
Chapter One

In the distance, the flames of a village dance and flicker against the darkness, casting a sinister glow across the surrounding landscape. The thick black smoke rises like a shroud, even as the full moon illuminates the sky above.

Amidst the destruction, a figure emerges, striding calmly through the chaos. Green electricity crackles and dances around him, casting eerie shadows across his dark jumpsuit tinged with hints of gold. A burnt scarf is wrapped tightly around his neck, a stark contrast to the destruction that surrounds him.

The young man's expression remains stoic as he surveys the wreckage with an unwavering gaze Despite the horror of the scene, there is a sense of purpose to his movements, a hint of determination in his every step. It is clear that he is not an innocent bystander, but rather a force to be reckoned with.

As the figure moves deeper into the destruction, the crackling green electricity around him intensifies, growing more frenzied and erratic. Suddenly, a black energy that resembles a whip sprouts from his back, crackling with dark power, becoming like that of a broken black wing.

The young man's expression remains unchanged, his eyes focused on a distant point in the distance. He moves slowly, deliberately, as if drawn inexorably towards some unknown goal.

The broken black wings on his back twitch and writhe with each step, sending sparks of dark energy flying in all directions.

As the young man continues to move forward, small purple smoke begins to gather around him, swirling and twisting in the air. His hair, spiked up with an ethereal emerald-blue, seems to crackle with energy.

With each step he takes, the smoke grows thicker, coalescing into a pulsing, otherworldly aura that seems to emanate from the young man himself.

As he walks, the crackling green electricity that surrounds him begins to meld with the swirling purple smoke, creating a strange and unsettling mix of colors and energies.

The young man's stoic expression never wavers, even as the energy around him intensifies.

As he continues to walk, his aura of purple smoke and crackling green energy grows stronger, making him seem almost ethereal.

The young man stops abruptly, his eyes fixed on two figures in the distance. He can see them heavily breathing, their forms obscured by the thick smoke and flames.

One is Shigaraki, the current wielder of the powerful quirk, All for One. The other is none other than All for One himself, now in a younger version due to having been hit with a rewind bullet.

The young man staggers forward, exhaustion etched on his face. He has been locked in battle with Shigaraki and All for One for hours, with no rest and no respite.

His jumpsuit is torn and burned, his scarf in tatters. But despite the toll that the fight has taken on him, he refuses to give up. He knows that the fate of the world depends on him defeating these two villains.

As he looks up, he sees Shigaraki and All for One still standing, their faces twisted in cruel smiles. The young man grits his teeth, his aura of energy flickering and dimming.

"You can't win, boy," All for One taunts. "We are too powerful for the likes of you if we are working together."

But the young man refuses to give up. With a roar of determination, he charges forward once again, his aura of energy flaring up around him.

The young man lunges forward, aiming a punch at All for One with all his might. The villain responds in kind, throwing his own punch with the power of his stolen quirks. Their fists collide with a deafening boom, sending shock waves rippling through the air.

Moments pass, and the dust begins to settle. The young man emerges from the debris, his jumpsuit torn and burned, his hair wild. His opponent is nowhere to be seen.

He scans the area, his senses on high alert, and spots All for One standing several yards away, heavily breathing, his expression twisted in fury.

Beside him stands Shigaraki, equally exhausted but still standing, his own quirk of Decay having taken its toll on the surrounding area.

The young man steadies himself, his expression stoic as ever. He knows that he can't let his guard down, not even for a second. The fate of the world, depends on his victory.

As the dust and debris settle from the destroyed building, the young man quickly turns his attention to Shigaraki, who is starting to reach out to the ground. With lightning-fast reflexes, he rushes towards the villain, his body surrounded by a bright red glow.

The impact of his landing creates a shock-wave that sends debris flying in all directions. He immediately lands a powerful kick on Shigaraki's outstretched hand, causing him to soar into the sky.

The young man stands poised, his fists clenched and his eyes fixed on his target. He waits for the perfect moment to strike again, his body pulsing with energy.

Shigaraki struggles to regain his balance in mid-air, his eyes filled with rage and frustration. But before he can mount a counterattack, the young man unleashes a flurry of lightning-fast strikes, each blow sending shock waves through the air.

Despite Shigaraki's best efforts, he is unable to evade the young man's relentless assault. Blow after blow lands with bone-crunching force, sending him tumbling through the air like a rag doll.

Finally, with a mighty kick to the stomach, Shigaraki is sent hurtling upwards once more, reaching for the sky.

But as he begins to fall once again, the young man springs into action. With lightning reflexes, he rockets towards Shigaraki, his body glowing with an intense red aura as he prepares to strike.

The impact of the young man's attack sends a shock-wave through the air, creating a massive explosion of red light that engulfs the area. When the smoke clears, Shigaraki is sent flying into the distance, his body twisting and contorting in the air as he tumbles helplessly through the sky.

Meanwhile, All for One seizes the opportunity to make his move. With blinding speed, he races towards the young man, hoping to steal his quirk and gain back the power he had given to his little brother.

But the young man is too quick for him. In a flash, he lashes out with his black whip, wrapping it tightly around All for One's body and delivering a powerful blow to his cheek.

The force of the blow is enough to send All for One hurtling through the air, crashing into a nearby building and causing it to crumble to dust.

Panting heavily, the young man surveys the wreckage around him, his eyes blazing with determination.

Amidst the chaos of the battle, the young man senses danger looming. His Danger Sense blares through his head, warning him of an imminent attack. In a split second, he reacts, dodging Shigaraki's hand as it reaches out to touch him.

The young man seizes the opportunity to retaliate, striking with a powerful punch that lands squarely on Shigaraki's jaw. The force of the blow sends him hurtling through the air, soaring towards the sky above.

The young man quickly follows up his attack with a barrage of lightning-fast strikes, ensuring that Shigaraki will not have a chance to recover and launch another attack. With each blow, he sends shock waves rippling through the air, the force of his attacks creating gusts of wind that ripple through the surrounding area.

Despite Shigaraki's best efforts to fight back, he is no match for the young man's relentless assault. The young man's movements are fluid and precise, his strikes perfectly timed and devastatingly effective. It is clear that he is a force to be reckoned with, and that he will stop at nothing to protect those he cares about.

All for One groans in pain as he struggles to stand up. He feels a throbbing ache in his head, a clear sign of the damage he's sustained. Just as he manages to stand up, however, the young man appears before him, his eyes blazing with fury.

With gritted teeth, the young man lets out an ear-piercing scream before grabbing All for One by the head. With a burst of strength, he throws him once more, this time sending him hurtling towards the forest.

Before All for One can even catch his breath, the young man flies towards him using the Float quirk. He unleashes a barrage of punches, each one striking with the force of a sledgehammer.

The sound of each impact is delayed, as if time itself is struggling to keep up with the young man's ferocity.

All for One struggles to defend himself, his body wracked with pain. He tries to counterattack, but each time he does, the young man simply dodges or blocks his blows with ease.

All for One clicks his tongue in frustration, realizing that the young man's quirk has evolved to a level he never anticipated. He had never seen such power before, even the seemingly weaker quirks like Gearshift were now devastatingly strong in the young man's hands.

With a scowl on his face, All for One tries once more to land a hit on the young man, this time with his right hand growing bigger and crackling with energy. But before he can make contact, the young man grabs his hand in a vice-like grip.

A black chain extends from the young man's hand and begins to wrap itself around All for One's arm. He struggles to break free, but the chain only tightens further. With a fierce grunt, the young man uses his immense strength to hurl All for One skyward.

As he reaches the apex of his flight, All for One sees Shigaraki soaring through the air towards him. The two villains collide mid-air, their bodies slamming together with a sickening thud.

All for One struggles to catch his breath. He remembers the young man's words, that he would not let him have a happy ending either, and clicks his tongue in frustration.

As All for One tries to recover, he sees a red aura building up around the young man's body, accompanied by crackling green electricity and a wild dance of black whip-like tendrils around his back.

All for One can sense the immense power that the young man is gathering, and he knows that he must act quickly to avoid being overwhelmed.

With a burst of speed, All for One charges towards the young man, hoping to catch him off guard. But the young man is ready, and as All for One gets closer, he unleashes a barrage of lightning-fast punches that send shock waves through the air.

All for One tries to defend himself, but he is unable to keep up with the young man's speed and power. Each blow lands with bone-crunching force, sending him tumbling through the air like a rag doll.

Finally, All for One crashes to the ground, his body broken and battered. As he lies there, helpless and defeated, he can hear the young man's voice ringing in his ears.

"You won't get a happy ending, All for One. Not while I'm around."

The young man crouches down, his Danger Sense blaring in his head once again. He looks up and sees Shigaraki, now in his Apex form, hurtling towards him with incredible speed. Without hesitation, the young man leaps into the air, his body glowing with a red aura, and meets Shigaraki head-on.

Their collision creates a massive shock-wave that sends debris flying in all directions. The impact is so powerful that it creates a deep crater in the ground below. The young man and Shigaraki continue to exchange blows, their bodies moving so fast that they're nothing but a blur.

All for One, watching from a distance, can feel the immense power emanating from the young man. He knows that he cannot let him continue unchecked, or he will become an unstoppable force. "All the more to have it back, and give it to the other me," he said to himself before he began to make his way back to the battlefield, ready to face the young man once again.

The young man lands back on the ground, his body trembling with the exertion of his last attack. But he knows he can't let his guard down, not with Shigaraki still in the fight.

He braces himself for the next attack, and just in time. Shigaraki rockets towards him, his hands glowing with the power of his Decay quirk. The young man reacts quickly, using his black whip to wrap around Shigaraki's arms and pulling him into a powerful punch that sends him spiraling through the air.

But Shigaraki is not done yet. He lands on a nearby building and leaps back towards the young man, his Decay quirk crackling with power. The young man dodges to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack, but Shigaraki is too fast. He grabs the young man's arm and tries to use his quirk to decay it, but the young man twists out of his grip and lands a powerful kick to his stomach.

Shigaraki staggers back, but quickly recovers and charges forward once more. The young man meets him head on, their fists colliding in a shower of sparks. The fight continues like this, with both combatants unleashing a flurry of powerful blows.

As they fight, the young man's red aura grows stronger, his black whip crackling with even more power. He knows he can't let Shigaraki touch the ground, so he keeps him airborne with each blow, using his quirk to lift him higher and higher into the sky.

Shigaraki continues to fight the young man, his decay quirk at the ready. The young man grits his teeth, dodging and weaving to avoid Shigaraki's attacks. Just as he manages to land a blow on Shigaraki's side, All for One joins the fight.

The young man's eyes widen in surprise as he sees All for One approaching. He knows he can't let his guard down, not even for a second. All for One and Shigaraki team up, attacking the young man from both sides.

The young man is forced to fight with all his might, his red aura growing stronger as he unleashes a barrage of punches and kicks. He manages to dodge Shigaraki's decay and All for One's powerful blows, his black whip lashing out to keep them at bay.

All for One continues to attack the young man, his blows becoming more vicious and desperate. The young man grits his teeth in pain as he takes hit after hit, his body wracked with pain. But he refuses to give up, his determination fueled by his desire to protect the people he loves.

With a fierce yell, the young man unleashes a barrage of punches at both Shigaraki and All for One, sending them flying backwards. But they quickly recover, launching their own attacks at the young man.

The young man jumps and dodges, his movements graceful and fluid. His black whip lashes out, striking All for One's arm and causing him to stagger. Shigaraki tries to grab the young man with his Decay quirk, but the young man manages to dodge just in time.

Their fight continues, the young man using his quirk to keep Shigaraki airborne while he fends off All for One's attacks. His black whip dances around him, striking at his opponents with deadly precision.

As the battle rages on, the young man refuses to give up. His determination and strength continue to grow, even as he takes hit after hit. He knows that he must keep fighting, no matter what the cost.

For the sake of his friends, his family, and the world he loves, he will not give up until the villains are defeated.

As the battle between the young man and the villains rages on, a reporter can be seen on a helicopter, watching the events unfold below. She is a woman with long brown hair and a shocked expression on her face. Her name is Sarah and she is a reporter for a major news network.

Beside her, her cameraman and friend, Dave, records everything on his camera, broadcasting it live to viewers around the world so that they can create a shining light to the hero. They have been covering this fight for hours now, and the intensity of it all has kept them both on the edge of their seats.

Sarah watches in awe as the young man fights off both Shigaraki and All for One with incredible speed and power. She knows that this is a historic moment, and that people all over the world are watching and waiting to see what will happen next.

As she speaks into her microphone, giving a play-by-play of the fight, she can't help but feel a sense of awe at the young man's bravery and determination. Despite facing impossible odds, he continues to fight with everything he has, refusing to give up even for a moment.

Sarah knows that this young man will go down in history as a true hero, someone who was willing to risk everything to protect the people he cares about. And as the battle rages on, she continues to watch, her heart pounding with excitement and anticipation.

As the woman watched the battle from the helicopter, she couldn't help but marvel at the young man's transformation. "This isn't the same person I met last year," she said to her colleague who was recording the event for worldwide live. "That scaredy-cat trait he had is completely gone. He's changed so much."

The woman remembered the first time she had met the young man. He had been timid and reserved, barely able to speak in front of the camera. But now, he was confidently taking on two of the most dangerous villains in the world, his quirk evolving with each passing moment.

"He's become so strong," she continued, her eyes glued to the intense battle unfolding below. "It's like he's a completely different person now. And to think, we're witnessing it all live, right here in front of us."

Her colleague nodded in agreement, their focus never leaving the screen as they continued to document the epic fight between the young hero and the two villains.

The young man's body moved like a blur, his quirk-powered speed and reflexes allowing him to dodge and counter Shigaraki's attacks with ease. But Shigaraki was no pushover, and the young man felt the force of his blows as they landed.

Just as Shigaraki's hand was about to connect with his face, the young man's hand shot out and grabbed his wrist with a vice-like grip. He stopped the attack just an inch away from his face, the intense heat from Shigaraki's quirk searing his skin. Without hesitation, he landed two rough kicks on Shigaraki's stomach, making him cough up blood and leaving a small puddle on the ground. But the wound healed almost instantly, leaving Shigaraki grinning widely.

Ignoring his opponent's regeneration, the young man delivered a powerful punch to Shigaraki's face, sending him hurtling into the sky once more. The impact was so great that the ground shook beneath his feet.

The young man knew that he couldn't rely solely on Gearshift to defeat Shigaraki. Instead, he decided to switch tactics and combine Fa Jin with One for All 45%. As he lifted off the ground, a red glow began to surround him.

He focused all his energy into his fists and charged towards Shigaraki with blinding speed. Just before Shigaraki could react, the young man unleashed a devastating barrage of punches that landed squarely on his opponent's body.

The impact of the blows was so powerful that the ground beneath them shook. Each punch carried an explosive force, sending shock waves through the air. Shigaraki tried to counterattack, but the young man was too fast and too skilled.

With each punch, the young man could feel the power of One for All coursing through his veins, amplifying his strength and speed beyond what he had ever thought possible. He knew he had to end the fight quickly, before Shigaraki had a chance to regroup.

Finally, the young man landed a massive blow to Shigaraki's face, sending him hurtling into the sky once more. The force of the impact were enough to create a shock wave that could be felt for miles around.

The young man's chest heaves as he tries to catch his breath. He can feel the burn in his lungs from the intense fighting, and his body trembles from the strain of using so much power. He coughs violently, spitting up blood into his hand.

With a shaky breath, he wipes the blood from his mouth and looks up at the two villains before him. He knows he can't give up now, not when he's come this far. He takes a deep breath, steadying himself before launching back into the fight.

Using a combination of Fa Jin and One for All 45%, he delivers a series of powerful blows to Shigaraki, each one sending the villain flying backwards. The young man can feel the exhaustion creeping up on him, but he refuses to give in.

As he fights, he notices that the black whip around his back is beginning to falter, the cracks in it growing more pronounced with each passing moment. He knows he can't keep this up forever, that eventually, he'll be too tired to fight.

But he doesn't give up. He continues to push himself, delivering blow after blow to Shigaraki, determined to defeat the villain and protect those he loves.

As All for One's fist collides with his stomach, the young man feels the wind knocked out of him. He is sent hurtling through the air, crashing into a nearby house with a deafening crash. The impact shatters the entire building, sending rubble flying in all directions.

For a moment, everything is still. Then, slowly, the young man begins to stir. His body aches all over, but he refuses to let the pain get the better of him. He pushes himself up from the rubble, coughing and spitting blood.

With a fierce determination in his eyes, the young man stands up, his black whip coiling around his body like a protective shield. He knows he can't afford to be caught off guard again. All for One and Shigaraki are too powerful, too dangerous to take lightly.

Without hesitation, the young man charges back into the fray, his red aura blazing with renewed intensity. He ducks under All for One's next attack, unleashing a flurry of punches and kicks that sends the villain reeling. Shigaraki tries to intervene, but the young man is too fast, too agile. He dodges the villain's attacks with ease, countering with his own devastating blows.

The fight rages on, each side trading blows and pushing themselves to the brink of exhaustion. But the young man refuses to back down. He knows that the fate of the world rests on his shoulders, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to protect it.

The reporter grips the handle of her seat tightly as she watches the intense battle unfold below. Her heart races with each blow and she can feel her palms beginning to sweat.

She takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself as she watches the young man take a hard punch to the stomach from All for One. She can see the pain etched on his face and the way he struggles to catch his breath.

As he gets thrown into the nearby house and the rubble crumbles down around him, the reporter feels her throat tighten. She knows this could be the end for the young man, and for the first time since she began covering this story, she feels a sense of dread wash over her.

This war has already taken so much from everyone involved, and the thought of it ending in tragedy is almost too much to bear.

But the reporter watched in awe as the young man emerged from the rubble, his face contorted in pain but determination still burning in his eyes. She could see the blood on his lips and the bruises on his face, but he didn't give up. Instead, he charged back into the fight, ready to face All for One and Shigaraki once more.

She took a hard swallow, feeling a lump form in her throat. This was not just a fight anymore, nor a war. It was a battle to the death, and the young man knew it. But he didn't give up, even when the odds were against him.

The whole world was watching this fight, and it was clear that the young man had become a symbol of hope and strength for many.

The young woman turned to her cameraman and nodded firmly. "Keep rolling," she said. "We have to show the world what's happening here. We have to show them that Japan hasn't given up, that we have a hero who's willing to fight to the bitter end."

She turned back to the window and watched as the battle raged on below. The young man was holding his own, but she could see the toll it was taking on him. He was breathing heavily, his movements becoming more sluggish with each passing minute.

But even as he struggled, she could see the determination in his eyes. He wasn't going to give up. He was going to keep fighting until the very end, no matter what.

The young woman felt a swell of pride in her chest. This was what it meant to be a hero. To fight for what was right, no matter the cost. And she was going to make sure the world saw it all.

The young woman's voice trembled as she spoke into the microphone. "This is a moment that will go down in history. The world is witnessing an incredible display of heroism and bravery. This young man, who we have been following for hours now, is fighting with everything he's got to protect the world from these villains."

She paused for a moment to catch her breath, her eyes never leaving the scene below. "I have never seen anything like this before. This hero, who just emerged from the rubble, is truly something special. He embodies everything what it means to be a hero. He is selfless, courageous, and never gives up, no matter how tough the odds may seem."

The young woman's words were broadcasted live across the globe, and people everywhere were watching in awe and amazement. She continued, "Japan may be facing a great challenge, but we are not giving up. We will continue to fight, and we will come out on top. This young man is proof of that. He is a symbol of hope and strength, and we should all strive to be more like him."

As the young woman finished speaking, a wave of cheers and applause erupted across the globe. People had been watching this fight for hours, and they were inspired by the heroism they were witnessing. The young man had become a symbol of hope and strength for the people of Japan and the whole world too, and they knew that no matter how tough things got, they would never give up.

As the blonde woman watched the live feed, tears started to well up in her eyes. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. The young man she had met at I-Island, who had saved her father and the island from destruction, were now fighting for his life against two of the most powerful villains in the world.

Her father, who had been sitting beside her, placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I can't believe it," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "That young man…he's something special."

The blonde woman nodded, her eyes still fixed on the screen. "He truly is," she replied. "I never thought…I never imagined that he would still be fighting, still be risking his life like this. He's amazing."

As they watched the battle unfold on the TV, the blonde woman's thoughts drifted back to the day she had met the young man at I-Island. He had been kind, brave, and so full of energy and determination. She had been in awe of him then, and now, seeing him fight with everything he had, she was even more impressed.

"He's not just fighting for himself," she said, her voice filled with admiration. "He's fighting for all of us. He's fighting to protect this world, to protect our future. I…I don't know if I could ever be that brave."

Her father squeezed her shoulder gently. "You don't have to be," he said. "We all have our own ways of fighting. But this young man…he's something special. And we should all be grateful for what he's doing right now."

The young man jumps into the air, his red aura blazing as he charges towards Shigaraki and All for One. All for One unleashes a barrage of punches and kicks, but the young man dodges them all, weaving in and out of the attacks with remarkable speed and agility. He lands a few blows of his own, using his enhanced strength to deliver powerful strikes that send the villains flying.

Shigaraki, however, is not so easily defeated. He uses his decay quirk to try and touch the young man, but the hero manages to dodge, rolling out of the way just in time. The young man's black whip lashes out, wrapping around Shigaraki's arm and yanking him off balance. The young man takes advantage of this momentary distraction and delivers a fierce punch to Shigaraki's jaw, knocking him back several feet.

All for One tries to intervene, but the young man is ready for him. He charges forward, his fists glowing with red energy, and lands a devastating blow on All for One's chest. The villain staggers backwards, coughing up blood.

All for One tries to intervene, but the young man is ready for him. He charges forward, his fists glowing with red energy, and lands a devastating blow on All for One's chest. The villain staggers backwards, coughing up blood.

As the young man's ethereal hair grew even spikier and the green electricity crackled around him, he moved with blinding speed, appearing in front of All for One and Shigaraki. His grip on their heads was firm as he tossed them towards the small mountain, causing it to burst into pieces upon impact.

All for One tried to intervene, but the young man was ready. He charged forward, his fists glowing with a red energy that seemed to pulse with raw power. With a primal scream, he unleashed a devastating blow on All for One's chest.

The force of the impact sent the villain staggering backwards, his body wracked with coughs as he spewed blood from his mouth. Shigaraki looked on in disbelief, unsure of how to react to this sudden turn of events.

As the young man landed on the ground, his breathing ragged, he stared down his opponents with a fierce determination.

With a slow and steady gait, the young man began to approach his two opponents, his eyes locked on them with an unwavering intensity. Shigaraki struggled to stand up, his body trembling with fear and confusion as he realized that his instant regeneration had failed him once again.

All for One, meanwhile, struggled to catch his breath as he tried to regain his composure. He knew that he couldn't take any more hits like the one the young man had just delivered. But even as fear gnawed at his heart, he refused to back down. He had come too far to lose now.

The young man didn't speak, he didn't need to. His expression spoke volumes as he prepared himself for the final showdown.

The air crackled with tension as the three combatants stood there, poised for the final battle.

As All for One staggered to his feet, his mind raced with thoughts of how he could turn the tide of the battle. But as he looked into the young man's determined eyes, he realized that there was no bluffing. This hero was willing to do whatever it took to ensure that All for One would not get his happy ending.

Growling, the villain clutched his chest, feeling the pain of the young man's punch still reverberating through his body. He knew that he couldn't take another hit like that. He would have to think of something else, and fast.

But as All for One looked up at the young man, he couldn't help but feel a begrudging respect for him. This was a hero who truly embodied the ideals of justice and selflessness, even in the face of overwhelming odds. And even as All for One plotted his next move, he couldn't deny that he was somewhat envious of the young man's unwavering determination.

With a snarl, All for One launched himself at the young man once more, determined to show him that he was not so easily defeated. But the young man was ready, and the two clashed in a brutal exchange of blows that shook the very earth beneath their feet.

The young man's voice echoed across the battlefield, his eyes blazing with determination as he spoke.

"Stop controlling him, All for One! He's not your puppet!"

All for One's grin only widened at the young man's words, and he chuckled darkly.

"Ah, but you see, my dear boy, I am the puppet master here. And I control all that I see. Including this little puppet of mine." All for One gestured towards Shigaraki, who were still struggling to stand after being thrown by the young man.

The young man's expression hardened, and he charged forward once more, fists crackling with energy.

"I won't let you do this anymore! I won't let you hurt anyone else!"

All for One simply laughed in response, his eyes glinting with malice.

"Ah, but my dear boy, who are you to judge? You, who have no idea what it takes to rule. With Shigaraki as my vessel, there will be no stopping me. Once you are no more, I will have all the power in this world."

The young man gritted his teeth, his fists clenching as he prepared to strike once more. He knew that All for One was a formidable opponent, but he also knew that he couldn't give up. Not when there is so much at stake.

All for One chuckled, watching as the young man's eyes narrowed with anger. "You are quite impressive, young one," he said with a twisted smile. "I must admit, I haven't been this serious since I fought All Might at his prime."

The young man's eyes blazed with fury as All for One spoke. He didn't want to hear any more of the villain's lies. Without another word, he charged forward and delivered a powerful punch straight to All for One's face.

The force of the blow sent All for One hurtling backwards, crashing into Shigaraki with a sickening thud. The two villains slammed together in a heap, groaning in pain.

The young man stood there, breathing heavily, his fists clenched tightly. He knew he couldn't let his guard down now. All for One is still dangerous, and he would do whatever it takes to come out on top.

All for One struggled to stand up, his body aching from the impact of the young man's punch. As he looked up at his opponent, a wave of frustration and anger washed over him. He knew that the young man is the strongest person he had ever fought, and even if he somehow won this battle, he would be haunted by the memory of this fight forever.

Deep down, All for One knew that he had been underestimating the young man's strength and determination. He had thought that he could easily control him, just like he had controlled so many others. But now, he realized that he had met his match.

As he slowly stood up, All for One stared at the young man with a mixture of anger and admiration. He knew that the young man would never back down, no matter how many times he was knocked down. And that, more than anything, frustrated him.

But despite his frustration, All for One couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the young man's strength. He knew that he would never forget this fight, and that the memory of this young man would continue to haunt him for the rest of his days.

The two fighters clashed once more, their attacks becoming more ferocious and destructive. The young man's ethereal hair continued to spike up, crackling with green electricity as he landed blow after blow on All for One. Meanwhile, the villain fought back with all his might, using every weapon at his disposal to try and gain the upper hand.

Their battle caused massive explosions and shock waves, tearing through buildings and sending debris flying in all directions. The sound of their clashes echoed throughout the burning village, a testament to the sheer power of their abilities.

As the battle raged on, the young man began to feel the strain of the fight. His breathing grew ragged and his movements slowed, but he refused to give up. He knew that if he faltered even for a moment, All for One would seize the opportunity to strike him down.

The fight continued for what felt like an eternity, each second bringing more destruction and chaos to the already ruined village. And yet, neither fighter seemed to be gaining the upper hand. It was a battle of equals, each pushing the other to their absolute limit.

But suddenly, the young man felt a sharp pain in his stomach, and everything went hazy. He stumbled back, trying to regain his footing, but All for One took advantage of his moment of weakness and began relentlessly kicking him in the stomach with intense strength.

The young man could feel himself being launched through the air, sliding through the forest and creating a cloud of dust as he landed with a thud. He groaned in pain, feeling nauseous and dizzy. He tried to stand up, but his body wouldn't obey him.

All for One approached him slowly, a wicked grin on his face. "I must admit, you put up a good fight," he said, tauntingly. "But it seems that even you have your limits."

The young man glared at him, gritting his teeth. He refused to give up, even in the face of this brutal assault. He struggled to his feet, swaying unsteadily as he faced his opponent.

The two resumed their battle, each blow more powerful than the last. The forest trembled with the force of their attacks, and the ground shook beneath their feet. The young man knew that he had to end this quickly, before he collapsed from exhaustion.

With a click of his tongue, the young man knew he needed to act fast. He combined Gearshift with One for All at 45% power and Fa Jin, a powerful quirk that enhanced the impact of his punches.

He swung his arm, his fist colliding with All for One's face with a resounding crack. He hit him again and again, each blow sending the villain reeling backwards until he crashed into Shigaraki. The sound of the impact was delayed, and for a moment, it was as if time had stood still.

Finally, the sound of the collision reached their ears, and the force of the impact sent shock waves through the air. All for One and Shigaraki were both thrown back, slamming into the ground with a sickening thud.

The young man stood panting, his eyes fixed on the unmoving form of All for One. For a moment, he couldn't believe it was over. After everything he had been through, all the struggles and hardships, he had finally defeated the most powerful villain in the world.

But then he saw Shigaraki stirring on the ground, and he knew the battle wasn't truly won yet. With a deep breath, he pushed himself to his feet and stumbled towards the young villain.

Shigaraki looked up at him with hate-filled eyes, his body shaking with rage. But the young man didn't falter. He had come too far to be stopped now.

"Shigaraki," he said, his voice steady and firm. "It's over. You've lost."

Shigaraki began to charge towards the young man, his hand glowing with an eerie green light. But the young man was ready. He quickly gathered his strength and launched himself at Shigaraki, their fists colliding in a powerful clash.

The force of the impact sent shock waves through the air, causing the ground beneath them to crack and crumble. The young man could feel his bones aching from the impact, but he refused to back down. He could see the determination in Shigaraki's eyes, the same determination that he himself possessed.

The young man continued to fight Shigaraki with all his might, dodging his attacks and countering with his own. Their battle raged on for what felt like an eternity, each moment filled with tension and danger.

But finally, the young man saw an opening. With a powerful punch, he sent Shigaraki flying into the air. The young man followed close behind, jumping after him with incredible speed as he soared through the sky, the young man's mind raced. He knew that Shigaraki's power was too dangerous to let him touch the ground. One touch with his decaying hand could destroy the entire city.

So the young man acted quickly. With a swift motion, he wrapped Shigaraki in his black whip, holding him tightly and preventing him from moving.

The young man's punches were unrelenting, and Shigaraki's body was taking a beating. Blood spattered from his nose and mouth with each impact, and his eyes were swollen shut. But the young man knew that even this wasn't enough to stop him.

Shigaraki's instant regeneration was too powerful, and he would keep coming back no matter how many times he was beaten down.

With a deep breath, the young man focused his energy and summoned his full strength. He drew upon the power of One for All, letting it surge through his body and infusing his punches with even more force. And then, with a mighty roar, he unleashed a barrage of punches that shattered the air around them.

Shigaraki's body convulsed under the onslaught, his bones cracking and his skin tearing. But he continued to laugh, a maniacal sound that echoed through the empty sky.

The young man could feel his anger rising, but he didn't let it consume him. He kept punching, his fists now leaving deep wounds that even Shigaraki's regeneration couldn't keep up with.

Finally, with a final scream of fury, the young man delivered one last devastating blow that sent Shigaraki hurtling to the ground below. He watched as Shigaraki's body crashed through several buildings, the impact causing them to crumble to rubble.

The young man floated down to the broken village, his eyes fixed on Shigaraki's writhing form. He knew that Shigaraki's regeneration would eventually kick in, but he had a plan to break through it. He focused his energy and started to gather his strength.

As he made his way towards Shigaraki, he could see that his breathing was labored and his regeneration was slowing down. The young man knew that this was his chance to end the fight once and for all.

With a burst of speed, he delivered a flurry of punches, each one hitting with bone-crunching force. Shigaraki's body contorted in pain, and his screams echoed through the ruined city. The young man could feel his own strength waning, but he refused to give up.

Finally, with one last burst of energy, the young man unleashed a devastating blow that sent Shigaraki hurtling towards the ground below. He watched as Shigaraki's body crashed through several buildings, the impact causing them to crumble to rubble.

As the young man approached the fallen Shigaraki, he heard a strange sound - a laugh that was not quite Shigaraki's. His heart sank as he realized what was happening.

"All for One," he growled through gritted teeth. "I should have known you wouldn't go down so easily."

Shigaraki's body began to convulse, and the young man knew that the villain's true master had taken control once again. He braced himself as Shigaraki's eyes opened, glowing with an unnatural light.

"You're a stubborn one," All for One said through Shigaraki's mouth. "But you should have known better than to think you could defeat us so easily."

The young man gritted his teeth, feeling a surge of anger towards All for One. He couldn't let this villain continue to cause harm and destruction.

"What have you done?" he demanded, his voice shaking with fury.

The silence that followed All for One's threat was deafening. The young man could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his mind racing with all the possible ways he could counter All for One's plans.

But All for One wasn't finished yet. His voice boomed through Shigaraki's mouth once more, filled with a dark and sinister tone. "You see, Izuku Midoriya, the difference between you and me is that I don't need a happy ending. I don't need anything, really."

"Not anymore, but know this: neither Shigaraki nor I will come out alive. And as for you, I will make sure you won't get the happy ending you so desperately desire."

Izuku felt his confusion deepen at All for One's words. What did he mean by not needing anything anymore? And why was he so sure that neither he nor Shigaraki would survive?

Suddenly, his Danger Sense blared through his head like a sledgehammer, and he felt a wave of panic wash over him. He couldn't pinpoint the exact reason for it, but he knew that something was wrong.

As he looked down at his hands, he saw that they were glowing in an ethereal color of green. He didn't know what it meant, but he knew that it couldn't be good.

"All for One," he said, his voice shaking with fear and anger. "What have you done? What is happening to me?"

All for One simply smirked, his eyes glittering with malice. "You'll see soon enough, boy. But rest assured, it won't be pleasant."

Izuku felt a surge of determination wash over him, despite the fear and uncertainty he was feeling. He wouldn't let All for One win. He wouldn't let him hurt anyone else.

"I won't let you do this," he said, his voice firm and resolute. "I'll stop you, no matter what it takes."

All for One's laugh echoed through the broken village, filling the air with a sense of dread. But as suddenly as it began, the laugh faded, and Shigaraki fell to the ground, motionless and not breathing anymore.

Izuku watched in shock and horror as All for One's control over Shigaraki ended in such a sudden and final way. He knew that something was happening, something beyond his understanding. He could feel the ethereal green glow on his body growing, and he knew that it was somehow connected to what was happening.

As Izuku's senses heightened, his eyes darted around the area, scanning for any signs of danger. Suddenly, he felt a strange pulling sensation from behind, as if an invisible force was yanking him towards an unknown destination.

His heart raced with fear and confusion as he tried to grasp onto something, anything, to stop himself from hurtling uncontrollably through the sky like a green streak of light.

But it was no use. Izuku realized with a sinking feeling that he was being drawn into an unknown dimension, one that was completely foreign and puzzling. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before, and the sheer unfamiliarity of it all sent a chill down his spine.

He couldn't discern which direction he was going in - it wasn't up, down, forward, or backward. It was a completely new sensation that made him feel small and powerless.

As he hurtled further into the unknown, Izuku couldn't help but feel a sense of dread settle in the pit of his stomach. He didn't know what was waiting for him on the other side of this strange dimension, but he knew that it couldn't be good.

The fear and confusion were overwhelming, and he could feel his consciousness slipping away as he continued to be pulled further and further away from everything he knew.

But as he hurtled through the void, his consciousness began to fade. His vision grew blurry, and he could feel himself slipping away.

And then, just as his vision was about to fade completely, he heard a voice. It was distant and faint, but he recognized it instantly.

It was his mother's voice.

He tried to speak, to call out to her, but his voice wouldn't come. Instead, he could only manage a whisper.

"I'm sorry, Mom," he said, his words barely audible even to himself. "I'm so sorry for breaking the promise."

And then, everything went dark.