
The Bully's addictions

name "I.. I'm not yours" I stuttered His gaze grew noticably darker at my words " I dare you to say that again"he said taking a threatening step I open my mouth but no words came out, next thing I was flattened between him and the wall My body shuddered at his domineering look "you belong to me... Your body... Your soul... I'll enjoy marking you again.... And again "he whispered, his teeth grazing lightly on my neck How did I get to this situation, where there's no way out? He'd already broke me... Took my virginity... What else does he want from me? Anna Gabe was just an average nerd struggling through high school, her only wish was to get a good life what happens when she becomes the target of their school's infamous badboy.. Mark Andrew she owns him a dept, and he was going to make her repay it Not even a cent less.

kindness_philimon · Sports, voyage et activités
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38 Chs

chapter 15

Mark's pov

The weight of my balls made slapping noises as I pounding into bitch's wet cunt as a furious pace, her loud moan filled the entire room as she ground against me.

She was one of those dumb bitches from school, hell I don't even remember her name or fucking care....

She rotated her hips as she drives back into my cock, her screams of pleasure was somewhat annoying to my ears...

She pulsated around my shaft moaning out her release

This was bitch third orgasm or was it fourth...I wasn't even close to mine...

Not even half as close...

She was just too boring, she wasn't brunette, her eyes weren't gray, she wasn't even half as curvy and shapely as her....

She wasn't the one I wanted to fuck right now..

I closed my eyes briefly, my breath coming out in harsh pants

Sweet fucking Anna...

So innocent... such a dirty slut....

I imagined her pink glistening untouched pussy being ravage by my monstrous cock...

I still remembered the way her face flushed with pleasure when I ate at her creamy pussy....

The thought sent a wave of pure lave down to my goin, my blood pumped hotly and went straight to my hardened cock...the veins were pulsating right now with raw needs

My thrusts were faster, each thrust more violent and deeper than the last, I grabbed a fistful of her hair tightly, my breath coming out in shot pants...


I gave a hard spank to her ass and she cried out in pain... or pleasure...

I shot my release into the condom pushing away from her as I caught my breath...

Just the thought of her was enough to drive me crazy with needs...

"Leave" I barked out coldly

Her mouth curved into a pout which she probably thought was sexy, she brought a palm over my shoulder...

"Can I spend the night over here, it quite late already..." She battled her fake eyelashes at me twirling her fingers around her curls suggestively

Big mistake....

I don't do cuddling, I just fuck'em and they leave... no strings attached

"Get out" I snapped even more harshly this time, my tone giving no room for arguments...

She shot me a glare then obey as she began to search for her clothes...

Hell if I give a single damn, fuck was over and I want to be left alone...

When she left I made sure to shot the door firmly closed.

I rested my head against it momentarily....

This was one of the many times I wanted to just be alone...

But the feelings was more intense tonight...

It was the night of their death anniversary, and those memories which I've tried to keep buried resurfaced

I gave a hard punch to the wall...

Fuck me

The darkness I felt inside was too much, it struggled to break it's chains...

I still saw them...

Mum and jean laughing... It was the most pleasant sound to my ears but not any longer...

Now it was a nightmare

Fucking bastard killed them and got away so easily....

Too easily after taking away my very own existence with his betrayal...

Someone has to pay for it....

The memories of that day still burn like molten steel in my head.... never to be forgotten

I never thought I could hate anyone so badly until I met her... everything she represents....

Nothing else mattered but ruining her slowly until she was nothing more than ash blown away in my palm.....just like they had done to me and she was going to repay the depts, not even a cent less...

I still almost pitied her though


Because she still had no clue why she was suffering, and I haven't even started with her....

When I said I came back just for her, I totally meant it....

I opened my drawer to withdraw a photograph of her, i have lot of it lying around even for those two years I have left , I had eyes watching over her, I know the time she ate, the time she slept and even the time she takes her bath, you can call it an obsession that was born out of deep hatred

I stared at the picture heatedly, she was wearing a floral gown, a huge smile on her innocent looking face, her brunette hair was windblown and she look carefree...

She had probably thought that she was free from me, my mouth set into a grim line at the thought...

Dad was renowned as one of the most powerful men in the state, on the outside we were known for having various branches of the business factories, it was a secret to the whole world that we do illegal businesses which ranged from drugs to sex trafficking....

At a young age, I had already started to get my fingers dirty , I already did my god damn share of evil things, it was expected of me as one of his heirs... Both mine and my older brother James's life was already decided ...

Mum and sweet little jean's smile was the only hope.... A light in the darkness for my already set to be condemned soul....

But they have ripped off from me..... without any bell.. warnings...

Their blood had formed a pool, a bullet's hole struck through momma's forehead, her usual sparkling eyes were blank and cold, they both bleed to their death before my eyes, I was ten and could only watch the life drain out of them helplessly...

All because of a fucking god damn betrayal from a greedy traitor...

Dad had caught the traitor though and ended him with a bullet...

But it was all too quick for me, I had wanted him to suffer until he begged for death....

I lived with the hate and anger built up inside of me...

I had firmly shot it out , that was until I met her...

That was until I found out a hidden truth, the betrayal was long gone....

But he still has a daughter...

I fucking still remembered the first moment I laid my eyes on her...

I had thought she was the cutest little thing I've ever seen, she had been just eight then...

Her pure crystalline eyes were so wide and filled with innocence

Just too bad, she had to pay for her daddy's mistake...

Seeing her smile, hearing her laughter always made my heart clenched...

She reminds me so much of jean and that only made me despise her even more...

Some days I felt like just leaving her because she was totally in the dark about everything....

Try as I may, I couldn't....

She was fucking addicting as oxygen and try as I may, I couldn't get rid of her....

And my hatred and revenge comes before everything....

In as much as hate bound us together, she was still mine....

I already gave her a warning with that bastard, it took everything in me not to just finish him off....

It was her first warning though, next time I won't be so lenient.....

She had to learn that she was fucking mine to hate.....

To ruin.....

To ravish.....

And no one could save her from me....

Not even me.