
The Bully's addictions

name "I.. I'm not yours" I stuttered His gaze grew noticably darker at my words " I dare you to say that again"he said taking a threatening step I open my mouth but no words came out, next thing I was flattened between him and the wall My body shuddered at his domineering look "you belong to me... Your body... Your soul... I'll enjoy marking you again.... And again "he whispered, his teeth grazing lightly on my neck How did I get to this situation, where there's no way out? He'd already broke me... Took my virginity... What else does he want from me? Anna Gabe was just an average nerd struggling through high school, her only wish was to get a good life what happens when she becomes the target of their school's infamous badboy.. Mark Andrew she owns him a dept, and he was going to make her repay it Not even a cent less.

kindness_philimon · Sports, voyage et activités
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38 Chs

chapter 2

"Hello bunny, did you miss me?"

I ignored him and tried to move pass him but he gripped my arm almost painfully, he still had that stupid smirk on his face that I just wanted to wipe off

"What? Let go you are hurting me" I squeaked struggling to free my arm from his hold but he only tighten it even more

If he had even heard me, he didn't show any indication

"Aww little bunny finally decided that she has a voice," he said tauntingly

I gave him my hardest glare but he was totally unaffected

"Let me go now " I repeat trying my best to sound firm but failed at it woefully

"Let go of you? But I precisely came back only for you, I've surely missed you all these time" he replied then he roamed his eyes over my body briefly before returning to my gaze

"I must say you grew up these two years but you are still just as ugly as I remembered"

As much as I told myself not to be affected by his words it's still hurt me, my eyes stung and I have to leave this instant before I disgrace myself by crying in his presence

"Let go of me this instant Mark" I gritted out trying to push pass him with all my strength but he didn't bulge, his smirk only seems to widen

"And if I don't ? You know it really laughable seeing that you've grown a backbone " he said laughing, then it was gone replaced by a harsh look as he leaned and whispered in my ears

"Because it will be fun to slowly break it off this time again and again"

I've told myself many times that I wasn't that weak girl that will allow herself to be intimidated and bullied anymore..

I had to be strong right now or i'm going to spend this last years being under his influence..

I slapped him!

We both looked taken aback for a moment

I really didn't mean to, one moment I had be trapped against him then the next...

The shocked expansion on his face was priceless

It seemed time stood between us and counting one... Two... Three....

He grasped my shoulder harshly

"You'll pay for that !" He seethed his arm raised, I close my eyes preparing myself for the impact, a moment passes, then another but still nothing...

I peered my eyes opened slowly to be met by his forest green ones, for a moment something flashed through his gaze but was gone so fast before I could decipher what it was.

"Anna?" A voice broke our trance, he release his hold on my shoulder and walked away...

"Why are you not coming to class? It been some minutes" sash asked but her attention was on Mark's retreating form

"Are you alright? Why did he stop you this time?" She asked her voice laced with concern

"I'm fine, it's nothin, let's get to class, "I said

She looked like she was about to argue but nodded unsurely instead...

As we walked to the next class I couldn't stop thinking about what just happened...

What did he mean by he returned just for me? I could still hear his threat in my head "I"lol break it all over again and again "

It's been two years, why did he have to return just when I was beginning to get my life back together?

And worse of all, why does he still target me?

I sucked in deep breath and exhaled loudly, this last year is not going to be an easy one, I'll do my best to stay away from him as much as I could but even as I thought, I Know it wouldn't be that easy...


Thankfully we didn't have another class together for the rest of the day, when school finally dismissed , I had taken a careful scan before dashing into sash car, he was talking to a group of jocks and people from the popular circle, I wonder if he had gotten sight of me, but it doesn't matter, right now I was safe in sash car...

"Bye!" I said waving to sash as she drop me off in front of my house

I drop my bag and plunged lazily on the couch

"You are back?" It was mum she said as she descended the stairs

"Yeah" I replied resisting the urge to roll my eyes, she was clearly seeing me but still, she was asking if I was back

Dad is a journalist while mum works In a hospital as a nurse, he was always traveling, I spend the majority of my time with mum and of course my oh so "loving" sister Jenifer

"I prepared lunch, I have a night shift tonight and I'll be leaving now, love you" she said kissing both my cheeks

"And when your sister returns make sure to close all the windows and doors, you know that..."

"I know yeah yeah," I said before she could get started with her long sermons on how it wasn't safe in the neighborhood bla bla bla...

Afternoon a quick shower I skipped downstairs to have lunch, my thoughts kept drifting to what happened in school today as much as I tried to divert it

I still couldn't believe I slapped him though I couldn't deny that he deserved it, I just pray that he left me alone after today.

A sign escape my lip as I cleared the dishes, Jenifer hasn't returned, for now, I'll just go and work on my assignment