
The Canary that couldn't escape

He kept her by his side, never letting go! "Please, can you let me go?" "Impossible," he said, "unless you're no longer my only one." After they fell in love, he declared possessively, "I want to keep you by my side, to make you belong only to me. You can only love me too, your mind, your world, must be filled with only me." Yet his domineering love sent a chill through her.

Enchanting Smile · Urbain
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312 Chs

Chapter 260 Fasting 2

Her eyes suddenly reddened, and she said hoarsely, "Grandma, no matter how innocent the child is, I can only apologize to him... You don't understand, I can't have the child of the Gu family..."

She couldn't betray her deceased parents, couldn't give birth to the offspring of her enemies.

Grandma didn't know what she was thinking and sighed helplessly.

She really didn't understand the young people of today, who would just get an abortion if they didn't want the child, unlike their time when having a child meant they had to give birth.

After all, the values and concepts of each generation differ; their time was more conservative, believing that abortion was an unforgivable sin against the natural order. But young people today didn't think that way; if they didn't want a child, they simply didn't want one.

"You could give it some thought, actually having a child might not be so bad," Grandma advised.

Mo Ran shook her head, she closed her eyes, not wanting to say anything more.