
The Bully's addictions

name "I.. I'm not yours" I stuttered His gaze grew noticably darker at my words " I dare you to say that again"he said taking a threatening step I open my mouth but no words came out, next thing I was flattened between him and the wall My body shuddered at his domineering look "you belong to me... Your body... Your soul... I'll enjoy marking you again.... And again "he whispered, his teeth grazing lightly on my neck How did I get to this situation, where there's no way out? He'd already broke me... Took my virginity... What else does he want from me? Anna Gabe was just an average nerd struggling through high school, her only wish was to get a good life what happens when she becomes the target of their school's infamous badboy.. Mark Andrew she owns him a dept, and he was going to make her repay it Not even a cent less.

kindness_philimon · Sports, voyage et activités
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38 Chs

chapter 38

Everything Played slowly in me , it was as if I was watching it from a distance .

Philip aiming at me , Mark shoving me out of the way .

Then the shot ran out

The bullet had caught him in the chest, I'm no doctor but I know it wasn't good

A scream escape my mouth as he fell to the ground with a loud thud.

I stared at his bleeding chest to his pain expression , I couldn't do or say anything , the shock was beginning to sip it's way into my brain .

I began to zoon out on the world , I couldn't hear scream... yelling...see movement but everything just seems as though from a far distance away...

From the corner of my eyes I saw James aiming at Philip , giving him five quick successful shots.

It was a bloody mess

My body was beginning to shot down on my until his raspy voice pulled me out of my trance and back to reality.

"You are alright" he murmured reaching out a shaky finger to shot shaky finger to stroke my face but stop midway, a gasp of pain escaped his mouth .

A sob escaped my mouth as I gripped his fingers tightly .

" You shouldn't have done that, you shouldn't have save me... why!" My voice sounded strained as strangled tears escaped my eyes.

His gaze glim with emotions so intense, it was about to consume me whole

"Are you crying? Without you I won't be able to live anyway"

A chocked sob escaped my mouth as I shake my head frantically

Why was he so obsessed with me?

This was a burning reminder that only he could ever want me.

Even though stuck in his dark obsession , he's still the only one that ever want me

I couldn't bring myself to hate him anymore

A half chuckled escaped his mouth

"Don't cry, you will finally be free me.... you've always wanted that"

I stared at his glazed expression, his looks like he was barely hanging on


A grasp escaped my mouth with his fingers tightened round my hand with a surprising strength

" Don't even dare dream of it, you belong to me and I won't die so easily" he clenched out tightly, his gaze burning with possession .

His words although came out in between heavy pants , didn't lose the effects it has on me.

A huge part of me was relieved, his words filled me with assurance that he would be fine, maybe somewhere inside of me , I knew that I won't be free of him so easily , but the idea didn't repulse me like it used to .

I wouldn't want him to die, I wouldn't be able to take it.

His gripped on me slackened an d his eyes shut closed , I could see James heading our way towards us.

"Move!" He growled shoving me out of the way to leaned at unconscious Mark.

My shoulders slumped tiredly, everything was beginning to take it tow in my head

I stared at James, I could hear the siren from a distance , I wanted to tell him to help Mark

I don't need to , seeing that he has already taken charged of the situation , only them did I allowed myself to fall limp


James paced as we waited for the doctor's news, it seems like an eternity .

I have never seen so many emotions playing in his eyes ever before , he had always come off with cold and forbidden , until right this moment .

He was worried about Mark, there was no question about that.

He stopped pacing, his gaze fell on me as if he had just remembered my presence , a murderous expression mixed with cold rage crossed his face for a moment before he charged towards me...

"What are you still doing here!" He seethed

Before I could make out any words, his fingers wounded around my neck , though not life threatening, I found myself unable to breath.

"He's in that condition because of you!" He cracked out , his voice raw with emotions .

His fingers tightened as he spoke through each words.

"Why did he have to save you?...it should have been you fighting for your life right now"

He inhaled sharply as if trying to keep his emotions in check, he let go of me and took a step backwards , I could finally breath again.

" This was bound to happen sooner or later , you are too dangerous for him"

Dangerous for Mark?

He need to quote that the other way around .

He was always the big bad wolf,and me?

I'm always the rabbit that get caught by him.

" Is that what you really think?" I heard him said and snapped.y head to his.

Did I said that loud?

His gaze so much like Mark settled on me.

" You don't get, do you? He'll just about do anything for you ... anything, he spat out the words like it was a cursed words .

"Since he can't do it, I'm going to help him get ride of you" he added with a determined look .

"What are you going to do? Are you going to kill me ?"

He stared at me for some time , I guess he was thinking about the same option in his head.

"I wish I could" he finally admitted before he turned his back on me.

" I can't do that to him, I won't allow you to ruin him either , you'll leave, you'll go far away, I'll ensure he never finds you , it will take some time but only then will he be able to forget you, and look up at the bigger future ahead of him, he's the head of our dad's great empire, I'm doing this for his sake , I won't let his future get ruined over by some infatuation"

His words sank deep inside of my head

I could only stare at him mutely

Why do I feel so shallow and empty?

His words should have come as a huge relief...so why do feel...

Why didn't this happen to me sooner? Why didn't this opportunity present itself when I still had some fight left in me?

It came as a realization how many parts of me has accept my fate or maybe I have began to suffer from stolchom syndrome.

" Did you fucking hear what I said ? You are going to disappear " his impatient voice snapped me out of my dazed state.

Was I really thinking about being with Mark? My emotions were in huge mess right now .

I stared up at James as I voiced out my reply...