
The Cat's Second Life: A Dystopian Tale of Survival

As she lay on her deathbed, the woman wondered what the future held for her. Would she be reincarnated? Would she go to heaven or hell? These were questions that she couldn't answer. But as it turned out, the woman was indeed reincarnated. She woke up in a strange and unfamiliar place, unsure of where she was or what had happened to her. As she looked around, she realized that she was no longer in a human body. Instead, she was a small and fluffy white cat. As she made her way through the desolate landscape, the woman noticed that there were strange creatures roaming the streets. They were grotesque and undead, with rotting flesh and empty eyes. They seemed to be drawn to her, reaching out with their gnarled hands as she tried to escape. The woman knew that she had to be careful. She had to stay hidden and avoid the zombies at all costs. She crept through the shadows, using all of her feline instincts to evade the undead creatures. As she wandered through the city, the woman realized that she was the only cat anyone had ever seen. People were terrified of her, and they ran in fear whenever she approached. The woman was sad and lonely, longing for the companionship of her human family.

Slow_Moose · Fantaisie
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15 Chs


As I wander through the deserted streets, now with a full stomach the sound I hear is the wind howling through the broken windows of the abandoned buildings. The what once had to be a bustling town is now nothing but ruins, with debris scattered everywhere. The only sounds that can be heard are the howls of the wind and my soft padding as I make my way towards what I hope will be a safe place for the night. I still am unaware of what dangers I need to be on the lookout for. I know groups of humans roam the town, but not much else. No stray animals other than insects and birds.

I've been on my own for a while now, ever since waking up. I need to learned to fend for myself, as it seems that humans see me as a source of food now...

The thought of spending a night in the open is unbearable. I need to find shelter before nightfall.

I come across an old brick building, its entrance partially blocked by rubble. I squeeze through the opening, grateful to have found a potential shelter that nothing bigger than me can fit inside. The air is still and musty, but it's dry and I sense no danger.

I jump onto a windowsill and settle in, curling up into a ball. I am now able to see what is going on outside, whilst still being hidden. I close my eyes, trying to ignore the emptiness of the room. I know I'll have to move on in the morning, but for now, I'm grateful for this moment of peace.

As I curl up, I can't help but think about my past life as a human. I can hardly remember anything, but the memories of my previous form linger in my mind like a ghost. I see silhouette of people that I know are my family- my husband and our four kids.

Why did I become a cat? What happened to the world that led to this desolate place? Is it the same world that I have lived as a human? I've heard whispers of a great disaster in war ridden countries, but the details are lost to me. Am I in such a place? I need to learn to survive on my own, hunting for food and avoiding danger, until I know what led to be being a cat.

But that does sound like a lonely existence.

As I lay there, I try to push away the thoughts of loneliness and focus on the warm energy I feel inside. I imagine myself surrounded by my family, with my husband petting me gently and my kids playing with me. This fantasy gives me comfort and I feel a sense of peace settle over me.

The wind outside may howl and the rain may beat against the pavement, but inside I am surrounded by warmth and love. It's a moment of peace in an otherwise chaotic world. I take a deep breath, and let the warm energy flow through me as I drift off to sleep.

Tomorrow is a new day and I will face whatever comes my way, but for now I am content to rest and recharge. The world may have changed and I may be a cat, but I will never lose the love and warmth I feel inside.