
The broken thrown. A new light. book 1

QuiverWing, the last chameleon dragon in Yutar, wakes up from an iceberg. She and the dragon who she wakes up with, Scorch, realised soon that an enemy wishes her death. QuiverWing must fight for survive or perish. Can QuiverWing survive or will she think of something different to stop the bloodthirsty enemy. Within her moments of waking and not remembering anything she finds love, friendship and hatred.

FunPup · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 24

QuiverWing felt as powerful as she could be in her situation, "well what you gona do? let blood grippers fight me, I'm gona beat them!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Let us see about that!" Frostbite climbed out of the pit and called out a command, then the large gates that were on either side opened and all you could hear was the strange growls. QuiverWing went into a defensive stand and a starved, foul smelling dragon punsed on her, she swong the horn that rest on the end of her nose and opened a wound and it made a horrible screech. 6 more came out and from behind her 8 were screeching un earthly, they all pounced and charged at her but the chains just got in the way. QuiverWing then breathed ice over them but it just rested on there wings and it just snapped of, they screeched and breathed lightning on her. QuiverWing screamed in pain but she saw that it travelled threw the water and to them, "don't use the lightning idiot!" a female one hissed and she heard an accent.

"Why not let us have some fun" a cold smoke rose from her nose.

"Verywell, use your acid!" she called out.

"Snapp!" QuiverWing jumped up the walls and barely avoided the acid, her claws were slipping down. She road and pounced on the female, "agh" she let out.

"I'm giving you an offer leave me aloun or I'll kill you!" QuiverWing threatened with her claws on her neck.

"My scales are thick anuff so I'll liv" the blood gripper laughed.

"I see!" QuiverWing snarled and bit down as hard as she could.

"Raa, get of her!" a male screeched and pulled her off. QuiverWing hissed and smashed his head to the watery ground, all of them shrouded her and she felt as if she couldn't move. "Aughbff!" she cried as they pulled her head under water but she broke free and wacked her tail hearing a snap as one cried in pain, with the bone of his wing showing. QuiverWing screeched herself as she felt the burning pain of acid being purred on her back, "there QuiverWing, I got ya!" the female blood gripper called out. QuiverWing felt cold and she found herself back in the void, "well if it isn't nice to see you again" she sighed. "Aagh I'm talking to a viod, I'm going crazy" she held her head in her claws.

"So how long are you going to keep me here?" she asked, a cold wind blew onto her, "so that's your answer? ok" she shrugged. She was there fore a while, a long while "how much longer?" she complained. The light finally shined and she jumped into it yelling, "see you vioed!".

"Are you sure she'll come back?" the gard who wasn't sure if BushThorn should talk to her.

"The Queen said that she came back from the dead once she killed her" a different gard said.

"Maby she never died" guessed anuther one. QuiverWing decided to pretend to be dead, holding her breath was easy for her. "You saying that Queen Petle was wrong!" gasped the first gard.

"No I'm not!" the third one argued, "I'm saying that the Queen might be mistaken".

"Maby?" the second one poked QuiverWings side and she didn't respond.

"So what do we do with the dead body?" the first one asked.

"You put it back in the pit!" Queen Petles voice yelled hauntingly.

"Queen Petle what can we do for you?" she heard the second gard scramble to her feet.

"What is she doing up here? and why is her back so burnt up?" Petle hissed.

"Frostbite let the blood grippers out and they killed her, but she doesn't seem to be coming back to life" the third one explained.

"Maby she only have a set amount of lives" Petle hissed softly. "But chuck it back into the pit and chain her just in case if not feed her to the blood grippers" Petle ordered.

"Yes your majesty" all the gards (even the ones in the trees) said at once. She then heard wings flapping and then after a while she felt chains being put on her, "oh no that that again!" QuiverWing jumped up and swoted the chains away.

"Aa she's alive!" the third gard screamed.

"Relax I don't want to hurt you, I just don't want the chains" she felt the pain on her back and colapst.

"You... don't?" the first on sniffed her.

"No let me rest" she layed her head on her claws and covered her head in her wings.

"You're not as aggressive as the others" the first one observed.

"I may not remember what my kind is like but I know that we were friendly not aggressive" she lifted her head up and tilted it.

"I can beg a differ" he pointed to large scare on his wing, "and that's not all they've done".

"What else did they do?" QuiverWing asked.

"Your kind is very strong and is not afraid of killing us" he explained.

"Would you kill an army of dragons if they tried to kill you?" QuiverWing defended her kind.

"Ok I get it, you don't forgive us" he snorted.

"No I'll forgive you, you were just taking orders, I don't forgive Petle or Frostbite!" QuiverWing shook her head with a hiss.

"You... forgive us" he sounded shocked.

"I mean if you didn't do those orders you would be dead" she explained.

"Most chameleon dragons I have met always blamed us" the third one spoke and her voice sounded shy.

"What were they like?, if you listened to mine and BushThorns conversation you would know that I don't know about my kind" she explained.

"Oh really, you're different" the third gard twitched her tail.

"How in the winds of life did that blood gripper know my name?" QuiverWing froze to what she just said, 'what is the winds of life? I heard Scorch say it'. The first gards eyes were open wide.

"Only Frostbite says 'winds of life' he said that his old king uses it, we use Yutar" he said.

"And we don't know how that one knows" the third gard answered.

"Huh" QuiverWing flicked her tail, "well I might as well get your names" she blurded out.

"I'm Kurdle" the first one said.

"I'm Ela" the second squinted her eyes.

"I'm Duska" the third one smiled.

"Well nice to meet you I'm QuiverWing but I guess you knew that" she grind, realising that she is desperate for new friends. BushThorn is an amazing friend but she feels like she needs more. "Yeah we already knew" Duska nodded.

"I don't believe that you're any different from the others, I think you're pulling an ack so you can get free" Ela snarled.

"I'm not but thanks for the suggestion" QuiverWing joked.

"Relax Ela she can't hurt us and if she tries we can just do one slash to her back and she'll die" Kurdle reassured her.

"Wow I'm right here you know" QuiverWing said sycasticly.

"Look I don't trust you, I don't know what you're planning but what I do know is how to fight and how to kill any dragon who dares try to fight back so don't cross with me" she snarled.

"Ok so you are the one who gets stuff done" QuiverWing nodded, "I like you" she had to hold back expression from Ela's reaction.

"What are you planning here, what ever it is I'm not falling for it" Ela shook her head and snarled.

"Ok I get it you don't trust me" QuiverWing put on a straight face.

"So what have your little revelation to over throw Petle been doing?" Kurdle asked.

"I'm not betraying them" QuiverWing said in a sturn voice.

"I know but," he looked around then leand in closer and whistle, "most of the gards here want to over throw her as well".

"She clearly doesn't" QuiverWing pointed her claws at Ela.

"You got it wrong, I don't like her but I also don't like you" Ela clarified.

"Right?" QuiverWing squinted her eyes unsure if she should trust her.

"Look I'm thriving here and I'm not ruined it" Ela sounded angry and looks like she just want to leave the conversation.

"Exactly if your perfect life is threatened by you not talking you are gona rat them out, and I'm not betraying them!" QuiverWing pointed out.

"So you're the me over there" Ela said but did not talk.

"I guess if you want to put it thay way" QuiverWing lifted her head up.

"Look I know you don't like the chains but Frostbite is going to come over soon and if he sees you without that chains we are all dead" Duska pointed to all the gards in the trees.

"I see well can you make it not as tight?" QuiverWing asked.

"I can try" Duska said, "but Queen Petle ordered it to be tight so I have to make it look tight" she explained.

"Alright" QuiverWing sighed, Duska started with the wings were she felt it looser then before and then moved to the shakels, then the muzzle. Everything was looser and she had to jump down, the water was comforting and QuiverWing saw Duska tie up the loos ends of the chains to the walls of the pit. "I hope it's loos enough" she said then flew up to a tree.