
The Castaway Twins

The story starts with a young girl, Faith Maria Castaway, her life was a mess of running and fighting just trying to stay alive while it seems everyone around her wants her dead. After her parents died her only mission was to protect her twin sister at all costs and kill anyone who tried to hurt her. But things started to change. She fell in love with Derek, a guy only a few years older than her. She finally let her walls down and started to live her life as a normal teenager. But even if she tried to have a normal life the world seemed to have a different idea. She was faced with many challenges, her own classmates and friends turned against her and got her kicked out of school, a survivor of covens trying to kill her and those she cared about, but by far the most challenging being her powers growing. As her powers grew far beyond what she thought they could, she slowly started unlocking new things as she released her powers instead of keeping them in. She started having these ‘dreams’ where she would see the dead, like her parents. It wasn’t till the end of her story when she realized she was seeing people who died and helping them find peace, or even having dreams of the possible future. The man left from the covens who tried to kill her, tried to start a world ending war. Faith and her loved ones fought boldly to prevent the supernatural war, she hadn’t known the full extent of her powers but she had to learn if she wanted to protect those she loved, but sadly she didn’t figure it out before they took the life of Derek. This loss causes her to lose all control, nothing seemed to matter in this moment but to avenge her love. She won that battle, but not with casualties. At the end of Faith’s story she finally welcomes all of her power, the beautiful and the ugly, the painful and kind, but not before she lost her first true love. Derek died in the final battle of all supernatural, his help in this battle ended the century old war between all supernatural beings. While this killed Faith and all she wanted to do after his death was cry, she knew she had a role to play and that role was to keep the peace between everyone. She became the Wildfire Witch.

Addison_Pinnt · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

The New Kids

It was a normal night, Grace and I were in our room studying for our classes tomorrow when Harrison burst in.

"Girls get your stuff together we got an emergency, a boy needs our help!" He said sternly before walking back out of our room.

Grace and I looked at each other before getting up and changing out of our night time clothes into our mission clothing which consisted of black workout leggings and a tight fitting black jacket. Once we were changed we ran down stairs to the entrance where Harrison had the van pulled up and ready to go. We jumped in and Harrison began to drive very fast down the road. When we arrived we got out of the car Harrison with his cross bow and Grace and I with our magic.

Something we weren't expecting though was another Boy sitting on the steps to the church, Grace and I looked at Harrison waiting for nod signaling he would take care of it and we could go help the boy inside. He gave us the reassuring nod we were looking for and Grace and I looked at each other then walked up the steps. As we walked up the steps we noticed a chain on the door "I got this." I heard Grace say as she flung her hands up and the doors burst open.

When we got inside I saw someone chained down and what looked to be a priest and the kid who was chained ups parents. When the people realized what was happening they began to run towards us.

"Get him, I'll handle them!" I yelled as I shot the priest across the room.

I watched as Grace ran to the guy making sure no one got to her. I threw the parents into the wall as Grace undid the guys' chains. She grabbed him and we ran out to where Harrison was. I closed the doors and slid my hand down between the two of them, welding them shut. I turned around and saw both the boy who was on the step and the boy who chained up hugging each other with scared looks on their faces. I looked over to see Grace and Harrison looking at me.

"There's no way they're going to get those doors open." I say as I walk down the steps.

"What is going on?! Who and what are you guys?!" The boy from the step yells out.

"I'm Harrison and this is Grace and Faith. We came because we knew Blake was in trouble and that he needed our help. That's as much as I can say now, please just get in the car and I'll explain when we get back." Harrison said while picking up his crossbow.

"I'm not going to get in a car with you, I don't even know you!"

"So you would rather stay here with the crazy priest who just tried to kill your friend? Great idea, let me know how that goes I'm going to head home." I say with an annoyed tone.

"Faith, you know we can't leave him here with what he just saw."

"Ugh fine, I got this."

I step away from the car and walked over to the boys putting by hands on their forehead then both the boys fall to the floor unconscious and Harrison ran up to them.

"Help me get them in the car so we can go before they find another way out of that church." Harrison said while picking one of them up.

"Yes sir." Grace and I say at the same time.

We got them in the car and started driving back to the school. Once we got back Grace and I got out of the car as a group of people ran to the car to get the boys out. I watched as they carried them in and Harrison closed the doors behind them. I shook my head knowing we probably wouldn't figure out what happened to Blake or what's going to happen to Rhody.

I then looked at Grace who looked exhausted, I put my hand on her shoulder causing her to look at me. Her eyes had dark circle under them and even though she wore a smile I could tell she wasn't happy. We walked over to the steps together and sat down.

"Something is off about that Rhody kid." I said while looking at the forest surrounding the school.

Grace looked at me with a confused expression, "Rhody?"

"Blake was dreaming about him, you know kid on the step?"

"I know who you are talking about but invasion of his privacy don't you think? Reading peoples mind to know what their thinking about is kind of rude."

"I was just trying to see if I could find something else out about them, like I said Rhody gives me a weird vibe don't act like you wouldn't do the same."

"You're right, I would do the same thing, did you find anything?"

"Nope, it's weird Blake I could see what he was dreaming but not into his past thoughts which is normal because he's super-natural but with Rhody it was the same way I could read what he was dreaming about but not into his past thoughts."

"That is kind of weird."

"I know."

"Maybe we should talk to Harrison about it."


Grace and I started to walk towards Harrison's office. When we got to his door we I looked at Grace almost to make sure we actually wanted to do this. She gave a small nod so I knocked on the door and heard a "Come in." We walked in to see Harrison leaning on his desk and both Blake and Rhody sitting in a chair fully awake. I closed the door behind me and walked over to stand next to Grace who was in the back.

"Is everything okay girls?" Harrison said as he stood up.

"Yes, we didn't realize you were in a meeting we can come back later." I say as I stand next to Grace.

"No actually I was going to have someone get you for me."

"Is everything okay?" Grace said as she stepped forward.

"Everythings fine. I needed you to explain to Rhody here what you are, what happened last night and to then lead him to the final destination."

"Oh." Grace and I said at the same time.

"What is happening? I have so many questions!" Rhody yells with a confused tone.

"Calm down! You're here at The Tuppets school of the gifted, we are a school that boards kids with supernatural abilities and teaches them how to control and use their powers. Your friend Blake is one of those kids because he's a were-wolf and last night that priest tried to kill him by 'taking his demon out' but clearly failed because we had to get involved and save him. Grace and I are Twins she is a Tribrid and Im a Hell-fire the two most powerful beings in the world, and vampires, witches, and were-wolves do exist. There is your summary of what's happening and answering most of the questions going through your head right now."

"A tribird? And what the Heck is a Hell-fire?!"

"I just told you your best friend is a were-wolf and your concerned about what I am?"

"Faith." Grace says while putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry." I whisper under my breath.

"As Faith stated you are in a school for people with special supernatural abilities, Blake is going to be staying here with us learning how to control his werewolf side" suddenly there was a knock at the door, "That would be my kids here to show Blake around. Come in Girls!" he said while getting Blake to stand up.

"Hi dad." Jackson and Jamie say at the same time.

"Hello, this is Blake you'll be showing him around."

When Jamie saw him she immediately walked up to him and put her arm in his and smiled.

"Hello Blake, why don't we get started with your tour?" Jamie says while walking him out of the room.

"That's going to end bad." I whisper to Grace.

"Yep." Grace says back. "Anyway Rhody this is our friend JB he's going to be doing a little something we like to call compelling, this won't hurt."

"What's comp-" Rhody tried to say but he was interrupted by JB.

JB looked Rhody in the eyes and began to compel him, "Your going back to live with a nice family in Michigan, you will forget all that has happened in the last ten hours, you know that Blake is in a good school for his football scholarship, you won't come and visit and you never worry about him."

"How am I just supposed to forget what just happened!" Rhody said while pushing JB away.

We all looked at eachother confused and shocked then back at Rhody. "Why didn't JB's compulsion work?"