruler' crest. This crest not only allowed you to strengthen your body and your magic, but it allowed you to strengthen those around you as well. It was a very powerful crest.

Was it that power? …No, he was barely even moving. And it seemed like he wasn't using any magic. So it wasn't magic.

I had believed that I had grown so much that I could not lose to him.

However, now I could see that even Elto was sweating as she watched him. And she had not feared me at all.

"How astonishing…I knew he was dangerous from the moment I saw him on this ship."

"You noticed it, Elto?"

"Huh? I had assumed that you were aware of it, master. Didn't I tell you that there was someone on the ship who was especially powerful?"

Yes, Elto had said something like that when the ship first arrived.

However, I thought she had just been talking about magic energy. And I later decided that it must have been Oren.

"So it wasn't Oren's magic…"

"I'm sorry, but I would not have used such a word to describe the likes of him… I see. So you are unable to detect his spirit. I suppose it's because humans and monsters have lost it."

"What do you mean, spirit? It's not…energy?"

"It's different from energy. It's the power to overwhelm others. …In my age, there were less than ten people who had it. This man is only the second one I have seen with my own eyes. However, I did not expect such a person to be human."

So, it wasn't someone's air, but an invisible power.

I had never learned about it at the palace…

However, there were legends of father defeating thousands of enemies by himself when he was younger.

Perhaps this had been possible because of this spirit.

"You should be careful…it can block not only weapons, but magic. No matter how powerful that magic is."

As Elto muttered, Oren let out another howl and tried to kick father.


But the moment that his foot touched the king, it too crumbled away like sand.

"GAAAAAAGGHH!! The pain! It hurts!!"

After losing both arms and a leg, Oren let out a final howl before falling to the ground.

"…Master. Didn't you want to keep this one alive?"

"He still hasn't confessed to the crimes he committed in the capital."

"Very well. He will die any moment now. And so I will make him my thrall and extend his life a little."

"…Do it."

I said, and Oren's body was surrounded in darkness before vanishing.

Father seemed to be completely uninterested in this. Instead, he turned and walked towards me.

I went into a defensive stance and prepared to use magic. However, if what Elto said was true, it might not be effective.

If it came to it, I would try using a Sealing Stone… In any case, this was a dangerous opponent.

As different thoughts swirled in my head, he stopped in front of me.

"My child. Heal, the seventeenth prince… I hereby declare that you are to be my sole successor to the throne."

That was what he said.