
The broken Queen

A story about the Demon Queen who hs to marry the celestial king to save the other races from genocide by him ad the humans. I'm actually writing a prequel and current with H.E.M so check out both giving feedback.

Michele_Mays_7238 · Fantaisie
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173 Chs

Chapter 163

Maylinia was now practicing and working out ten hours a day to where she is in good shape and now a master swordsman who not even Zara could beat, they all marveled at how much stronger May has become. Janelle is there watching her most of the time with a look that honestly scared Mayliana. DeAndre would hardly leave Mays side unless she was busy or to give May time to look over and interact with Amelia who was being abused all the time to where May would always appear taking as much of the punishment as she could while preparing to be a mole in the castle where she can divert most punishment and keep the prince clear of messing with Amelia keeping him busy.

They managed to get her the lady in waiting spot for Amelia since the prince was wanting to marry her a year before the Pyre kingdom comes to his kingdom to swindle them out of their precious Gem willow trees that is said to be bestowed with all of the other crystals in this kingdom by their gods.

Janelle was very much infatuated with Mayliana, she was a perfect goddess in Janelle's eyes and also knows she must take her time so to not enrage Zara to do something stupid to hurt the woman she has now taking interest in loving.

They stand at a portal while Janelle gives a confused look at DeAndre who is packed and dressed to leave with May, she swallows the lump in her throat then looks softly at May who smiles genuinely at Janelle, they have gotten a lot closer during her weeks of training where Janelle took charge of most since she is one of the best swords men in their kingdom while Zara is second and DeAndre third. Now that Maylinia has beaten all three the numbers change bringing DeAndre fourth and Zara third. Janelle hugs May for a while not wanting to let her go but both her and Zara knows there is something important to May that she has to do this until the time to come will be done by them in six years.

" be careful no matter what you need call on me or my pet to communicate with me so I shall be able to help you no matter what you ask." Janelle said softly kissing Mays cheek while Zara pasts her back then nods her head walking away, only Janelle and DeAndre caught onto Zara's distance She now has with May.

" watch over her DeAndre and if you both need me at all just call on me " Janelle said in all seriousness as she motions them to the portal.

" I'll see you on the sixth month so we can hear all the things and secrets that this kingdom has..enjoy " Janelle said with a smile as she watches them both walk through disappearing before her and walking out in the middle domain in what looks like the forest.

A small black slender watch had a picture of A.I on the screen, she would keep her presence a secret out in the open and only go 3.D. with May and DeAndre alone in the room with her.

athey started their way down a path when they saw a flag flying over several hundred feet, She nods as they both walk to the castle giving the reason they seek an audience with The chamber head Maid since no one higher was able to retrieve them show them the castle and what the rules are.

" Actually thank you for your help I was told about handling a yong lady who is not taught of etticate or rules that she doesn't want to follow, I have many references and an agreement must be kept that the prince will not meet her or send the woman anything as presents or sex or any abuse until I say she's ready if he wants her to truly love him without her killing them both" DeAndre said as she smiles mischievously at the woman who swallows hard.

" I'm all she'll know in these years to come until she is a perfect doll wanting more and more attention" DeAndre said with a sexy purr of her words until May elbows her, she clears her throat then points to May.

" This is my partner who will slowly break her mind down to where all she knows and loves is the prince, so it'll only be us two she will see for five maybe six years." DeAndre said finishing what she started as the woman nodded her head leaving the room when am older man enters wearing a tuxedo with the princess crest on his suit.

" The head butler who is the princes right hand man who also helps him get away with keeping his crimes hidden from the public and his family" DeAndre whispers to May who nods as the old man walks closer to them, he bows then gives them a business like smile.

" you've read our contract over the girl you wanted us to work on...who and how have you heard of our services sir" May said with a business smile fanning herself with a black fan that was recording images with each flap of the people for DeAndre to study since she wasn't like May with remembering.

" Ahh yes well you see the prince doesn't like the time frame that he'll have to wait, he has been after this woman since he was fourteen and I can't bear to tell the highness no" The butler said with a apologetic smile that both the girls mirrored as well.

" I'm sorry those are the rules to this he'll come out with her thinking he's the hero who saved her from torture and she'll reward him without a single struggle." DeAndre said as a young man quickly enters with a forced smile on his face, he was determined to get the six years down to two.

" To no avail or threats the women stuck to their rules and only would do this if he was under a contract that prevents him from breaking their deal, they had alot of things in small detail that the prince ignored not even letting his butler read before signing it.

" There now what else can I do for you two." The prince said cautiously eyeing them both as he keeps his attitude with these two In check fearful of the stories he heard.

" we need a cottage away from the castle so she doesn't think you have crossed her by keeping her inside a cell, maybe give her somewhat of a false, fleeing glimpse of hope to only be a lie on the surface " DeAndre said causing the man to laugh as he glances up and down her body but stopped when he seen the blonde glaring at him and releasing a Aura the scared all of them.

" well I must prepare for our yearly hunt opening up the winter season and also a two month hunting spree for all the villagers to stock their iceboxes with using the kings forest where all the rare and best beast are. I guess you two will be joining to fill your cottage up nicely, Jae get them a cottage that is nice away from others and seclude in the woods." Prince said smiling at them both.

" Well the hunting trip is for three days, I'll go stock up on food and other ingredients that are in these woods while you prepare Amelia and don't lose her." May said getting her things ready to join the hunt with the prince and the knights. DeAndre rolled her eyes then walks over hugging Mays waist, she looks up capturing Mays lips in a heated kiss making them both weak in their knees and wanting more of each other.

Amelia was standing in her window looking down at the front of the castle not able to see anyone but seeing that energy and feeling it also makes her happy but sad it has appeared in different spots than just by her side.

A few hours later DeAndre made her way to the tower room where she physically can introduce herself to Amelia.

" well if there is anything you wish to keep from here you better pack up before we move to our new home in the forest, you'll be my and Maylianas new room mate so chores must be done and also your own chores. If it's Maylinias than I'll pick up after her since she is spoiled....My name is DeAndre I'll be helping you out for the next five or six years depending on what route we decide to take to help you and knowing May your life is guarded by her as well as hers is by me so I guess we'll all work together protecting one another...oh piece of advice leave everything here that you didn't bring or doesn't belong to you, I'd say he has done a tracking spell on all of the things. We already cut the butler out of helping pick a cottage since we've already got the place and it's well hidden to where these two will never be able to find. It's a small domain right now that can hide a cottage and several other buildings with six acres of land so it's gotten stronger and larger.

They used this since A.I. built it to keep their whereabouts a secret even if their followed into the fog, they'll lose sight of them ten seconds later basically going a couple feet then taking circles twenty times to exit the way you came in.

They also hid beast that would attack if anyone was strong enough to get to a certain point then their traps and beast will fight them.

May came back on the third day finishing the hunting trip being number one even beating the prince where she got all the prise beast and rare items while being rewarded with a large amount of gold that the prince normally takes that's why it's gotten so large. May knew the prince has sent people to follow her so she did and let them go back out of the fog twenty minutes later as if they passed straight through.

" Come on we don't know which way she went out of the fog, she used this place to find a exit we couldn't see her leave from" The man said kicking a rock in the fog to only not hear it fall on the ground, they then heard it clatter like slower than it was suppose to.

" see this fog messes with your mind stories are being told that this place is haunted so I don't care to stay at night ....let's go" The man said to the younger man who shook his head in disbelief of how much of a chicken this guy was.

May caught the rock by reflex when it flew toward her she realized her blunder silently waiting with a short sword ready to kill both men if they continue to search the fog.

Mayliana enters the large land that has fruit, vegetables and other things their growing for Alchemy but a large pond that has several Aquatic animals and plants living in the pond while they have other mammles, insects, amphibians also fungus growing here and thriving. May looked around in wonder at how hard A.I. has worked knowing that DeAndre helped with somethings so May wouldn't be mad that A.I. done everything. When May was walking A.I. popped up beside her with a breath taking smile, this woman was rapidly improving in her emotions and how smart she is not counting how strong while her magic is off the charts.

" it looks wonderful A I. I'm so proud of you May said hugging her she laughs out of nervousness before blushing looking at the woman in front of her with love and care in her eyes, DeAndre walks outside with Amelia following her and Amelia stops walking when she feels that same Aura and energy since she's been in this he'll hole for seven months now with only this energy protecting her and consoling her.

May makes her way over in front of them both, DeAndre jumps in her arms peppering her face with kisses while they both hug each other as if this is natural of the two. May looks at Amelia with a soft living look which makes Amelia blush while nervously standing there not taking her eyes off of May as if she'll disappear.

" I'll be back I'm going to take a bath before dinner I've got alot of nice things for all three of us while I was out" May said pulling out both girls storage rings filled with clothing, shoes, hair pieces, jewelry and treasures that will make them both stronger along with a large volcanic rock looking egg in DeAndres while a crimson red one that looked like scales were covering the whole egg that had a repressing aura that would make people feel fearful of it but Amelia wasn't as they both felt a kinship with the eggs she got them while she pulls out a shiny metal one then hands it to A.I. who blushed then excepted the egg with a caring smile.

" ok A.I. have you more things to put in your storage since you blow up the rings, I've missed all of you " May said looking at all three of them and Amelia smiles at her as if they've known each other for a while now. It didn't take long where all four girls grew closer together while May would go out collecting information on Pyre and this city to use in the future war and also ways to get all four of her new family out of this domain or at least away from this kingdom or they could trick the kingdom with the prince marrying a willing Amelia then in wedding night she consumated with her now deceased husband which Amelia and DeAndre came up with this so this way they save Amelia while they rightfully take over this kingdom by May marrying Amelia and the other two at different dates.

They explained what they came up with to Maylinia who didn't take it good until Amelia said the prince technically isn't the one who will take her that night it will be May who does as the mages won't be able to tell a difference if who really bedded the new impress while the prince dies after eating and choking on a piece of food while May will then choose Maylinia as her new King what more than a goddess on the kingdoms side.

" fine but Zara needs to be with us on this plan and since I think it's the most peaceful way to go for both the kingdom and Amelia can also save her people this way as well so their not outlaws" May said getting dressed in her armor to check out a place that the poor commoners have been disappearing at.

May kisses them all goodbye on the lips while leaving DeAndre and the others had a bad feeling so they both agreed DeAndre should go so for one Amelia had no excuse being alone with May since they have been getting more heated to where A.I. has to stay by their sides at all times.

" be careful and watch over May.... something doesn't feel right and I've been practicing my sword skills and magic everyday with all three of you I can defend our home with A.i.s backup" Amelia said waving DeAndre off both Amelia and A.i. looked at each other with a worried expression. A.i. looked up all the tales that they've heard from survivors and she keeps coming to a final answer several wraiths have gotten in this area and they both told the girls to be careful since these things are strong.

Mayliana was walking through buildings that looked broken in while dead trees surrounded the area with even the farming plots not yeilding nothing but dirt.

" this royal family should not be in charge look at how their people are living " May said to herself shaking her head, she knows getting this royal family erased from this kingdom with someone like Amelia leading it would be a fair and good kingdom to be apart of.

May hears some screeching as if a couple animals was in agony and a woman screaming was soon heard as May gets her sword ready, two beast that looked like a half dead Lizard person with big jaws that were full of sharp teeth started quickly coming for her as Blue flames engulfs her sword she does a spinning slash hitting one of the creatures shoulder for the flames to swallow it's Arm while she follows plunging the sword straight through it's chest where it's whole body is now covered in the blue flame as it falls to the ground leaving a large crystal core.

May takes a bow out shooting four arrows at the other lizard when the woman wraith comes out of no where slicing it's nails through Mays back and it went through her armor leaving large gash wounds making May stumble a bit as she pulls back out her sword swinging her arm back decapitating the last lizard while her eyes never left the wraith.