
The Bully's addictions

name "I.. I'm not yours" I stuttered His gaze grew noticably darker at my words " I dare you to say that again"he said taking a threatening step I open my mouth but no words came out, next thing I was flattened between him and the wall My body shuddered at his domineering look "you belong to me... Your body... Your soul... I'll enjoy marking you again.... And again "he whispered, his teeth grazing lightly on my neck How did I get to this situation, where there's no way out? He'd already broke me... Took my virginity... What else does he want from me? Anna Gabe was just an average nerd struggling through high school, her only wish was to get a good life what happens when she becomes the target of their school's infamous badboy.. Mark Andrew she owns him a dept, and he was going to make her repay it Not even a cent less.

kindness_philimon · Sports, voyage et activités
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38 Chs

chapter 35

Some weeks passed , exams came and went by in a blur

He had stopped me from handing out with my friends, but it was a huge relief that he hasn't hurt Lilian , I didn't think he would listen to me but thankfully he eventually did.

It still hurts though, I missed them a lot... especially the old us, us before Mark decided to return back into my life .

They were my only friends and I couldn't even spend those last days with them .

Mark possessiveness grew more intense as the day went by, the threat messages made it even worse, he collected my phone yesterday , insisted that he was going to get me a new one , I didn't even tried to argue about it, it wasn't like it would help anyway . James left yesterday, so it was just me and him alone in the house .

I've noticed since the last few days he's been in a very foul mood , he seems tensed and troubled, he would snapped at the slightest irritation , something was bothering him greatly but I didn't ask what . I don't think he would tell me anyway .

The only time he seems normal and even human was when we had sex which has become frequent, in those moments, he felt as if he wanted to connect to me in the deepest ways

He didn't want to leave me alone at home , so here we are inside the grocery store picking up a few supplies , I had also run out of clothes , but Mark pretends not to notice, I think he loves it when I walk around in his clothes and use his own shampoo because he wants me to smell like him.

His arm were wrapped around my shoulders protectively as we get what we needed .

I had the feelings that I was being watched, it kept gnawing on my insides , then my gaze caught on something or rather someone.... everything in me stilled for a second.

He gave me a curt nod from the window and disappeared .

Mark's voice snapped me back to reality .

"What is it?" He asked searching around with his gaze, probably looking for what had caught my attention

I couldn't tell him...

"It's nothing" I replied too quickly which appears to aroused his suspicion , his gaze narrowed slightly as take another glance around

"It really nothing" I repeated forcing a smile on my face .

He nodded but I knew he didn't believe me entirely , he was always too observant especially when it involves me.

I need to go outside, I know he was waiting for me , I have to find a way to distract Mark

"Um can I use the restroom before we go?"

His gaze searched mine for a second

" I'll come with you," he stated

" It's the ladies bathroom, you can't possibly follow me inside"

" It wouldn't be the first time", he replied a hint of smile playing on hi lips

I flushed brightly as the meaning of his words sank in

I would still have to find a chance and go outside the mall

" Mark the other day I saw him" my voice came out as a faint whisper

" Who did you see?"

His gaze suggested that he knew exactly what am talking about but just needed to hear it straight from me .

" Him...he was watching us"

A murderous look crossed his features but I think half of it was directed at me .

"Why didn't you say anything to me earlier , and when did this happened? He grounded out grasping both my shoulders tightly

I squirmed under his glaring expression

" I don't think that I..."

" You didn't think what? Fuck it Anna! He muttered a curse, his grip on my shoulders releasing just a fraction .

"Tell me when"

There wasn't much to tell but I explained the little bit I knew .

He exhaled sharply looking downright tensed, I felt he would snap from any moment.

"Do you think he might be here?" Even as I asked, the thought chilled me to the bone.

Our gaze held , I sucked in a breath when he leaned to brush a strand of hair from my face .

" I don't know who the sick fuck is, I'll die before I let him touched you, he murmured

I shouldn't believe him but I did

He had hurt me for so many years but right now he's the only one who wants me so badly....wanted to protect me...as much as I didn't want it to , it still touch a spot inside of my heart.

It kicked something inside of me ...I don't know what to think right now , the only thing am sure of is that I wouldn't want him to die.

Especially for my sake.

He strengthened up and I could breath again

"I didn't kill Betty"

I snapped my gaze to him...he didn't ?

But why was he only telling this to me now ?

" But I went there with the intention, and I probably would have done it " he said in a very serious tone

"W...why?" I found myself asking

I would never get used to the way they spoke about ending a life like they were talking about killing a chicken.

" She threatened you , I warned her to stay away ....she apparently did, then someone else continued"

I took a moment to grasped the meaning of his words, only one thing came to mind

"S ..she sent..." I couldn't complete my words, I might just be wrong .

He nodded in affirmation and continued .

" It wasn't just her, she was sent by someone , which makes it more dangerous because we still don't know who this person is ....you shouldn't keep anything from me bunny..."

I nodded slowly, why do I feel like he knows what was going on in my mind at the moment ?

It was unnerving but am willing to take the risk, I have to meet him so at least he would give me some answers .

I entered the washrooms, Mark was waiting for me right outside but about two minutes later, I peek my head outside the door

He was staring at the other direction, this was the opportunity I needed

I made my way out quietly and hastily left the mall


I stared at the unmistakable familiar figure whose back was turned to me

He'd called me from the window earlier, how did he even know Mark and I were here?


He turned around to face me , a tight smile playing along his lips

"Hello Anna, you have grown up so much "

His last part got me, why did he say that?

Was it just me or did he even sounded a bit different

"Look I've come to take you along with me okay "

He gaze scanned around our surroundings and seems downright nervous

"Let's just go okay, I'll explain everything later he grabbed my arm and was making way to the car.

I Freed my arm from his grip so forcefully that even he looks surprised

" What do you have to explain? The way you gave me away right on my birthday? You didn't even at least try to help me "

How could he just come here and seem so casual about everything that happened, he didn't even asked me if I'm alright.

* Don't be stubborn, just come along "

I almost laughed out at his words, I'm the one being stubborn?"

Why did I leave the mall and came here in the first place...I don't know what I expected.. it wasn't this

"I'm not leaving with you , you can just go am perfectly fin..."

" Do as you are told , don't ask any questions " he snapped, a look of irritation and impatient flashed across his face .

" You already abandoned me, are you feeling sorry for me now?is that why you came searching for me? You moved along with mum and Jenifer without me, You didn't even care about me at all , so I not matter to you at all? Or it is because I'm not your real daughter " I yelled all the pent up emotions threatening to choke me from inside .

" You would be surprised by the truth, you are only right on one thing , I don't care about you " he admitted with a sly smile

I struggled to take a breath against the sharp jab of pain struggling to burst my heart open , how could he just admit to it so easily?

And what truth was he talking about?

"Now come along this instance or you would fucking ruin everything"

He grabbed my arms not too gently and began to force me inside the car

I've never had dad swear before...not even once but now wasn't the time to debate on that , one thing for sure , I won't be going anywhere with him .

Mark was right, after all they don't give two shit about me and he just admitted it right to my face

"Let go" I screamed and began to struggle against his hold when I felt something metallic press at the side of my head .

A gun?

"D..dad w..what" I crooked out both in shock and in disbelief

" I wanted to do this the easy way, but you're being so stubborn and wasting my time"

I couldn't make out my next words when I felt a deep excruciating pain in my head

" Damn! You look so much like her" he mumbled out

That was the last thing I remembered before the world turned black.