

The ceiling looks so unfamiliar. 'It was just a plain white ceiling. how can it suddenly change?' Camilia thought. She still hasn't regain full consciousness. The sedative is still doing it's work. She could feel it. She perfectly understood that she wasn't in her room and rethinking what happened a while ago, it was certain that she was kidnapped.

It was past midnight. Camilla was sleeping so peacefully in her bed. A sudden noise came to her ears. She woke up and a terrifying dark figure was just standing in front of her. The sound was from nothing but the glass of the window that was lying in the floor scattered in prices. Anyone at that scene can guess that someone broke into the room. An that specific someone is just stending beside her bed.

Before she could even arrange her thoughts or even scream for help in a matter of seconds the figure jumped on her and pressed her mouth with something that smelled pungent. Then everything became black and now she is there in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room doing the aftermath.

The sudden fear came up. Camilia can't just come up with anything reasonable to explain her situation. Why would anyone kidnap her? She doesn't have enemies she did nothing to anyone. Million of questions were rumbling in the head making it painful to even think.

Suddenly she could hear a light click on the door, it unlocked and a fragile figure slowly enterd the room. It was a girl maybe a teenager. Dressed in a black uniform that looked like a maid from the medieval times, but a little bit modernized. Her pale complexions and dark brown hair were contrasting the gray eyes.

- Um..hi. I'm Selly and I'm here to assist you- said the girl in a low voice breaking the awkward silence.

- What? Assist me?..Why am I here? And who the hell are you?- Camilia glared at the girl.

-I.. told you. I'm Selly.. -the girl repeated - I'm just a maid here. I was told to take care of you for the time being.-

Camilia sighted helplessly. There's no use to shout at the poor girl, she just works here.

Just by looking at the employee one can guess that the employer is not just anyone and he is not a mere kidnapper who would take people away for some cash. Camilia was very intelligent and quick witted she could understand that much.

Without further arguments Selly walked her to the door situated on the left of the room which appears to be the bathroom.

Camilia remained speechless on the sight in front of her. The bathrooms was enormous. Decorated with the finest coral colored marbles from floor to wall. A pool like bathtub was just in the middle of the room. - You should take of your clothes and get in there.- the words of Selly broke the enchantment of the scene. Camilia didn't respond, she quietly took of her clothes and entered the bathtub. The water was pleasantly warm. Selly was busy rummaging through the wall shelf. Then her face lighted up as she found what she was searching for. She quickly came back with an ampoule in her hands and set next to Camilia and pour it all in the water. Instantly a sweet relaxing smell filled the room. - It's a bathing essence. It will calm your mind and relax your body- explained Selly with a sweet smile. Camilia kept watching the girl as she was doing her given job with dedication. She looks friendly and a little naive also. Maybe she could get some information out of her. - Um.. I'm sorry for being rude earlier. I was brought here out of nowhere and i still can't figure out anything. Do you know anything about what is happening?-

Selly hesitated for a moment - We maid actually don't really know much because we work in this mention even though there's no one other than the guards and us. The lords live in the main mention. Yesterday the butler came and said that from now on there will be someone living here and we have to assist her. It was clear that you are that person.-

-Aahh.. it's so frustrating. I don't get it at all! What lord? what mention are you talking about??-

- This is the Skiven Residence.- responded Selly.

- What?? You mean the Skivens of the SK group?!-
