
Happiness caused by greed

 Why do we try? Why do we always get back up when we fall? Why does the world see it fit to keep knocking us back down at all? Encouraging words throughout your day you see inspiration on every block, in everyone's hands, and even on everyone's faces. But why? Is this world just one big training ground? So many questions but never any answers. One day we all just woke up and started learning. But in reality, this world was made to be run however we humans see fit. The laws were man-made, the cars, the money, the rules oh so many rules! Everything we have ever created will burn and disappear into nothing. With all that in mind, what is happiness? If everything materialistic is man-made, then what we are left with is nothing but emotion. Emotions make the world spin, money is a means to an end. 

 Honestly, if the world reverted to the stone age right now we wouldn't be able to survive in it. All the money in the world would be nothing but useless paper decorated with forgotten faces. Some would strive while others would struggle to find a new materialistic item to call currency, because "money, makes the world go round" Honestly, a world with laws, money, and useless politics was designed to turn you into a sheep. Following orders subconsciously because that's what the people with all the money want. When it all crumbles and the paper in your hand becomes worthless where does that leave you?

 Happiness is all about perception, if you walk past a homeless man sitting on the street and you offer him a meal, won't he be happy but he's homeless and it was only one meal? Now if you walk past a man who just locked himself out of his Ferrari and offer him a meal as well, he will most likely get offended. Kinda funny how that works, right? Humans need nothing to survive we were made to roam the earth naked if you think about it, so why do we wear clothes? "Well I don't wanna walk around naked" I know some of you reading this thought that. Understandable, so let me rephrase. Why do some people wear Jordans, Nike, or Adidas while others might be just as satisfied with wearing phatfarms on their feet? Materialism is a means to an end, I'm sure you've heard that saying plenty before today but what does it mean? Well if you want a new pair of Jordans you need money. Obvious, right? While you work to make money for your new shoes, over there, a person with their phatfarms on saved up just a little bit more to buy a new house or maybe even just a new car.

 Materialism. Struggling to make money just to spend it and find something else to save for. With that being said money brings struggle 100 percent of the time unless you win the lottery right? To win the lottery you need to buy your ticket first. kinda sounds like you need money for everything, doesn't it? Have you ever heard of the word barter? It means to trade goods for other goods. Imagine a world where all you had to do to get your Jordans was walk to the store and give them a chicken. All you have to do is take care of a chicken and you get whatever you want. Happiness is all based on perspective, you can love taking care of animals or maybe you like farming. Productivity Produces Products.

 Money made the world lazy. Instead of working and helping each other out, humans became greedy, we hoard paper and look down on each other. In the end, Money is a means to separate the masses. Happiness comes from earning money and spending it on our earthly desires, This is what the world we live in has been brainwashed into thinking. Money does not bring happiness, in truth, it brings despair, envy, hate, and pride. look past the rain because the clouds are a very beautiful color right now.