
The Bully's addictions

name "I.. I'm not yours" I stuttered His gaze grew noticably darker at my words " I dare you to say that again"he said taking a threatening step I open my mouth but no words came out, next thing I was flattened between him and the wall My body shuddered at his domineering look "you belong to me... Your body... Your soul... I'll enjoy marking you again.... And again "he whispered, his teeth grazing lightly on my neck How did I get to this situation, where there's no way out? He'd already broke me... Took my virginity... What else does he want from me? Anna Gabe was just an average nerd struggling through high school, her only wish was to get a good life what happens when she becomes the target of their school's infamous badboy.. Mark Andrew she owns him a dept, and he was going to make her repay it Not even a cent less.

kindness_philimon · Sports, voyage et activités
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38 Chs

chapter 18

Mark's pov

My blood pulsed in my veins when that dumb bitch hit her with the ball hard on her stomach.

She'd topples over with the pain, my body tensed, my jaw ticked with barely restrained anger...

It will surely leave a bruise and that fact made me madder....

No one else, only I have the right to hurt her...

To leave my mark on her delicate skin....

The intensed possessiveness I feel towards her sometimes scares me and it was growing Even worse by the day

I knew she was just right outside when I was giving Betty a little warning, I don't need to look before my body recognize her presence....

That was something only she could do.

I stormed out deciding to just ignored her but I couldn't ....

My body arches to see her ...to touch her ...

She was addicting

The thought of how much power she has over me without even making an effort filled me with fury, thanks goodness that she had no fucking clue about it .

She makes me feel weak.

She should be punished for making me want her this way...

Fuck me ....

I never hated anyone as much as I hate her even in this moment of needs.

I turned around to go in search of her, she' d almost made her way into the classroom .

Just too bad for her...

I grabbed her arm firmly, u had the perfect spot in mind...

There would be no disturbance, only the two of us.

I pushed her inside the Janitor's closet, trapping the both of us inside....

Her eyes were filled with fear, as she took a step back from me....

Too bad there wasn't so much space bunny, I thought inwardly with a wicked smirk....

" You were right there... Eavesdropping on my conversation" I stated

She gulped down slowly and shook her head frantically in refusal....

I approached another step , totally covering up the distance between us...

I grabbed a handful of her hair and inhaled sharply....even her hair smells so good...

"You just earned two punishment bunny" I said with a chuckle

One for lying to me and the other for not using words

She stiffened like a mannequin, seeming to flat herself against the wall, as if it will shield her...

from me

"B...but I d.. didn't do anything "

A sadistic smile spread across my face , how innocent was she, thinking that I'll only punish her when she did something wrong....

Scratch that....she actually did...

"Does it hurt?" I mentioned to her stomach that had been hit.

Her eyes widened a fraction as if she was surprised...

"It d.. doesn't matter to you"

She flinched when i punched hard at the wall beside me, the vein in the back of my neck was strained

"It matters to me! Because you are fucking mine and only I have the right to hurt you...you don't even have the right to hurt yourself!" I growled out so aggressively, she looked shocked.

Hell , I shocked myself too

"I'm not yours Mark" she mumbled in a low tone but I still make out the words.

I decided to ignore her for now, without warning I yanked up her t shirt to inspect the bruise.....

My gaze flickered slowly on the red spot as I raised my finger to touch it gently

A wince escape her mouth and I retracted my finger immediately...

It was a light wound and wouldn't leave any scar, if not I would have had to kill that bitch

I straightened up to find her gaze on me, she look utterly confused ,my gaze focus on her lips, I couldn't stop myself from tasting them.

So I kissed her.

I crashed my lips against hers, biting hard on her bottom lip forcing my way in as i ravaged her mouth .

How could anyone taste so sweet, it was a fucking crime .

I searched every corners of her mouth with my tongue, tasting... nibbling until she clasped my shoulders tightly , presumably due to lack of air....

I pulled away reluctantly as we both panted to catch our breath

Her cheeks were flushed, her lips swollen, it was quite a site...I wanted more

"How did you know my dad?" She suddenly asked

I was stunned by her question for a moment ....

"Y..you clearly do know him, I saw you in a picture with him....you were about six then"

I was taken in a photo with him? The thought of being with that bastard in anyway...even in a photograph had me grinding my teeth

I mask my anger in a neutral expression

"I never took any photo with your dad" it wasn't a lie , I've never been in any photo with the man she currently think is her father....

She still doesn't know the entire truth yet.

"You are lying! You...and that little girl...I never knew you have a sister "

My blood froze, all the muscles in my body went tensed .

"Had...I had a sister!" I snapped rigidly....and it all thanks to the man she still doesn't know was her real father

Her expression changed, she was looking at me with sympathy.....

It made my blood boil ....

I don't need anyone sympathy, especially hers, she was going to fucking pay for her father's mistake and she has started already .

"I'm s.. sorry Mark...I'm sorry , you must be so hurt by it, it's related to why you are doing all this to me... right ?

Something snapped in me, I pushed against her in a flash, grabbing a handful of her hair with her back facing me...

"You are wrong bunny, nothing could hurt me ,it's always been me that does all the hurting ....and right now I want to hurt you,I'm going to hurt you"

I grinded against her ass through the material of our clothes , I squeeze her boobs tightly through her clothes....

"You don't hate me, d..do you?

She was wrong....

Absolutely wrong

"Shut up"

"I think you just want me....you want me a lot but you don't know how to go about it....it still don't know why you're doing this! Y..you have to stop please"

I slammed her against the wall violently, a hiss of pain escaping her mouth , I tightened my grip on her hair painfully until she cried out

She was fucking right about the last part ..the strong desire to possess her scares me sometimes

"You also hate me but that doesn't stop you from wanting me, and that makes you hate yourself more than you hate me.... The feelings we have for each other is mutual" I whispered burring my face and nostrils in the crook of her neck....

She began to struggle in earnest when my fingers made way into her trousers to toy with the elastic band of her panties....

Two of my fingers slide into her folds , she was warm and moist down there.

A choked helpless sob escape her lips and it shot straight to my cock

"S..stop..it..I will scream!" She tightened both her legs, probably to still my movement

A cruel smirk spread across my face, I gave a harsh spank to her ass, my fingers stung, I'm sure her ass would feel worse ....

" Then go ahead because I sure as hell aren't stoping, we'll sure give everyone a show"

I made a tight grip on her arm and started to make my way to the door...

"W...wait... please stop" the cry broke out from her mouth

"What? You aren't willing to scream for help anymore?" I mocked before handing two more punishing slap to her ass

Her whimpers sent hot white pleasure to my member

That wasn't enough ....

I wanted to see all of her, touch all of her...

I flipped her so her face was to me, her tears stricken face but I care less, she belongs to me and fuck I will claim what's mine

I ripped at her shirt and flung her bra out of the way, I squeeze her lush breast in my palm, they were soft and warm , I pinched hard on her nipples twisting them between my fingers

Without any warning, I feasting on it taking as much as I could into my mouth... sucking, biting until they plucked and erect...

I pushed my shirt over my head needing to feel her bare flesh against mine , my buckles snapped as I Freed my jeans , my cock sprung free, the tips glistening with precum...

I yanked down the feeble sport trouser she wore down to her knees...

A strangled gasp escape her mouth when the tip of my shaft slide into her slit...


She was so fucking wet....

She clasped my shoulders shaking her head frantically in refusal, I almost sneered to that....

All I wanted now was to tear into her virgin barrier, since it was bound to happen sooner or later...

I glide my cock against her barrier.... testing it ..

"P.. please Mark..d.. don't"

She was just too damn stupid, or just naive, doesn't she knows what her begging does to me?

It only makes me want to even more enter her, my balls were testament to that, it tightened and grew heavier, threatening to shoot its load

I didn't, I couldn't, it wasn't yet time to fucking do this....

Not until she .....

" Get on your fucking knees" I hissed

I don't want to know if she'll obey or not before pushing her by her shoulders.....

She was fucking sexy in this position,her nipples red and jutting out, her face tears stricken. A bead of cum escape and dripped unto her breast down to her stomach, I smeared my liquid all over her face using it to coat her trembling lips before moving down to my destination, I let my precum drip all over her nipples...

This was some sick way if tell her she belongs to me, marking her with my cum

"Hold you breast together" I hissed

She shook her head numbly in refusal and it was making me god damn angry

"You'll rather I fuck you then, trust me I'm gonna make it painful" I sneered....

Her face washed with embarrassment, fresh tears escaping her eyes....

I almost felt pity for her ...


But my needs for the pleasure only her body could provide was greater

She slowly squished her breast together, I began to rock my hips against her soft fullness, I grunted at the intense pleasure, it was almost painfully....

I came all over her breast, stomach and thigh

I leaned down to wipe some cum away from her nipples and raised it to her lips

"Suck it off"

Her pink tongue darted out to lick my fingers and I was instantly hard again....

I watched in satisfaction as she swallow it down...