
The Bruised Heart

Everyone that is in love on social media, must be in love in real life, right? Wrong! At least, not in this story. Kalana and Dean Parker will take us on a journey to explore the pieces of their relationship and reveal what is under the masks they wear in front of the camera, while they uncover and fight the threats, demons, and trauma these "perfect" lives actually hold. This novel explores aspects of psychology and mental health and contains depictions of self-harm, alcohol abuse, sexual abuse, and suicide. Please read with care. ** Have been added to chapters for content warning.

Parker_211 · Urbain
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9 Chs

Let Loose **

Warning: This chapter contains content that may be distressing to some readers.

Reader Discretion is Advised



Oct 25th

"Hey guys! Who's coming with me to None Bar in the Mission? The girls just messaged me that it's Ladies Night." I rallied my crew for our typical night out after study hall.

"Hell yeah man. Are you inviting Kal?" my best friend, James asked.

"No way dude. It's like we aren't even dating. She parades our relationship online, but that's all she ever does. I can't even remember the last time I've seen her tits."

"Dude, if you are done with her, send her my way. I'd love to be your Eskimo Brother. Plus, she's too hot for you." James shit brown eyes begged.

"Jimmy Boy. I'd keep your fucking mouth shut if I were you. Besides, we are already Eskimo Brothers." I can't believe this douche bag would say this about my girlfriend.

"But that's because you fucked my chick, bro."

"Not all of them. Just the ones who begged to put my cock in their mouth." I loved egging him on. He gets riled up so easy.

"Come on Man. That's not funny." James whimpered.

"It's not a joke. Grab your shit. Come on guys, we're leaving." As I walked out of the study hall, the crew followed, even James with his tail tucked between his legs.



We got to None Bar, where the street was lined with women, but I made a B line to the front and the bouncer let us in. Ladies drink for free tonight, so they are pretty picky about how many ladies they in and since guys have to buy, it's the only way for the bar to make money.

"10 Beers my man." I ordered from my friend Joe, the lead bartender at None Bar. Placing my card down, it was accompanied with a fifty. "I need to have fun tonight, so leave it open."

Joe filled 2 buckets with ice and 5 beers in each and tossed a bag with 2 pills in one, as if no one would notice what he was doing. 'Worse drug dealer ever.' I thought to myself. I tapped the bar as a thank you. I grabbed the buckets and brought them to the small high top bar where the guys were playing pool.

"First rounds on me." I announced to the crew. They all grabbed a bottle and took their places. This was my favorite thing to say on Ladies Night because it looks like I'm a big spender and now the focus is all on me. Kalana has been such a prude lately, I really just need to let loose. She couldn't possibly understand the pressure I'm going through. And all that pressure goes straight to my dick.

I scan the hall see if anyone can help relieve this tension, but it's too early right now.

I pull out my phone. The time read 9:45 PM. Still way too early.


A message

Jess: 'Is someone out having fun without me?'

Andy: 'I'm about to...0Bar'

This is a perfect. I just have to find someone who will play along with me to get her really going.

I grab the 2 two pills from the bag and chase them down with a beer. 'I'm ready ready!' I began to hype myself up and move through the bar.

I can see James attempting to flirt with 2 brunette girls in front of the bathroom, but they look more scared than anything. "Ladies, I'm so sorry. Please don't be alarmed by him. He's already got a girlfriend." I approached to help lighten the mood.

"Bro. What the fuck." James squealed like a 14 little girl. "But what -"

"That's enough dude. Go see Joe and grab some drinks for all of us." with a light shove, James walked away and the two girls were now mine.

They called themselves Megan and Heather, I think. It didn't really matter. They only had one purpose for me tonight. Ten minutes had passed and James still had not returned with drinks.

"Ladies, I don't know what is taking so long, but let me go grab a round from the bar. I'll be right back." But the taller brunette one stopped me.

"We aren't in a hurry. But maybe you could help us out with something. Which one of us is a better kisser?" They must have been on one too as the two of them started making out.

"Well, that's not fair ladies. Watching won't answer that question." I could feel the ecstasy starting to hit me and that slight touch of her hand on mine really got me going. "Meg, let me have a taste." The short one stepped up. So I got one name right. I leaned over and brought my lips to hers and just like that, my body was fully accepting the contact. The two girls pulled me back and forth to show my their skills, but this wasn't going to do.

The bar was getting full, so I pulled the girls into the closet across from the bathroom. I yanked on the chain to turn on the dim light of the cleaning closet and watched Meg start to undo my pants. She took my fully erect member in her mouth, but she was so small, I could see her having a hard time taking me in. Heather didn't like not having any attention and lifted her dress to reveal no panties. I gave her a small nod and she pushed her friend out of the way and dropped to her knees. While my body was reacting to every touch and suckle, it still didn't feel like enough.

Ding. A message. Perfect timing. Ding. Ding.

"Oh ladies. How can I choose who's better?" I was still hard, but this closet was not big enough and these girls are not really doing it for me. "Why don't we get ourselves one last party mixer from the bar and see where this night takes us?" I buckled my pants back up and pinned my fully erect shaft behind my waistband. The two girls giggled accepting my offer and walked out. I pulled out my phone to see who messaged me.

Jess: 'Did you run away?'

Jess: 'Im wit Jimmy!'

Jess: 'Trying to make me Jealous?!?'

I walked out of the closet and a Blond Jess was in front of me, wearing my favorite outfit. I don't know too much about clothes, but the innocent Catholic School Girl look was a total turn on for me.

Grabbing her ass, I pulled her in for a hug, "Jess, there you are." I peeked over her shoulder and the 2 girls had already found new bar toys. "Come on now, how can I make you jealous? You know this is just for fun. Plus, I want to take you to see Kal tonight, so we can have some real fun."

"You must be on one tonight. I thought you said she didn't like to share in the bedroom. What is going to change her mind now?" Jess questioned as she crossed her arms and pursed her lips.

"Don't worry, I can call her right now!" I pulled out my phone threatening to take action.

"No need! I believe you, but I'm going to go see Joe. I've got to get on the same level as you." Jess quickly turned around and swam through the bar.

I threw my phone back in my pocket and let the night take me away.