
The Campbell’s New Addition

Stacey Jones, a resilient teen, has been bounced from house to house, school to school, never staying long enough to call any place home. But when she arrives in Philadelphia, she hopes to finally find stability and a sense of belonging. Meanwhile, Kendrick Knight has been forced to grow up too quickly, facing harsh realities that have hardened his heart. After a life-altering event, he must make a choice that will change his life forever. As their paths intersect, Stacey and Kendrick discover that they're connected by a shared thread - pain. Through their struggles, they learn to confront their pasts, embrace personal growth, and find healing in each other's company. But as they navigate the complexities of young love, they must confront the harsh realities of their world. Will they find a way to make their love last, or will the weight of their struggles tear them apart?

ZaraAlethea · Urbain
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3 Chs

Chapter 1


My son

I tried son but I couldn't take it anymore. So I am leaving. I know that you are strong and you will survive through this. Take care of Oliver. I have enclosed a bank card in your name. I have left money for you that will take care of you both.

Focus in school and work hard, grab every opportunity that will get you out of that house. Please protect Oliver with all you have. As soon as you can leave please leave. I beg you. If life allows I will find you. I will handle everything.

Kendrick know that this situation is out of my hands and I wish I can take you with but I cannot. I wish to protect you from all this because I know that things are about to get even worse. I trust that you are able to take care of yourself and Oliver.

Love Dad

I don't believe that dad left. Oliver is only two years, he is still so young. I don't get it. What happened? Yes I have noticed the change in mom but I did not think it was this bad. Yes they were fighting of late but was it worth dad leaving? Was it worth him leaving us?

Come to think of it she has been changing so much, from attire to hairstyles. Dressing like some young girl. I thought nothing of it, people change and it's ok. Now though with this letter something might be seriously wrong.

I need to keep watch of Oliver through all of this. Come to think of it I went out with Oliver today to buy some stationery I came back and the house smelled different but I could not place the smell.

I found white powder on the dining room table and I did not want to jump to conclusions but could my mom be taking drugs? I cleaned up and made sure that Oliver could not touch that. I know dad leaving hit her hard but drugs though? Where would she be getting them from even?

I can't even tell anyone as that might result in us being put in the system. I don't want to separate from Oliver. I just have to make sure that no one finds out till I turn eighteen and I can leave here.

"Hey man, today it's football try outs. We are doing this right?" Brandon Campbell my best friend since kindergarten. This year is our sophomore year and he has been begging me to try out for football since freshman year.

"Ok fine man. Hope it will make you stop whining like a little girl."

"Ey! Man!" he tries to headlock me. "Take that back." I laugh and break free running to class

"It's the truth!" I shout back. I get to class and Brandon joins me. We talk lightly before the lesson starts. The teacher enters.

After-school, we go for try outs and the coach tells us he will announce tomorrow who made it. We have to look for the sports department noticeboard. We are at the school parking lot.

"I hope we make it." Brandon.

"Gentlemen." Dean

"What were you doing?" Brandon

"Applying makeup probably." I say laughing

"No anyway the try-outs were good." Danny

"Yeah, I hope we make it." Brandon

"Yeah, I hope so." Danny

"We will stop worrying both of you." Dean

The Campbell twins – Dean and Danny. They are in freshman year. Right behind us. Brandon has no room to mess up.

"Well gentlemen, I have to leave you." I get in my truck and drive towards home my phone rings

Me: hello

Unknown: hi is this Kendrick Knight?

Me: yes

Unknown: this is Amber from Oliver's school

Me: oh, yes

Amber: well your mother didn't pick him up today

Me: I'm on my way

I say as I U-turn and head towards the school

Amber: see you She hangs up.

I get there and park haphazardly and take my keys and run in. He is the only one left.

"enick…" He says running to me as fast as his little body will allow. I crouch down and receive him. Ms Amber follows with his bag.

"Hi buddy." I hug him. I stand up with him and take the bag from Ms Amber. "Thank you so much. Is it possible to pay for aftercare?"


"Ok thanks. I will be collecting him from now on. I will come with my schedule tomorrow."

 "Ok no problem."

We leave and I first stop at the diner so we can have some dinner. The owner Vanessa likes Oliver so much.

"If it isnt my favourite boys." She says as we enter.

"Hi Vanessa."

"Hi, anessa." He echoes

"Hi sweety. Grab a table." We go sit down and I order a burger for me and mash potatoes for Oliver, he loves them. Vanessa brings colouring pages for Oliver and he colours in to his best. I will keep these for when he grows up. Our food is brought out and I fold the colouring pages and keep them safe. We eat and he tells me about his day to the best of his ability in his child like babble.

I try shield him from my mom's new lifestyle. I don't want this to affect him in anyway. He deserves a fair chance in life. I pay and we head home, luckily he falls asleep in the backseat. I need to buy a car seat for him. I carry him inside to find mom with some shady guy. I don't even bother to greet. I head upstairs and place Oliver in my bed. I lock the door and take a shower quickly. Wear sweatpants and change Oliver. Help him brush his baby teeth and we sleep.

My routine has changed. Now in the morning I help Oliver get ready, drive to the diner to get breakfast and I drop Oliver off at school. I walk him in and make sure to hug him tell him I love him Then rush to school. After-school it might include practice from now on then pick up Oliver, go to the diner and go home.

I get to the school and drop him off "I love you buddy. Behave."

"I wuv you too." He walks in to his friends. I drive to school and get ready for the day.

"Ey yo Kendrick, we made it to the team!" Shouts Brandon as soon as he sees me walk in the hallway. I make it to my locker where he is standing.

"Hey man the twins?" "Nope"

"Its just us this year, they will try again next year." I get my books and we go to class we are both taking AP classes so it makes everything good. We attend till lunch, we get to the lunch room grab lunch and sit at our usual table. Brandon's girlfriend also joins us. Truth be told, I don't like her. She is too much. She flirts with everyone, me included but I always shut her down.

"Baby, I saw that you made it to the football team." She kisses him all over his face. We all groan in the table.


"I am so happy for you." She full on kisses him on the mouth and I just lost my appetite. Lunch ends and we head to class.

"You owe me lunch Brandon. You and Nicole made me lose my appetite."

"Man get a girl and you will fit in."

"So I can make people lose their appetites. No thanks."

"You are missing out."

We get to class and I focus on the lesson. I will make sure that I follow my father's orders. He knew something and knowing him he wouldn't leave for no reason. I hope to see him someday. So he can explain this whole thing to me. Plus it would be nice for him and Oliver to have a relationship. I never want him to miss out on having a parental figure. Mom is already out and I don't see her recovering from this.

First practice, we are put against some juniors. We practice and I feel like my body is dying. Coach announces that we will have practice early morning before class and afternoon. I need to find out if little starts will allow me to drop Oliver off early and pick him up late. We hit the showers quickly and we head out.

"When are you coming over man? Mom has been nagging." Brandon as we walk towards parking

"I will come during the weekend."

"We will wait."

I need a job to help keep money afloat. I don't want to run out of money. I need to always be able take care of Oliver. It must never show that we are on our own. I drive to the school. I locate Ms Amber's classroom.

"Hi Ms Amber."

"Hi Kendrick."

"Can we talk?"


"What is the earliest I can drop off Oliver as I need to be in football practice by six thirty and as well afternoon, we finish at five pm."

"Well the school is open at six and closes at six. Day care starts at seven till nine."

"Ok thank you. I will drop him at six tomorrow and pick him up as soon as we are done."

"No problem. What happened to your mom?" oh right time to lie.

"She found a job so this route is out of her way and she has to leave the house at five only comes back at nine pm. So I offered to pick him up."

"Oh, ok no problem. Lets go get the little man." We walk to the toddlers room to find him playing with some friends of his. I take some pictures and he looks up. Smiling. His smile warms my heart always. I crouch down and receive him.

"Enric…" He squeals excitedly as I lift him up in the air. He laughs. I bring him to my chest.

"Hi buddy. Go get your bag so we can go." I place him down and he collects it. We say bye to his friend and Ms Amber. I drive to the diner and we have dinner as always. I order something healthy for him today. Carrots and pumpkin. I walk to the counter to talk to Vanessa making sure to keep an eye on Oliver

"Vanessa, are you looking for any help here?"

 "Yes but are you not going to school?"

"Yeah, I could work on weekends when I'm free from football." She hesitates.

"I worked here last year Vanessa and I didn't drop my marks. Please."

"Ok I don't want this interrupting your schooling. You can start this weekend."

"Thank you Vanessa."

"Do you have anyone to look after Oliver?"

"No but I will find something."

"Ms Linda from the motel in town, she runs an aftercare service. You can drop him there."

"Thank you Vanessa."

"I am here for you Kendrick. Should you need help, talk and ask." That scares me, what does she know?

"Thank you Vanessa."

We eat, I pay and we leave. We get home to find a party. What the hell? I find parking and carry my bag and Oliver's then carry him hoping silently that the noise doesn't wake him. I lock my truck and get in the house. I take videos discreetly of what is happening and go to my room then lock us in. I place him on my bed. Go take a shower and get ready for bed.

Things are becoming very serious and I need to make sure that Oliver is protected from all of this. I think my mom has even forgot that she has children. Glad no one has called CPS on us. I want to keep Oliver with me. I will protect him with all I have.