
The Campbell’s New Addition

Stacey Jones, a resilient teen, has been bounced from house to house, school to school, never staying long enough to call any place home. But when she arrives in Philadelphia, she hopes to finally find stability and a sense of belonging. Meanwhile, Kendrick Knight has been forced to grow up too quickly, facing harsh realities that have hardened his heart. After a life-altering event, he must make a choice that will change his life forever. As their paths intersect, Stacey and Kendrick discover that they're connected by a shared thread - pain. Through their struggles, they learn to confront their pasts, embrace personal growth, and find healing in each other's company. But as they navigate the complexities of young love, they must confront the harsh realities of their world. Will they find a way to make their love last, or will the weight of their struggles tear them apart?

ZaraAlethea · Urbain
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3 Chs

Chapter 2


Weekend and I am visiting the Campbell's as per my promise to Brandon. I left the house in chaos as always. Hopefully this will help me relax and forget. I park outside the door and get out, I help Oliver out. He runs to the door. I follow, lift him up and help him knock. Brandon's mother opens.

"Kendrick and Oliver."

"Hi Jessica." I say

"Hi esica." Oliver echoes. She takes him from me.

"Come in. Brandon is in his room."

"Thank you." I close the door and rush upstairs. I enter without knocking. "Are you sleeping?"

"Ey Kendrick is here!" he gets up and we bro hug. I sit on his desk chair. "Finally you visit, where is Oliver?"

"I did say I was going to come this weekend. He is downstairs with your mom."

We play some video games, the twins join. We play two on two. Me and Brandon win. Kevin the younger brother calls us to lunch. We go down and sit at the table, Oliver comes to me. I place him on my lap. I share my food with him.

"So Kendrick, it's been a while. How are you?" Brandon's dad – Greg

"I am good Greg. Yeah Brandon hasn't been inviting me."

"Ey man do not lie. I have been inviting you for ages now."

"Well I hope to see more of you."

"Of course." Jeremy and Alan arrive just as we finish lunch.

"I hope you saved us a plate." Alan joining the table

"Kendrick finally visits." Jeremy sitting down We talk until I leave late at night.

A set schedule has been formed for me now and Oliver is used to it. At least he doesn't cry anymore when I leave him with Ms Linda. I think she knows of our situation. She offered us a place to stay if I need a quiet place. That immediately told me she knows but I am going to pretend I don't know what she is talking about.

Today I am at a party, trying to fit in with the guys. Don't want to stand out as the guys who doesn't want to socialize. I hang with Brandon and the new guys. I avoid alcohol as I am driving. We sit while I nurse my cup of beer. I go to the toilet on my way back to I see Nicole making out with some guy. I return to the guys but I am far away. Don't know if I should tell Brandon or not.

I return home after picking up Oliver from Ms Linda. She refuses the extra pay. I get home to find this guy that mom is yet to explain who he is. He is always here. I take videos and pictures as always. I head upstairs put Oliver in bed. Take a shower and join him.

Morning I drop Oliver off at the school and head to football practice. We train and hit the showers get ready for school. I see Nicole again with some other guy different one from the party. I head to class and just focus on the lessons. I will tell Brandon just not now. Its been four months and I have caught Nicole so many times I guess it's time I tell Brandon. I am late today and just my luck I bump into Nicole making out with some guy.

"Seriously Nicole." They break apart

"Kendrick, I can explain."

"Explain to Brandon." I walk away and head to class. I see Brandon first.

"We need to talk."

"Ok, after class."

He leaves before we can talk, saying Nicole sent him a message wanting to meet. I guess it has to wait. We have a game tonight.

We play and win. We go to a party and I blend in and just watch the guys playing games. I go to the bathroom and I see Nicole again. I go find Brandon, I drag him to where I last saw her but they have broken apart.

"I didn't want to do it like this but Nicole is cheating on you. I have caught her so many times. Sorry for not speaking soon."

"Nicole, is this true?"

"No, Kendrick tried to make a move on me and I said no. He said he will turn everything on me." She says crying

"What?" before I can say anything further Brandon punches me.

"When I said get a girl I didn't mean mine!"

 "When you do find the truth I hope it won't be too late." I wipe the blood and leave. I ask Ms Linda to keep Oliver over night I will pay double. She agrees. I get home and luckily there is no party. I find mom with that guy. Confrontation time. "Mom, who is this?"

"This is Tony my boyfriend."


"Yes, your dad left. I needed someone to take care of the house and us."

"By doing drugs. He is taking care of you by feeding you drugs?"

"You should try it, it will take away your stress." Tony

"You do understand you have a two year old son who needs your care right?"

"Oh, Oliver. Where is he?"

"He is fine."

"Well what's the worry? Get out of my face, I am having fun here." I leave in disbelieve and go to my room, lock the door shower and get to sleep. I guess I have to accept this life, make sure that I shield Oliver from all of this. At with my fall out with Brandon no need to keep up appearances. Let me send him a message

Now that our friendship is over I hope on the field you can be civil.

He reads it but doesn't respond.

I go to sleep and wake up early shower and leave. Make sure to take pictures and videos as always. I go to pick up Oliver from Ms Linda so we can go have something to eat.

"Kendrick come in."

"Morning Ms Linda."

"Sit. Oliver is still sleeping."

"Oh, you can wake him and I can be out of your hair."

"Sit boy." I sit and she moves about. Next thing she sets a plate full of English breakfast in front of me. I look at her. "Eat." I eat slowly. "I do wish your father would have taken you with. You know before he left he came here and he was crying. He left this." She gives me a letter. "Know that I am here for you Kendrick. I will always watch over Oliver no matter what. During your weekend shifts drop him here. Should you feel ready to leave your house, know that you have a room here." I wipe my tears before they fall.

"Thank you Ms Linda."

"Good. Eat, I will go wake Oliver."

I eat quickly and rinse my dish. I tidy the table as well. She comes down with him already bathed and dressed. "There was no need for you to clean."

"Its fine Ms Linda."

"Enick…" I take him from her

"Hi buddy."

"Now you won't pay anything from now on."


"Save that money for the future."

"Thank you." We leave for his school. I drop him off.

Sophomore year is over and things are different. Brandon has become a distant figure in my life. Oliver is growing and my mom is still doing drugs strongly. She has sold her car and most of our furniture. I have had to hide my things away. Moved a tile under my bed and stuffed essential documents and money there.

Junior year and I plan to focus even more. Football has been great and Brandon and his brothers are civil on the field. Nicole is still a part of Brandon's life. Cheating away as always. School has been good so far and I am getting good marks. Thinking of quitting now at Vanessa's. Time is very tight on my side.

Ms. Linda has been very supportive towards me and Oliver. Oliver sleeps at her house sometimes when I get home and I find that the party is too much. I collect evidence as always, make sure to back it up in case of anything were to happen to my phone.

I am working today and Vanessa has me working the till. Nicole and one of her many boyfriends come in. The waitress takes their order and she brings their order to the kitchen. She comes and stands next to me.

"This is like the third guy she has come in here with."

"Well Lisa this what she is famous for. Playing guys and breaking up friendships."

"Do you know her?" I just nod and their order gets called. Lisa takes it to them. I take orders of clients who are ordering takeaways and coffee. The day ends. I go home as Ms Linda insisted on keeping Oliver for the weekend. As expected it's a party. I take pictures and videos of the current shenanigans. I get in my room shower and sleep.