
The Burning Heart (baby, please let go)

Early in the morning at the airport, a young man slowly stepped out of his private jet. He wore a blue shirt with a black jacket and silver trousers that complimented his physique. He slowly removed his sunglasses revealing his beautiful eyes. His handsome face where that which could bring down a nation. He could be called the gods of beauty. His presence attracted the people in the airport. Some girls started taking pictures of him. He raised his head and looked towards the sky. He smiled revealing his dimples. A sudden evil glint displayed in his eyes and disappeared as if it was an illusion. He looked towards the sky and murmured under his breath " am back my Rosy it is time for beautiful revenge." He entered into the car that came to pick him up ........................... Many called him heartless, ruthless yet below those layers were heartbroken man. Danvers was devastated watching his loved ones leave him. His once happy family was left broken and empty. The joy he felt was gone and even the remnants of it seem as if it never existed. Danvers swore to revenge against those and their families who destroyed his family yet life went to another dimension when he fell in love with one of the daughter of his adversaries. ................ Sabel was a beautiful young independent lady that was given into adoption by her father at the age of three. Despite all odds, as a D list actress sabel believed she could make it and stand proudly beside her celebrity boyfriend but her hopes were shattered when she found out an affair between her boyfriend and best friend. She crawled into a cornea with her luggage A blue porch car stops beside her "Get into the car." Danvers said Hearing a familiar voice. She lifted her eyebrows 'Where did these handsome god's crawl out from.' she was flabbergasted of what she saw. "Are you getting in or going to stay here and stare all day." he said with a tiny smile on his lips. What will happen when Danvers found her identi W

Johnson Victoria · Urbain
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64 Chs


Chapter Eight

The last thing Tiga remembered was that the door was suddenly opened with force and he felled on the ground and was dragged inside the room.

He was awaken by someone's soft slap on his face. He slowly opened his eyes . Only to be greeted by a young handsome boy that looked exactly like the president . The only difference is that he was the small version of him and he looked more handsome that he is.

For sometimes, he forgot to blink . The young boy was captivated by Danvers beauty. He wondered why a person will be these fine no beautiful was the right words to use. He was pulled out of his dream Land when Danvers cold voice rang in his eyes "Tiga what are thinking? Stand up from there, unless you want me to tie you up on a chair."

Tiga wondered why a young handsome boy like Danvers was so cold. Is it because of his background or what. Or is it because of the kind of training he is undergoing. He knows the young boy is very strong just by looking at him. Himself came from a great military family. His great grand father was also a great military man. His grand father was a military soldier. His father was also great military man. He is Colonel in military.

He suddenly looked at Danvers and said "What did you do to me. How did I enter into these room. What is your motive of bringing me into these room and What are you doing inside the school CCTV room?"

Danvers looked at him and smiled revealing his beautiful dimples. "Can't you talk normal. Ask one question at a time."He sighs "Anyway I am not going to answer any of those questions. Just Know that if I am cut two of us will face the punishments. "

Tiga started to panic "what do you mean."

"What I mean is that both of us will be cut in the act and not only me because both of us are inside the forbidden place."

"Is that why you brought me into here."

"Yes and no . Why were you following me? "

"I wanted to know where you where going . Only to find out you had the keys to these place."

"You turned into a stalker just to find out where I was going. Anyway, small talkative stand up let's see what is happening outside and erase any evidence of us being here before anyone find out or suspect something."

Tiga sat beside Danvers and carefully looked at the CCTV footage. As he was about to delete the evidence of their presence in the room. Something cut Danvers attention. He held Tiga hands and moved the cursor closer to have a better view of what was going on outside the school premises.

As a military family. It was made a general rule to make most of them to be at least computer literate to be able to locate their enemies location through the computer .

The CCTV camera in the room had a coverage of what was happening within and outside the school premises. It also covered the footage of what was happening in the whole golden school which comprised of Nursery , primary and highschool.

He turned and asked Tiga . "How do you know how to erase footage of these camera."he asked

Tiga smiled and said "At least now you want to talk to me. I was trained specifically on computer aspect. I don't know how to fight much but can do other things especially stuffs like these."

"Hmm" Danvers responded non chantly

Danvers zoomed the camera and froze on what he saw. He looked and saw his little sister lying on the floor. He looked closer and saw teachers with stretcher coming to carry her. They put her on the stretcher and carried her into the emergency vehicle before moving towards the school hospital.

He looked towards the camera and blinked. He hasn't noticed that his hands was already sweating. He stood up to run out of the room when his hands was suddenly held by a strong force. He looked up and saw Tiga holding his hands . He wanted to slap his hands off but stopped mid way when he heard Tiga's voice "Where are you going ? Do you want to enter into trouble . let's erase any evidence before stepping out of the room and remember you can't leave the school gate. Cool down let's think together and solve these problems. Moreover, you can't tell whether they are looking for you inside the class. I don't know the girl but I know she must be important to you. let's delete these evidence of us in these place first."

Danvers looked at him and sat down as both of them started working on the computer. Through the whole process, his mind had been where his sister was. The little cheerful and lovely disturbance girl.


In the presidential office.

Immediately , Vomaah walked inside the office. All the workers he passed greeted him as he passed . He only looked at them and nodded. The security officers despised except few that followed him inside the elevator.

Immediately the elevator stopped on the first floor, he stepped out and walked into his office. His personal assistant was shocked seeing him in the office today. He remembered he told him to clear his schedule for the day. Even due, he clearly did not tell him why . He recently found out that all his activities are hidden.

He stood up and greeted him with a slid bow. "Good morning sir."

Vomaah looked at him from head to toes . He was shocked when he received that kind of look from his president . This is the first time he looked at him with such eyes.

He checked himself starting from the cloth he was putting on. He wore a grey shoe and black suit which was neatly ironed. His hair was styled as usual. He wondered what he did wrong to get the kind of look from his boss.

Vomaah looked at him and by passed him. He wanted to open the door but suddenly paused and turned towards him and asked "Who are the people that cleaned these office today?"

"Sir is the office cleaners."

"Hmm"he replied before going inside his office.

Immediately , he entered into his office . He opened his clothes box and brought out his military uniform. He entered into his private resting room and went into the bathroom room and changed into his full military uniform.

He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled .

After, he came out, he looked around and remembered his schedule for the day was cancelled. He picked up his telephone and called his assistant . immediately the call was picked his cold voice was heard" Come to my office now!"

Within, ten minutes the door was opened revealing the young man from earlier . He entered and closed the door. He was surprised seeing that his boss had changed his cloth "Sir you call for me."