
Chapter 2: Purchasing

On my fifth day, I was already on the verge of breaking point. My band was a nuisance, every time I touched the glass it would activate, my heightened senses did not help my tolerance. Water and food was limited, I was constantly either hungry or thirsty. But the worst thing was the crowd of people who would swarm my glass cage at noon.

The crowd slowly dispersed, I guess they had better things to do then watch a dehydrated cat girl dying from shame. My eyes rested as the sun continued to roast my body. My hearing was fuzzy from dehydration, I heard the muffled sound of the glass sliding and the soft rushing of water as my water bowl filled up. I slowly opened my eyes as the glass slide with a sickening thud. I looked to my once empty water bowl and slowly lapped up the cold water.

I sighed as I laid on my back, staring at the wooden ceiling of the cage. My hearing slowly fine tuned back to normal. the chime near the door indicated either new customers or the departure of them. I sat up again, finding two men examining a blond cat faunus in the back.

"It is about time you got one, this one looks nice." said a familiar voice. I squinted my eyes to concentrate on his face but nothing came to mind.

"Too flashy, doesn't really fit my style."

"You'll be here forever if you don't choose one soon. Look this is the last store for today, just pick one that you like and then we'll be out." replied the familiar voice.

I turned around and hid my face as they got closer, praying that they won't see me. An ominous shadow loomed over me.

"Doesn't this one look nice?"

"Are you seriously even considering her? She has white hair, and look at the price, it is too overpriced."

I turned around slowly, to find the two looking at me. I felt my face heating up and looked down at the metal floor instead, trying to calm my nerves.

"She even has red eyes, what a freak!"

"Come on Jack, I think I found my perfect match." said the man, walking towards the cashier. The person called Jack muttered and followed suit.

A few minutes later, the sliding glass clicked open.

"Get up." hissed Jack.

"Be nice." warned the soon to be owner.

I clambered to my bare feet and warily followed the group.

"K-324, let's see. I recommend you buying kennel if you don't already have one." droned the employee as we reached the counter.

"That's fine, she'll live in the house."

"Well, then you will definitely a collar for multi purpose use, the choker band she is wearing is company owned."

"Of course it is company owned." I thought bitterly as the employee spun me around. With a gentle click, the band loosened and the employee tossed it into a tray. I felt a month of weight and despair lift from my shoulders. The employee took out a paper measuring tape and fastened it around me neck.

"Type B, Size C. Hmm, a special request for K-324." muttered the employee under her breath.

"I recommend this booklet guide for first-timers sir, very handy indeed. Cat faunus are naturally lazy so they won't grab too much of your attention nor energy. This particular one though... very interesting indeed..."

"What's so interesting?" asked my new owner, while Jack clicked his tongue impatiently.

"Well, it is stated that she has a higher sensitivity so you will have to be gentle with her."

"Not a problem."

"Your total is $1,500 including all the essentials needed for maintaining your cat faunus' needs, check back by 3 months maximum for a checkup. We will send an email when that time comes."

"Thanks for your time." replied my new owner.

I looked curiously from my owner to Jack. My owner signaled for me to follow him, I quickly walked towards him and climbed onto their vehicle, sitting on the back seat next to him. My noodle arms clutched protectively in front of me, my cat ears upright and attentive. Even my tail was tense, my heart was pounding furiously in my throat.

"Never knew you had a thing for white hairs David." sighed Jack, turning on the vehicle of a click of a key.

"Apparently they like head pats and scratches." said David, his eyes fixed upon a booklet. David suddenly reached out and patted my head. My mind exploded with confusion, a weird mixture of pleasure, anticipation and annoyance. My tail began to wag back and forth with a mind of its own.