
The Broken knight

A young boy tortured by his father who is obsessed with strength becomes the personal knight to the 'prince'

Uneverknow204 · Fantaisie
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5 Chs



I noticed multiple strange presences at the gate of the house ones that are completely different from anything I've felt before, they feel foreign and hostile with a bit of fear mixed in they feel different from the bandits that I usually hunt, there stronger so I quickly grabbed my sword and rushed to the gate to see what's going on but I got more confused along the way, there are no people in the house the maids and butlers are all gone seemingly just vanished out of nowhere, the only in the house is my mother.

I quickly got to the front gate to see multiple soldiers surrounding the estate from what I can tell there are about 40 people all at intermediate with one master stage, being blind my other senses are much stronger, I can hear whispers from hundreds of feet away through this I found out these soldiers are from the raven empire, they only two ways they can be here, one they snuck into the Austin empire or 2 we lost the war

two is far more likely but I had a hard time wrapping my head around it how did the Austin empire, the empire my father serves lose, the only way I can think is if the raven empire sent their hero class to fight, but hero class knights arent sent to fight very often, as it would cause a nationwide disaster, there mostly used as commanders giving orders from behind.

not taking any chances I quickly jumped the gate and began to attack, most would be scared of such a force especially one with a master grade in it but my strength is far above that of an average intimidate stage knight, after all, I was trained by my father I faced far worse a force like this Is child's play.


Raven knight POV

It was a slaughter we had brung 40 peak intermediate knights just to get some kid and his mother but what is this, a youth no older than 16 was slicing through us like we were butter blood and guts were spilling everywhere it was hell even our captain could do nothing but watch not to mention he was doing all of this blindfolded, finally, our captain couldn't take it anymore and rushed to the front to attack but by this time half of our forces were already dead but even with all the violence the youth stood there covered in blood with the same emotionless face like he felt nothing.


'i need a knew sword'

even being blind I could still tell my sword wouldn't hold on much longer it was an ordinary steel sword there was nothing special about it.

I noticed the master swordsmen coming my way and quickly swung my damaged sword to block his attack and distanced myself while I wasn't worried even I have to be careful with a master knight my strength may be high for an intermediate grade but it's still intermediate grade the difference between grades it quite large you would need at least a hundred peak intermediate grade combatants just to put up a good fight against a low tier master grade and even then you still might not win the only reason I can put up a good fight is because of my 'sense' ability.

Even with my 'sense' ability he still got the upper hand his strikes were fast and powerful and he managed to close the distance in the blink of an eye whenever he swung his sword he would leave after images in his wake but I still didn't panic I had been In many fights like this before so using the full extent of my ability I dodged his strikes and parried whenever I could waiting for the perfect moment to strike and trying to find his weakness, but my injuries were piling up, I had multiple cuts on my body and my clothes where torn to shreds so I had to think fast,

he seemed to value his subordinates very much so I distanced myself from him and charged towards the nearest soldier like I thought he quickly charged to protect them and this was all I needed,

I found his weakness I continued to slaughter his soldiers while dodging whenever I could and finally he made a mistake out of anger I took this time to attack and quickly piercing him through the heart only when I felt his lifeforce fade did I pull my damaged sword out

by this time It was no better than scrap metal so I took the sword off my enemy and continued my slaughter 2 minutes later the front gates were filled with bodies, guts were scattered on the ground and the blood had turned into puddles beneath my feet.