
The Burning Heart (baby, please let go)

Early in the morning at the airport, a young man slowly stepped out of his private jet. He wore a blue shirt with a black jacket and silver trousers that complimented his physique. He slowly removed his sunglasses revealing his beautiful eyes. His handsome face where that which could bring down a nation. He could be called the gods of beauty. His presence attracted the people in the airport. Some girls started taking pictures of him. He raised his head and looked towards the sky. He smiled revealing his dimples. A sudden evil glint displayed in his eyes and disappeared as if it was an illusion. He looked towards the sky and murmured under his breath " am back my Rosy it is time for beautiful revenge." He entered into the car that came to pick him up ........................... Many called him heartless, ruthless yet below those layers were heartbroken man. Danvers was devastated watching his loved ones leave him. His once happy family was left broken and empty. The joy he felt was gone and even the remnants of it seem as if it never existed. Danvers swore to revenge against those and their families who destroyed his family yet life went to another dimension when he fell in love with one of the daughter of his adversaries. ................ Sabel was a beautiful young independent lady that was given into adoption by her father at the age of three. Despite all odds, as a D list actress sabel believed she could make it and stand proudly beside her celebrity boyfriend but her hopes were shattered when she found out an affair between her boyfriend and best friend. She crawled into a cornea with her luggage A blue porch car stops beside her "Get into the car." Danvers said Hearing a familiar voice. She lifted her eyebrows 'Where did these handsome god's crawl out from.' she was flabbergasted of what she saw. "Are you getting in or going to stay here and stare all day." he said with a tiny smile on his lips. What will happen when Danvers found her identi W

Johnson Victoria · Urbain
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Chapter twenty six

The three of them were shocked at seeing his presence.

He stood majestically on one of the stairs staring at them and waiting patiently for one of them to explain what they meant.

He wore black trousers and a grey sweater. Though it was summer and the weather was still warm. He had been feeling sick recently, especially after the news of the disappearance of his grandson.

The maids were terrified on seeing his burning gaze. He wasn't someone that tolerates lies and he can easily see through them no matter how good, you are at lying.

The maid holding Ma Smittian at the left lowered her head and refused to speak.

Moreover, everyone knows how much he loves his grandson. How is he going to take the news of his dismiss ?

"Are you deaf or what!?" he yelled which terrified the both of them " If you don't start talking, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The maids trembled. Everyone knows him. His grandson's ruthlessness came from him and he wasn't someone to be trivial with.

Ma Smittian looked at her husband and opened her mouth to speak but was bitten to that by the young maid holding her right hand, who spoke up out of fear.

" Sir.... it was... reported that....that that," she said stammering

"That's what happened!" he yelled at the young maid. He was already losing his patience. He held his beating chest to reduce the anxiety and pain he was suddenly feeling.

The maid dropped to the floor and pleaded "Sir, I will talk. A military leader by the name of sungal took over the leadership of the country today and he also ..... he also... sir he...he ....he confirmed that.....that"

"That what happened! talk and stop wasting my time," he said agitatedly to the maid who was already crying.

"Okay, let's leave it here. Let me take you upstairs to rest. We will talk about that later." Ma Smittian finally spoke up. She had been trying to stop the maid from talking but she failed to notice it due to fear.

She wanted to go up and assist her husband but was stopped midway but Pa Smittian "Enough Elint! stop trying to distract me!"

Ma Smittian was stunned and stopped halfway. These was the first time , he has lost control and shouted at her or called her name in front of the servant.

"Sir I am sorry. He said that .... that young master has be confirmed dead and his corpse has been found." Immediately she concluded her statement.

There was a large sound that resounded in the huge mansion.

" Bigers!"

" Grand pa!"

" Great grand pa!"

" Master!"

The whole mansion were in chaos.

Spriya who stepped out of her room on hearing her, was surprised but triggered seeing Old Smittian falling.

She was in her room, when she heard the voice of grandpa . Without thinking twice . She came out but was surprised at what, she heard. Before she could even react to the news . She saw old Smittian falling down.

Danvers was also shocked on seeing his great grandpa falling down. He just stepped inside but was stunned by the scene that welcomed him. He felt horrible like his heart has been crushed.

All of them rushed towards Pa Smittian but before they could catch him. He was already on the floor with blood at the back of his head.

"Call the ambulance." Ma Smittian said agitatedly.

Streams of tears flooded down her cheeks.

Among the chaos, a maid picked up the telephone in the villa and called an ambulance.

Ten minutes on, Pa Smittian was carried away in the ambulance. Ma Smittian accompanied him together with Spriya.

Undue, They tried to convince her to stay behind. It was all futile. She injected that her only comfortability was seeing her husband.

Immediately, they arrived at the hospital. he was carried into the operating theater. Spriya called her father in law after Pa Smittian was taken into the theater .

She sat beside Ma Smittian and comforted her . Both of them were surprised on seeing Danvers presence inside the hospital but did not talk or think much about it.

One hour on, Brandon arrived with his wife . Ma Smittian hugged his son tightly and cried on seeing his son.

"Why is all these happening to us. Haven't the Lord given us enough trouble?" she asked rhetorical

"Firstly, was my grandson. Now my husband." she said and sobbed uncontrollably.

"It is okay mum. I believe dad will be fine." he said and patted her back.

The five of them paced anxiously and waited for the operation to be over.

Six hours later, the light in the operation theater was off.

On seeing the off light. They rushed towards one of the doctors who just

stepped out of the the theater.

"Doctor how is my dad?" asked Brandon

The young doctor who was in his early thirties removed his mask and wipe away the the beads of sweat on his forehead and looked at them.

Even due, the president was dead. That did not shake the power of the family. It was a family known by the whole country.

Their power were unshakeable. Even the power of the current president was incomparable to them.

Beside almost all the development of the country were done by the ex president. Even these hospital were one of his products .

He shaked his head. He truly pitied the condition of the family. Firstly , was the president, now was their grandfather.

"The surgery was successful"

All of them was relieved but their hope were dashed, the next second when, they heard his next words.

" But, due to his age and his heavy fall. He is brain dead and he will automatically become a vegetative patient. His waking up will be considered a miracle that is, if he will ever wake up. I am sorry." before they could react to what the doctor had told them.

Pa Smittian was wheeled out of the operation theater on the bed.

The old man's whose face which were full with energy was now pale and white as sheet.

" Husband." Ma Smittian called out. She wanted to move forward but was held back by her son and daughter-in-law.

Spriya broke down and used her hands to cover her face as she sat down on the long spacious chair in the emergency passage. ' Why is these happening to us. What have we done? who destroyed our happiness. ' she thought and cried silently.

A soft hand patted her back. She raised her head and saw her small son.

" Cry no more , I will be there for you. Even if dad and grandpa is not here . I will always be there to protect you and my siblings. " he encouraged

He wiped away her tears before saying " Cry on my shoulder . I am still here."

Spriya looked at her son and hugged the little boy who talks like an adult.

Pa Smittian was taken into the VIP unit in intensive Care unit .


At the street of Lamborgh

Shortly after, the treatment of the soldier. He groined in pain as his brows furrowed.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked around the unfamiliar surrounding. He closed his eyes as the memory of what happened rushed back.

He opened his eyes shortly and looked around his surrounding once again, only then did he realize that he was lying inside a tent

He touched his forehead, frowned as he realized the bandage on it.

He lifted his body to stand up . In the next second, he froze and a flash of panic rushed across his eyes.

He wanted to stand up, immediately and look for the love of his life but was stop by a hand on his shoulder.

" Relax and stop struggling. I know who you want to look for."

He turned around and looked towards the source of the voice.

The red haired woman removed her hands from his shoulder and clasped them together smiling.

" Who are you? " he asked and looked around the room, as if he was looking for someone.

" Oh, stop searching for her because she is not inside these tent. She is outside and even if she comes in. She won't recognize you as her husband."

The young soldier's expression changed immediately. He can't understand why she can't even recognize him. After, looking for her for so many years . He found her by accident, only to realize that she can't recognize him.

Some years ago, before his wife's niece husband became the president. They went to an executive conference party only to meet danger on their way back. They jumped into the river on that day to safe their lives from the assassinatees. After, being rescued by the rescue team that day.

When he waked up , he realized that he wife has not been found. They mobilized the whole operation rescue team in search for her.

Two months later, the rescue team said they found a cue about her whereabout but one week on. They confirmed her death .

Everyone were heartbroken, they mourned and organized a funeral rites for her. Despite, he refused to believe that.

He decided to look for her. For years now , he has been searching all over for her .

She looked at the mysterious red haired woman and asked "Who are you?"

The red haired woman smiled "Who I am does not matter. I will ask you again. Do you want your wife to recognize you?"

She sat down in a wooden old chair and crossed her leg over another " You know I can help you. She has lost a fragment of her memory."

The soldier looked at her suspiciously " Who are you and What do you want?" he titled his head and raised his eyebrows. Looking at the woman, as a soldier he could tell . She wasn't ordinary and she wasn't lying. She knew a lot of things . He wasn't aware of.

She laughed lightly and said " As excepted of a soldier. You shouldn't be asking me who I am. I will help your wife remember you on one condition."

"How can you restore her fragment lost memory?"

" Leave that to me , I will be doing that in front of you. So is it a deal or not?"

" What's your condition? " he asked frowning.

" Good, always straight forward." she said as she stood up and walked around a small wolden table inside the tent.

" One of your men is the ex president spy but he was among the people that were on the mission to execute him. He wanted to act and save the president but couldn't . So he incited a clip, which recorded the events that occurred on that day."

" So what , do you want me to do?"

" Very simple, make him take the video to the family and give it directly to his eldest son."

" How I mine to fine out who was the president spy."

"That's my not business. It your job . Deal?"

He lowered his head before raising it up and looked into her eyes " Deal."

" You have to complete the mission within five days. It is a small case."