
The Bully's addictions

name "I.. I'm not yours" I stuttered His gaze grew noticably darker at my words " I dare you to say that again"he said taking a threatening step I open my mouth but no words came out, next thing I was flattened between him and the wall My body shuddered at his domineering look "you belong to me... Your body... Your soul... I'll enjoy marking you again.... And again "he whispered, his teeth grazing lightly on my neck How did I get to this situation, where there's no way out? He'd already broke me... Took my virginity... What else does he want from me? Anna Gabe was just an average nerd struggling through high school, her only wish was to get a good life what happens when she becomes the target of their school's infamous badboy.. Mark Andrew she owns him a dept, and he was going to make her repay it Not even a cent less.

kindness_philimon · Sports, voyage et activités
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38 Chs

chapter 30

Anna's POV

So many years I realized I still don't know him, still doesn't understand who he was.

Mark Andrew.

Even when I've tried fighting him for so many years, but it only got to this state, the stage we are now .

So I won't fight anymore, at least not this time

Which is why I've decided to know him, It was the only hope I could get out of this

To be free of him and from his psychotic obsession.

He'd went out somewhere for about an hour, this gave me the chance I need to use and think

I listened to the sound of the shower running, I took two quick breaths to calm my nerves but it wasn't working , I was a nervous mess as I slowly made my way inside the bathroom .

His eyes were closed as he stood naked against the steamy spray, for a moment he look so devilishly beautiful that it made my heart clenched .

He was the beautiful disaster that scattered me, just like a storm he ravage my very being.

"What are you doing here?" He crooked out seemingly surprised by my presence

I pulled my clothes off and they fell to the floor beneath me.

I heard him inhaled a Sharp breath , his burning gaze never left mine even for a moment

I joined him under the hot spray, my leg threatening to give way at his scorching gaze

"Can I shower with you?" I whispered taking a peek at him.

He moved a lightning speed to make a harsh grip on my hair and I whimpered aloud at the stinging pain

"What do you think you're doing by doing all of this !!" He hissed out , his hot breath fanning against my neck , for the first time I saw something that looked like confusion in his gaze

" I just want to know you Mark" I whispered honestly .

I press my lips briefly on his glistening chest gently , he jolted seaming taken aback for a moment , his grip on my hair loose slightly , at least it was no longer hurting me

I'm never going to be free from you , you are never going to let me go, it doesn't have to be painful...so please " I whispered resting my head against his chest

His gaze flickered as he search mine ,I couldn't read his gaze nor guess why he was searching for In mine

A low growl rumbled from his chest as he pinned me against the wall , pressing his hard length against me, without warning he plunged hard and deep burying himself completely inside me

"You know you are mine right?" He grunted thrusting hard inside me ..

His teeth grazing at my collar bone nd chin , leaving love bites everywhere he touched

"Say it" he delivered another hard thrust, I clenched against him , wrapping my legs tightly around him

"I'm yours Mark " I whimper against the crook of his neck feeling the pressure building , I couldn't take it anymore, he latched one of nipples into his mouth, rolling it between his teeth , a cry escaped my mouth as I clenched around his in a scattering release

His thrust grew more violent and faster

"That's right, the only mine I won't let you go ever"

I heard his grunt of pleasure as I felt his hot seed spewed deep inside of me.

We stayed like that for a moment unmoving , I wouldn't be able to even if I wanted, my legs felt numb.

He cradle me all the way back to the room and place me gently on the bed, I couldn't look at him , I couldn't bear to, I felt as if I was betraying myself by doing this even if it was just an act

I had not faked the pleasure I felt, he had always know the right spot to touch

I closed my eyes as he laid besides me, his arm wrapped around me , my back was pressed against his chest as he spooned me against him.

Moment later I fell asleep ...

Asleep hunted by a certain green-eyed boy .


I felt the stare as we walked into school, I get what there are looking at, Mark's hand was clasped around my shoulder possessively as we step out of his car, we sure looked like a couple, the murmuring and whispers didn't go past my ear as we enter the hallway , we had barely reach my locker when he stopped , he suddenly flattened me against his chest and claim my lips in a scorching possessive kiss, he didn't seems the least bit bother by the stare we got but I was.

He kissed me until my lips were swollen and tender .

He pulled away from me reluctantly seeming satisfied by his handwork.

" Be good" he murmur giving me one last longing look before he work away


I had barely taken few steps to class when sash attacked me with questions

"Thanks goodness you are here ! Do you know how worried I was ? And what was that all about? You and Mark?"

I stared at her shortly trying to come up with a suitable reply, I must have taken too long because she averted her gaze somewhat apologetic .

"Come on, I know we haven't really spoken since that other day, I'm sorry I over reacted but I was only worried about you ..I swear!"

Thinking about it now , I haven't received any threat or messages after that day Mark spent at my house , something told me he had something to do with it.

Lilian Soon made her way over to us

"You and Mark Andrew sucking faces, the whole school is talking about it!" Lilian explained sounding way too excited about it

I was just about to reply when sash spoke again

"Why didn't you tell me you guys moved out? I went over there to pick you up for nothing "

I froze at her words...

"What did you say?" I chocked out breathlessly

She gave me a puzzle look, I didn't wait for her response before I ran out....in search of him

It didn't take long to find him, he was alone in an empty classroom typing furiously on his phone .

"What happened to them? Where are they?" I cried in panic etched in my voice ...

He looked up from his phone and strengthen to his feet

"What are you talking about ?"

"My family, where are they? " I repeated unable to keep the fear out of my voice

"Did you do anything to them?"

He approached me in three quick strides and made a firm on my shoulder shaking me non too gently.

" Why do you still fucking care? They left without giving a damn about you , don't you get that?"

"They are still my family " I said trying to sound convincing....more to myself than to him.

They couldn't have just left me...

They really just abandoned me to whatever fate await me?

His grip on my shoulder relaxed just a bit as he pulled me into his embrace and rock my back with surprising gentleness ...

"I didn't have anything to do with it, they just left"

I closed my eyes but a streak of tears manage to escape.

I don't want this...

I don't want his gentle comfort

I was just too tire... I couldn't hang on anymore .

He tilted my chin to him, his gaze were dark and flickered with so many emotions .

"They don't want you , but I fucking do " he whispered fiercely as his knuckles graze gently on my cheeks

His gaze looked with a little crazed and was filled with possessiveness , the intensity of it made me trembled ,my knees threatening to give way.

Then in a moment, his lips covered mine, it wasn't one of those forceful kisses, his fingers grabbed a fistful of my hair as his tongue explored ever corner of my mouth .

"You have no fucking idea...how much I need you" he murmured in-between slow kisses .

I allowed my tensed muscles to relax against him

"I won't hurt you anymore Anna, you just have to stay with me" he murmured molding my frame to his.