
The broken thrown. A new light. book 1

QuiverWing, the last chameleon dragon in Yutar, wakes up from an iceberg. She and the dragon who she wakes up with, Scorch, realised soon that an enemy wishes her death. QuiverWing must fight for survive or perish. Can QuiverWing survive or will she think of something different to stop the bloodthirsty enemy. Within her moments of waking and not remembering anything she finds love, friendship and hatred.

FunPup · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 15

QuiverWing woke the next morning, her back legs and tail felt stiff and her body ached, "owwwww" she complained quietly.

"You good?" Scorch asked.

"No" she exclaimed.

"So what's wrong?" Scorch began to lick her spike on her neck.

"Everything aches" she explained.

"Well let's get you something for that" he said. QuiverWing tried to stand up but a stabbing pain shot through her back legs, "Aa!" she cried.

"You can't stand up" he examined.

"No" she then curled into a ball.

"I'll be back with something" his voice sounded concerned. She watched him walk out of there sleeping chamber and heard his claws scrape on the stones.

After a while she heard a dragon that is not Scorch walk towards her sleeping chamber, she then saw Wrath walk in with a ball of herbs in his mouth, nicely secure and wrapped in small thin vines and large leaves. "Scorch told me to bring these in for you" he said placing them down infront of her. "So what's wrong, you look like you're in pain" he tilted his head.

"Ache" she semi explained, she then unwrapped the herb ball and saw poppy petals, sunflower seeds, mints and bugberrys. "Thank you" QuiverWing thanked Wrath and wiped her tail in a respectful dismis, "actually I was hoping I could have a chat with you for a bit" Wrath sat down waiting for her to finish with the herbs. She ate the poppy petals and sunflower seeds and sat up, "aaahum" she squinted her eyes and wrinkled her nose in pain. "What is wrong that you can't move" Wrath looked even more concerned now.

"It's mostly my back legs" she complained.

"What coursed it then?" Wrath asked looking curious. QuiverWing felt awkward as she doesn't truly know what coursed it but she did have a good idea of what did. "Umm... I urr" she stuttered.

"Don't know huu" he looked a little disappointed.

"I just need to rest them" she explained shrugging, "so what is it that you want to talk to me about?" she asked.

"Just want to know a little better, our first interaction wasn't the best" he explained.

"You mean you basically yelled at me and cursed at me for killing a very weak creature that I still believe that dragons should not fear" she shared her opinion.

"You're not mad at me about that still, right?" Wraths eyes looked like they were regretting what he did.

"No, I just don't get why dragons fear those fragile creatures" she tried to flick her tail but she only flinched.

"They may be fragile but in numbers they are dangerous" he explained in a quite tone.

"Can we not have this conversation?" QuiverWing sounded more annoyed then she actually is.

"Right but may I ask what was your flock like?" that question made her eyes widen.

"Umm I can't remember I woke up in an iceberg a little while ago and I have no memories of life before hand" she explained feeling embarrassed.

"Oh so you're as lost as all of us are when it comes to your flocks secrets" he looked like he is in thought about it.

"Actually Scorch knows some old facts and he know a lot about different secrets from many dragons" she saw something flash in Wraths eyes but she didn't know what.

"I should let you rest and I need to organising the building of the library" he got up and walked out. She layed down in a way that it will rest her legs and tail she rested her head on extra soft moss and closed her eyes. She couldn't sleep so she just fiddled her wings but she just got even more bored. 'I want to do something what exactly I don't know just something' she thought and then she felt the poppy petals kicking in and she got up. "Huum" she gritted her teeth but she can walk only slowly and painfully, 'what did I do to deserve this?' she asked herself. She slowly crawled out the small tunnel out the the main cave were she saw Scorch helping Tusile and then she had a new thought. 'Maby I just took a while to feel the pain and/or outcome of the blast' she thought.

QuiverWing saw that Scorch noticed her and he walked over, she was crouched as not to upset her back legs. "So you can walk? crowl? were you going exactly?" Scorch asked squinting his eyes.

"Pry center I'm getting hungry" she explained.

"Do you want me to get you something since you can't move without pain" he offered

"No I'll be fine you should help her" she pointed her nose at Tusile.

"Alright but don't be afraid to ask for anything" he said then went back to treating Tusile. QuiverWing nodded and began to slowly crawl up the large tunnel to the pry center but first she looked in the cave that will be a new library. "Whow what are you doing on the floor?" asked Slayer he still had his wing in a bandage.

"Going to the prey centre" she tried to lift her head but went back to a crouch and gritted her teeth.

"Are you ok" he asked and she felt him snif her.

"Yep I'll be fine just need some food" she joked.

"Do you need help?" Slayer offered.

"No I'm fine and I definitely do not need to bother you" she said shaking her head.

"Alright but what happened?" he asked clearly out of curiosity.

"I think it's from a number of things" she explained. He just shrugged and walked of, QuiverWing crawled to the pry center and she saw one of the fire spits. "QuiverWing am I right?" she asked.

"Yes yours?" QuiverWing smiled and tried to stand up but only gritted her teeth and crouched back down.

"Volo but I'm not royalty" she joked.

"I'm not bowing just got bad muscle pain" she grind flinching when she hit her tail on the floor.

"Oh would you like help getting a mill or are you ok on your own?" Volo offered.

"No I'm good thank you" she politely declined.

She got to the sheep barrel and managed to get a leg out and put it on the cooker that is dying out. "Umm could you lite the firepit please I don't know how" she asked Volo who nodded with a smile and lit it. She ate her breakfast and when she tried to get up she released that the poppy petals wored of, "aaaa! that hurt" she cried.

"Do want me to take you to Scorch?" Volo asked in a concerned voice.

"Yes please" she accepted, Volo lifted her up on her back and when she tried to help she only cried in pain. Eventually QuiverWing got got safely on Volo's back and Volo carried her to Scorch. "What am I seeing right now?" Scorch said sycasticly while Volo put her on the spare moss bed, "found out you can't crawl every were"

"Can't you just help me and not rub in the fact that I took being very independent too far?" QuiverWing asked.

"Alright give me a minute" Scorch grabbed the combination of herbs that she was given earlier. She took the all of the this time, "hey what does the mints do agen?" she asked Scorch and she saw a wired look come from Tusile, "I'm still only an apprentice" she explained.

"Mint helps with muscle pain" he reminded. QuiverWing stayed on the moss bed and talked to Tusile. She didn't do much that day only rest talk to Tusile and Scorch gave her a lesson to remind her what the different herbs do. "Yep now I know that I don't want to be a healer" Tusile said after her lesson.

"It is complicated, I will emit" Scorch laughed.

"It's not that hard to memories all the different properties of herbs" she tried to be sycasticly but she only sounded serious.

"I'm just gona be fighter, oo maby I'll be the new hyness protecter" she looked so young and full of purpose.

"Yes I believe you can just set your heart into it" QuiverWing advised.

"Really? you really think so?" Tusile looked full of hope.

"Yes catapillar you can" Chaker sounded like a true peront.

"Catapillar?" QuiverWing tilted her head.

"It's a nickname her mother gave her" sorrow filled his eyes.

"Don't worry she will be avenged" QuiverWing assured. An amused smile appeared on his face, "I like your spirit" he approved.

"I need to move the last herbs in the garden" Scorch dismissed himself.

"Were are you moving it?" QuiverWing asked before he left.

"In pots so there are gona be inside plants now" he explained. QuiverWing looked around and saw a few pots by the lake in the ground.